So this blog is about the Helsinki Hostage Summit where Trump was exposed as being Putin’s Puppet, on global TV and to the horror of Americans and the world. I have a working theory of how we got here, and the key is: the Republicans thought they’d get away with it, because everybody knew, that Trump could not possibly win against Hillary Clinton.
So this is my first political blog since the election (welcome back political readers, and no, there is NOTHING in this blog about my other topics, tech, media and mobile). Lets start first with the jokes. If you just visited this blog to get ‘those jokes’, they are here in the top and the lyrics to the songs are far on the bottom. So first the jokes.
After the Helsinki Hostage Summit, we now know not only that Trump should spell his name with two letter P’s as he is the TrumPP; he is Putin’s Puppet.
The Republican party is often called the GOP for the Grand Old Party. That no longer is true, the GOP now is Government Of Putin.
The National Rifle Association ie the NRA is now the National Russia Association (or if you want to be pedantic, it should be called the National Russification Association).
I had been calling Trump the Moron-In-Chief. He is many things like the Liar-In-Chief and the Racist-In-Chief. But now we have the worst conceivable title for what should be the USA’s Commander-In-Chief. Trump was revealed to actually be the Traitor-In-Chief.
And his flock? Those in the Republican party who support Trump? That is a cult. That cult was built meticulously over the years, over decades, cultivated and refined in its purity and hatred, by Fox News. We have a name for them. They are the Cult45. As in Trump President number 45 and a play on the Colt revolver pistol and a ‘malt liquor’ (lager beer) of a similar name. So here our new mocking terms
Helsinki Hostage Summit
Putin’s Puppet
GOP = Government Of Putin
NRA = National Russia Association
Moron-In-Chief is now Traitor-In-Chief
Trump supporters = Cult45
And from our 'best hits' collection, if you're here just for the jokes, lets do the old classic 'The Three Iron Laws of Trump'
First Laws Of Trump = Never Believe Anything Trump Says
Second Law Of Trump = Anything Trump Denies Is The Truth
Third Law Of Trump = For Every Trump Opinion There Must Exist An Equal And Opposite Trump Opinion
There you go. Feel free to use those and mock the Trumpsters with them. Now if you’re here only for the jokes, not the analysis, jump to the bottom of this long blog. I will have the song parodies there (Sinatra, The Beatles, Amy Winehouse, Abba, Eurythmix and more). Meanwhile if you want my analysis of HOW the White House was sold to Vladimir Putin of Russia, lets get to my working theory. Follow me beyond the fold here:
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(welcome back)
So. I am now convinced that Trump will be convicted of treason. Yes, you read that right. I am not saying impeachment. I am saying treason. He MAY get a plea deal of something less, but the evidence will be overwhelming that Trump sold his candidacy to Putin for millions of dollars and has been acting as an agent of a foreign power while in office, from the day he took office. It is not only one or two instances of questionable behavior. It is systematic actions in favor of Russia and Vladimir Putin. And the bribes were not modest numbers in the thousands. Trump took millions. The crimes are so enormous, Trump will die in prison. I expect he’ll get something like 1,000 year sentence eligible for parole in 600 years.
Before you laugh. This blog predicted that Trump will win his GOP nomination before the first vote was cast in Iowa (that is not remarkable, Trump was ahead in polling) but this blog NAILED the DATE that Trump would clinch - and that while everybody thought Jeb Bush was the other strong player, this blog correctly predicted the FINISH of the GOP race that Ted Cruz would come second, and Marco Rubio third. Yes. I said all that on this blog, in JANUARY of 2016, before even one vote had been cast. NOBODY ELSE gave a prediction of the date when Trump will clinch when I made my prediction. I was literally the first on the planet to call when Trump would clinch (but then, obviously, like EVERYBODY else, I predicted that Hillary would win in November).
Trump dies in prison for Treason. And yes, I have to write my working theory now, as most are still struggling to UNDERSTAND what happened at the Helsinki Hostage Summit. Note this article runs about 10,000 words, should take you about 20 minutes to read and you should get a cup of coffee before you start..
Yes Treason. Acting against your own country’s interests and in favor of another country. It is even worse in the case of Trump because he did so while in an official government position. Treason is the only crime left, on the federal level in the USA, for which they have the death penalty. Usually the LAST crime in any country, when death penalty is outlawed, the last crime they kept, was treason. Serving to help another nation against your own.
There is a great example of an American convicted of treason in WW2. An American lady, 'Axis Sallie' ie Mildred Gillars in Germany recorded propaganda stories in English, to scare American soldiers, to tell how they would die if they attacked Nazi Germany from England (in what became the Normandy Invasions, Saving Private Ryan, etc, that movie). The purpose of the recordings was to erode the fighting morale of US soldiers. They tried to make American soldiers lose their confidence and for example refuse to fight, or to become a deserter. That is ‘aiding and abetting’ an enemy. She was convicted.
But take another woman. Jane Fonda traveled to North Vietnam, posed with their soldiers and spoke out against the Vietnam War while Americans were fighting on South Vietnam’s side. She earned a nickname as being 'Hanoi Jane' and some in Congress demanded she’s be accused of treason - but it was not seen as treason because there was clear debate already then about the validity of the war, so it fell onto the side of free speech. She was arguing that the war was unjust and the US Government was lying to Americans (as it turned out, they in fact were, so Jane Fonda was also correct).
At this point we have not seen the indictments, we have not heard the full evidence, but there are enough tidbits to see that Trump is fully owned by Putin. There is enough gossip and circumstantial evidence, to see that yes, Trump took millions, at least dozens of millions, possibly as much as 100 million from Putin - to Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign. He did this knowingly, it was arranged by Paul Manafort (who currently sits in jail awaiting his two court cases where he will be convicted for life behind bars just for earlier crimes, even before we get to the treason with Trump).
To be clear, first off, it is totally illegal to take money from foreign entities in a US election. Trump took money from anyone, not just Putin. Trump took money from several Arab countries (UAE and Saudi Arabia at least) and many other places. But most of all, he took from Putin. And he collected bucks by the bucketload. These would be election finance crimes, and even at enormous levels, they are not necessarily going to get you for life behind bars.
However, if Trump then did ANYTHING as a ‘quid pro quo’ to help the nation that paid him - that is treason right there. That is selling your country to another. It is life imprisonment and could be even the death penalty. And then WHERE do we begin? Trump started even before he was President, by removing language from the GOP Party Platform that defended Ukraine against Russia. I want to point out that Russia is currently in a shooting war with Ukraine, and Ukraine is an ally to the USA for example fighting with American troops in Afghanistan. This is outrageous. But Trump takes Russia's side on everything. He talked of easing sanctions against Russia set up by Obama and NATO and the EU. When Russia continued its mischief around the world, and Congress passed new sanctions, Trump delayed punishing Russia. He helped Russia stay in Syria to keep the Tartus naval base (that Russia was already abandoning as the murderous dictator Assad was about to fall; Trump also let Assad survive - but Trump loves dictators, lets not get side-tracked here). And on and on. Trump’s whole Presidency has been a love-affair of Putin, praising him at every stage, and Trump has advanced PUTIN’s agenda on the G7, on NATO, on WTO on the EU, etc. Every time, Trump takes Russia’s propaganda position and against the closest allies that the USA has, like Britain, Canada, Germany, Japan and France.
Up to the Helsinki Hostage Summit, one could have argued that it is all conjecture and coincidence and a conspiracy theory. Until we saw the ‘Leader of the Free World’ act as if he was the hostage to a smugly-grinning Putin. When Trump arrived to their joint press conference he looked like he had just spent the previous two hours personally licking the ass of Putin. And Putin arrived to the meeting smiling as broadly as someone whose anus had been carefully licked for two hours straight. Look at the tape and look at their demeanor. It was the Sex Master and his Slave. It was disgusting.
And then we heard it. Trump, the US President, was aping Russian propaganda points, on his largest TV audience on the global stage. WTF? Trump? Yeah, we want to set up a joint cyber-security force? WHAT THE FUCK TRUMP? Russia just ATTACKED YOU. And now you think its a great idea to let the criminal come and look at YOUR SIDE of the investigation? When Putin suggested that he’d like to interrogate Americans - Trump said he felt that was a great idea. When Trump was asked, who is at fault for the bad relationship with Russia - which was solely caused by Putin, who annexed Crimea in 2014 - Trump said that BOTH SIDES ARE AT FAULT. And when Trump was asked, who do you trust, the American Justice Department and the consensus of American intelligence agencies, or rather the word of an ex-KGB Colonel, Putin the leader of Russia, Trump said that he felt Putin was speaking very strongly, so he TRUSTED PUTIN. Even after changing his tune "oh, I mis-spoke, I meant to say wouldn't when I said would" that removes none of the language of Trump saying that he trusted Putin because Putin 'speaks so strongly'?
That was a puppet show. The Helsinki Hostage Summit. And Trump went onto Fox to give similar comments. All these were in line with his previous attacks that week on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May. And then, after Trump’s political team witnessed the overnight polling catastrophe, that 20% of Republicans felt Trump failed in Helsinki, and half of Republicans believe the intelligence officers rather than Putin and Trump - Trump was forced into one of his very rare retractions (it was not even a non-apology). Trump spent half a day with his national security team trying to fix the damage. They decided he’d claim he mis-spoke and said “would” when he meant “wouldn’t”. And if you desperately need to believe, that Trump is a patriot and not owned by Putin - that will do. They will believe anything Liar-In-Chief says. But anyone who saw the event, or who listens to the tape - will see, that changing that one word - does NOT change the meaning, of the context of what came before and after. Trump CLEARLY meant it, in Helsinki, that he took Putin’s ‘strong’ words rather than his own Intelligence agencies AND his own Justice Department - which is run by a man APPOINTED by Trump (And a Republican).
Fine, so if you want to believe that it was an honest mistake, and Trump mis-spoke, you probably better quit reading here, and don’t read further. But if you want to know what Tomi thinks happens next and HOW the White House was sold, read further.
Trump’s behavior is NOT CONSISTENT with an American President. Trump’s behavior IS consistent with someone who is controlled by Putin. That is it. Did you notice, now in this total clusterfuck, Trump decided to invite Putin to come visit the White House. PUTIN. Who attacked the US elections less than 2 years ago. Putin who annexed Crimea four years ago. Putin whose soldiers massacred 270 civilians in the MH 270 airliner over Ukraine. Putin who poisoned people in Britain (another two possibly now, looking ever more like it was also Putin). JUST LAST WEEK the US Justice Department (yes, run by Trump’s own man) identified that the Russian ARMY intelligence performed cyber attacks against the USA. This week, another Russian spy was outed who was corrupting the NRA (National Rifle Association, a close ally of the Republican party). And the US experts say the Russians are continuing currently their attacks on the USA. Trump is so oblivious to the doom awaiting him only weeks or months from now, he is proceeding towards the cliff and just hitting the gas pedal on his car.
We know Putin has something.
They call it ‘kompromat’ in the spy trade. When the KGB got something, usually some compromising sex tapes, of government officials or military officers or sometimes major industry business leaders or also journalists, to use as leverage to blackmail them. It was standard operating procedure - on BOTH sides - in the Cold War. So yes, the CIA did this just as much as the KGB. And remember, Putin was so competent in the KGB, he rose to the rank of Colonel and ran the the Dresden bureau of East Germany's KGB office so also oversaw the hated brutal East German Stasi (think of the Gestapo, but a really truly brutally cruel version of the Gestapo).
We KNOW there is a Pee Tape. Why else would Trump bring this up TWICE to the then-FBI director James Comey? It has been in the gossip for a long while. And when Putin was asked about it - he very cleverly avoided answering the question but left the impression he did. He let the audience think that no, nobody would actually try to collect Kompromat on 500 people. Haha, in Putin’s Russia? Of COURSE they did, on all those 500. But Trump was WAY more valuable to Putin in 2013, than ANY of those 500 Americans who attended the St Petersburg Economic Summit this year. Hardly any of them were even in the ‘Billionaire class’ of people haha. Just ‘normal’ American business leaders.
Because Trump himself is paranoid of the Pee Tape, we know that exists. But that may have been useful once, it became utterly worthless, by the time Trump was found of bragging about pussygrabbing, and not suffer political damage. No, while the Pee Tape DOES exist, and once was the strongest of the kompromat that Putin held over Trump, that has been FAR superceded by what Putin now holds.
Trump had two imaginary publicists, John Miller and John Barron. Trump assumed one of those two personalities and telephoned up journalists to pitch stories about Trump. Yes, he is that sick in his mind, he has invented two alter egos to try to build a reputation that he doesn’t have. These two tell us about Trump’s priorities and explain the kompromat. John Miller told of Trump’s sex life. He invented stories of how many famous women supposedly Trump had slept with - and if a journalist wrote that story - the woman would complain bitterly that they hate Trump. But Trump - who is emotionally incompatible with a relationship - could not get any regular dates, he had to buy his women (apparently about 100 of those Stormy Daniels types of paid sex relationships including the famous Playmate etc). Trump’s three marriages were also all paid for, the women never loved Trump for a moment but were happy to do the sham marriage for money. And obviously Trump was serially unfaithful throughout all three marriages. But this blog is NOT about his sex scandals. Who cares. This is about TREASON.
So John Miller BRAGGED about Trump’s sex life. John Barron did the money bit. Trump was never a billionaire. The Forbes analyst who put Trump onto their list has later admitted that they were tricked. And Trump has built an ILLUSION of wealth, by borrowing from one sucker and then borrowing from the next, to pay the first. ALL AMERICAN BANKS have put Trump on a black list. They will never lend him a wooden nickle. And then he went to Britain - same thing. Today they won’t lend him any more money. Then next, European banks. No more. Now even the last of them, Deutsche Bank said - no more. And then he went to Middle Eastern banks and then China and Russia - Putin. But get this, John Barron was regularly calling up the business papers to plant stories about how rich Trump was, and what clever deal he was working on, to get more investors onboard, and to get convenient publicity - while Trump was pitching his latest scam to some new banker or investor. They all got burned of course.
But note. John Miller invented sex stories that were lurid, and Trump was proud about, even where women said they were not true. And with John Barron, Trump tried to inflate his net worth. John Barron would always call and complain if someone wrote a story where Trump value was less than someone else had said, etc. A kind of pyramid scheme of financial wealth.
If someone accuses Trump of being a sexual pervert, he will like that. It is not a good thing for a President, but his voters will forgive him, if they forgave his pussygrabbing. But his wealth? THAT he takes as his most important attribute. The carefully crafted illusion, that he supposedly is worth many Billions. He is not. He is bankrupt. He owes something like half a BILLION dollars to Putin alone (from long before the election) and his kids owe another about 250 million dollars to Putin. All handled via Putin’s Alfa Bank that has convenient offices in Trump Tower. Yeah. Convenient.
Trump is so paranoid about the illusion of his wealth, that when journalists were researching stories that Trump is not worth what he claims - those journalists received immediate threats of lawsuits. Most journalists ended up not writing those stories.
This is the kompromat. Putin can tell the world how for the past 5 maybe as much as 10 years, Putin has kept Trump from bankruptcy. That he is NOT worth 5 Billion dollars, he is not worth 1 Billion dollars, that Trump is not worth 1 Million dollars; that Trump is 500 million dollars in debt, but Putin has politely bankrolled this clown, because he was useful to Putin, and Putin is so ridiculously rich, he can afford this toy. Besides, the Putin money - all from his oligarchs (Billionaire-slaves, imagine how sickeningly rich you have to be, to have a dozen BILLIONAIRES as you slaves to do the ugly bit like touching money) - has at least some collateral in various Trump real estate properties.
And judging by Putin’s investment, he got the White House on a true bargain. Well played, Putin! Bravo. Well played. The chess grand master. A true Jedi move. Bravo!
Putin has all the records, and did you see the Helsinki Hostage Summit press conference? Putin actually ADMITTED that yes, he ordered his army to attack the US election. And that yes, he wanted Trump to win. Trump has tried continuously since 2016 to say, no Putin did not help him, and more importantly, that Putin would have preferred Hillary Clinton to be President, so of course Putin would never have helped Trump. That somehow apparently Trump wants Americans to think that Hillary would have been an ‘easier’ opponent to Putin than Trump. Well, yeah. Those of us who live in the real world, will remember Hillary MET Putin, when she was Secretary of State for President Obama. And that Putin truly hated the strong woman in Hillary. He certainly wanted his own puppet and would not want Hillary in the White House. But yea, that was only speculation up to Monday. But now in the Helsinki Hostage Summit, we hear from the horse’s mouth. Putin said openly yes, he ordered the attack on the US elections and why? Because Putin said he wanted Trump to win the election...... CASE CLOSED.
If this was the case - and Trump WAS told of Russian meddling in the election already in 2016 right after he had won - any PATRIOTIC American President would have ordered a total investigation (what became the Mueller investigation AGAINST Trump’s wishes) and would have IMMEDIATELY held a press conference and IMMEDIATELY issued new sanctions to Russsia. And the patriotic President would have ordered a massive overhaul of all elections systems to prevent any meddling in the future. Instead, Trump has spent the past 2 years continously denying what he KNEW, and then once the Mueller investigation started, Trump has acted to undermine that, systematically. That is not the behavior of someone innocent. That is the behavior of someone VERY guilty. Someone very afraid of the outcome. We KNOW now how this will end. The signs, now at and after the Helsinki Hostage Summit, give us enough of the proof. We know Trump is compromised. And then it becomes valuable to ponder the How. How could this happen - and who else. Yes, gosh, who ELSE is involved
I had often speculated about a possible NRA connection. There was a drip-drip of gossip and occasional odd news items but this week we heard of the Russian spy caught in the USA, who was organizing the NRA connection for the Putin money to come to Trump, and to the Republican party. Suddenly a REALLY big piece of the puzzle fits in place, and now, I have enough, that I can try to solve the puzzle, finally. Hence this blog. What truly happened. How did Putin purchase the White House?
The NRA. America’s gun owners’ club. A fiercely patriotic, very red-blooded, REPUBLICAN club. It is not a gun-owner club while people often think it is. It is actually the firearms manufacturers’ industry association. Yes, the gun manufactures like Colt and Remington and Winchester and Smith & Wesson etc (whatever their current owners are) are the NRA. BUT they offer memberships ALSO to gun owners, and various benefits like discounts to gun shows, shooting galleries, and all other sorts of things. And there are membership cards to their members. Of the many gun clubs in America, the NRA is the largest and by far the most famous. But while most think, it is a gun owner club, it is a gun MANUFACTURER club, where gun owners get to be associate (junior) members only. Famous Americans have been (figurehead) leaders at the NRA like actor Charlton Heston once.
There is almost no political organization that on its surface would seem like more ‘red-blooded’ Patriotic and ‘militaristic’ pro-USA and almost by definition anti-Russia, than the NRA. But somehow, in the past few years, the NRA has formed an unholy alliance with Putin - and yes, now the evidence is JUST starting to emerge, that the NRA corrupted the GOP for the 2016 election cycle. Note, that when this spy woman was asked to be interviewed for a bipartisan Congressional hearing about Russian interference in the 2016 election - the REPUBLICANS refused to let her be called to testify. The GOP knew that she would tell of the NRA connection which GOP wanted to keep a secret.
The reason the NRA needed to be brought in, is campaign finance law. The NRA can give money openly to candidates it likes. And the NRA can collect money in larger amounts and had apparently whether legally or perhaps illegally, been able to take money from Russia. In effect the NRA did money-laundering. Illegal for foreigners to give money to American politicians. Not illegal for the NRA to have foreign members (it is an association of MANUFACTURERS not citizens) and then for the NRA, an American club to give money to any American politician they want. A very convenient money-laundering tool, in fact.
It is VERY likely that ALL money from Putin, was laundered via the NRA, whether it went to Trump’s 2016 campaign or to any members of Congress. A direct connection from Putin to Trump would seem (to me) to be too vulnerable and possibly caught with Alfa Bank in Trump Tower, etc.
If the NRA was involved in this money laundering scheme, their leaders will rot in prison - YIP-PEE we get rid of that onerous Lapierre, finally! And the obstruction of the NRA to sensible gun control will also disappear. An honest gun OWNERS club will emerge after the NRA is outlawed as an anti-American association that was found guilty of treason.
So now about them Trumpsters. The ‘Deplorables’. Where did THEY come from and how can they be so incredibly dumb? They are not dumb. Ok to be fair, some are. But there are lots of totally sane people in the Cult45. Where did they come from? They were manufactured over 2 decades, by Fox News. They are a cult, like those of Reverend Moon, or the Scientologists etc. They are fanatical. And they have no idea they are in a cult (nobody inside any cult ever knows it, and will vehemently deny belonging in a cult). And they have been brainwashed. Systematically, the methods that Hitler’s propaganda minister Goebbels developed. Repeat a simple lie often enough and it will be believed. This cult existed but was without a leader, and without a political candidate. They yearned.
An easy test has been around for nearly ten years. Was Obama born in Kenya? All sane (non-brainwashed) people know that he was born in the USA. If an American responds that Obama was NOT born in the USA, that person is a Trump Cult45 member. Almost perfect correlation. It is not the full membership, because there are plenty MORE Trump supporters who don’t believe that lie, and there are more who VOTED for Trump who are not (or may not even have been) Trump supporters, such as some who just hated Hillary more; but the brainwashed core Trump supporter base? The believe Obama is a Kenyan. And that correlates very closely with one metric: TV channel. If you watch Fox News and don’t watch other news channels, odds are you believe Obama is a Kenyan (and you will be a loyal ‘base’ Trump supporter) if you watch multiple news channels regularly (not just rarely) (I don’t mean other right-wing, I mean CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC) then almost certainly you won’t believe that Obama was a Kenyan, and you are far less likely to be a core Trump supporter.
Fox has brainwashed its viewership to believe all idiotic conspiracy theories, they fear the ‘deep state’. They don’t trust the American institutions like the FBI and US justice system, etc etc etc. And Trump has added a VERY powerful addition to the mix, actually first pitched by Sarah Palin - that the ‘mainstream media’ is against Republicans. That the ‘mainstream media’ lies all the time ie they offer ‘fake news’. Most Americans KNOW that most journalists do a good job, and that they are human, and honest news organizations will issue corrections when they make mistakes. Fox News is the ONLY News Network whose policy is NOT TO CORRECT mistakes. BTW they also are every year the least accurate network too (most mistakes). So this fear of ‘fake news’ will insulate Trump at his own base, from anything covered in the other media, and meanwhile Fox feeds its viewers an alternate reality. They ARE brainwashed.
But Trump did not find them, the cult found Trump. Trump just started off as a loudmouth racist (at his roots, he is a racists, his dad was in the KKK and Trump is very close to Nazi ideology; his favorite book is the Speeches of Hitler). The Cult was looking for their ‘messiah’. And many in the cult - who believed Obama was not a Christian, and was from Kenya - had racist attitudes. Trump’s speech that all Mexicans are rapists and murderers, connected with that lunatic racist edge of the Republican party (who were Democrats till the 1960s, but then the Democrats kicked the racist wing out of their party).
The idiotic whack-job conspiracy theory nutters of Fox News audience wanted someone to speak to THEIR needs. And Trump didn’t know the language or what they wanted. As Trump himself had no political views other than Trump wanted to become rich through politics, anything was ok by him. So the year of 2015 Trump spent on the trail, speaking at rallies, and throwing thoughts out to the crowd, to see what they liked. The stuff they liked, became Trump’s position. Even if he had only the same day said the opposite. Because Trump is a systematic pathological liar, it was no problem for him to make ridiculous about-faces on any and all of his positions. On ALMOST every political position that Trump now holds, he has held the opposite position at least once within the last three years. Often Trump has jumped back and forth on opposite views, as far as I know the fastest triple flip-flop was within one interview (a world record) and four opposite positions inside a 24 hour span. Trump is the most deceitful - or most inconsistent - politician in history. And as the Cult45 only cared to HEAR what they wanted, when Trump said the right thing, they registered it (And cheered loudly) and if Trump said the opposite, they instantly forgot it and forgave. Trump soon learned what were the magic phrases that got the big audience reactions, so he soon developed the right vocabulary to sound like the priest of this cult that had found him.
The key point to understand is, that Trump never built this base. The base was there. But nobody had spoken to this base like this before. So they HONESTLY believe Trump and will remain with him until the very end. It is sad because they ARE brainwashed. Some will recover after Trump is gone, others never will. And this Cult45 was built by Fox News. Through propaganda. You CANNOT reason with a cultist. It is impossible. They will not ever believe you. They cannot see truth anymore. They will trust Trump’s lies over their own eyes or ears.
And before we get to Trump, how about the GOP? It seems, all the symptoms of behavior, and a lot of logic, suggest that gosh, in 2016, not only Trump - but the Republican PARTY itself, took millions from Putin. Yes. This is not just corruption of the President. Congress is owned by Putin as well. THAT EXPLAINS A LOT.
Tomi this is a plot from a bad movie. No it isn’t. Putin has bought MANY governments in the past. And his ultimate gamble was Trump 2016. But this kind of puppet? Look at Kasakhstan and look at Belarus. Yes, I know, you can’t even find them on a map. They’re both countries about the size of Texas. Putin has bribed them and turned those independent and nominally democratic countries into his puppet states. They have no border controls anymore, they use the Ruble as their currency and a military alliance too. Putin had this same scam going with Yanukovich in the Ukraine - Yanukovich a kleptocrat Trump would be proud to call his own son - and the EXACT same playbook as Trump. Including... Manafort !!! Luckily for the Ukrainians, they found out and had their revolution, Yanukovich escaped and Poroshenko became their new President.
So the Grand Old Party. How CAN it be involved. Look at the evidence. The HOUSE Republicans are nutty and prevented sane investigations into Russia’s meddling, and have been calling for Mueller to be fired. The SENATE Republicans are mostly acting semi-sane, and the bipartisan Senate hearing found that yes, Russia DID meddle in 2016. Why is this? The House gets elected in every 2 years. All House members had an election in 2016. Imagine IF there had been a massive infusion of Putin’s millions, that were ‘cleanly’ laundered via the NRA - in that case, ALL of the GOP House members who ran in 2016, would have taken that money (well, lets say most, not all). And it explains the lunatic behavior towards the Russia investigation in the House.
But the Senate? They serve six years. So only about 1/3 of the Senate was re-elected in 2016. A few of their Senators are acting truly massively badly and singing Putin’s tune - case in point, Rand Paul. Wow is he up to his neck in Putin money. But others (Marco Rubio also had his Senatorial election in 2016). But Rubio probably did not want to get involved with Trump collaborations and may well be clear of the Putin money. And as there only are 100 Senators, if 33 had re-elections in 2016, the total Republican field was only about half that, say 17 Senators, and a few of them probably didn’t go for Putin money - hence someone like Rand Paul is totally screwed and dies in prison for Treason (unless he asks for asylum in Moscow when he visits Putin now haha) but someone like Marco Rubio probably walks away from this damage scot-free.
There are plenty of OTHER reasons to think why the House is nuttier to begin with - more of a Tea Party influence there, and gerrymandered districts purify the party and no moderates are needed. But how can the ‘patriot’ party, the ‘America’ party of Republicans, suddenly love Putin and Russia so much? It does look like something VERY fishy is going on. Hence I am convinced that at least part of the national GOP (mostly on the House side) and the leadership is guilty of taking Putin millions (and that is treason, they are going to die in prison). Note, their campaigns did it, so their campaign managers and heads of their finance operations will also do the time but some perhaps time only measured in decades, not for life. We could look at 200 to 600 Republicans who are NOT in the White House, who will be tried for treason. This is BY FAR the biggest political scandal - and conspiracy - ever to be seen in America and one of the largest in the world.
So Trump. How did he get to the point of taking Putin’s millions. I think he was compromised early (the pee tape) and then Putin bought Trump with convenient bank loans when other banks said no. And I am pretty sure Trump walked into Putin’s lair, totally cocky and confident, that Trump would win, because he had tricked so many other bankers in the past. And Trump had no idea, that NOBODY on the planet prepares better than Putin - and Putin had one of the world’s largest intelligence agencies at his own personal beck and call. Putin had played the chess game to its check-mate before Trump he even had time to open his mouth.
But like a good fisherman, Putin slowly worked Trump and reeled him in. First were the loans to keep Trump solvent. And there was no end to how much Putin would give Trump. And Trump’s kids who are also utterly inept at business. I estimate that Trump took maybe half a BILLION dollars from Putin personally, ie $500 million dollars, and his kids owe Putin another $250 million. This all was before the campaign even started. And Putin was getting good value out of Trump, who would talk on pro-Russian and pro-Putin talking points and was seen as someone who could easily get onto TV and the press, and onto the Republican party events.
Then came Crimea. Putin was stunned at how harsh the reaction was. Angela Merkel and President Obama ratcheted up the biggest sanctions that Russia had ever seen, even bigger than what Reagan did when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. And Obama targeted the oligarchs around Putin who handle Putin’s wealth. It really stifled them to a great degree. And did you see who started from right then, to argue that the sanctions should be lifted, they are too strong, Russia needs some breaks (especially in real estate)? Trump of course, Putin’s man. And what did Trump get in return - more of Putin’s money. Part of that $500 million that I talked about, part of that came DURING the sanctions. So Trump was sanctions-busting. At the money levels involved (several hundred million since 2014), that alone is lifetime in prison, no parole. Trump WILL die in prison.
So how did the campaign money get in from Putin? Remember Trump the early candidate who was ‘self financed’? Trump is a cheapskate (and broke). He couldn’t afford a campaign that ran 6 months. He HAD to drop out before the first primaries started. He had the tiniest staff of nobodies. But he had the star-power that he could get on TV. And strangely, Trump could insist the TV stations come interview Trump at Trump Tower. So he didn’t have to pay to travel to the states where whatever was happening that week. Trump could ‘telephone it in’ and be part of the hoopla. Trump was running his campaign on a shoe string budget, often from his own living room. And he was selling MAGA hats, and promoting his new book. The idea of the glorified book tour, Trump got from his pal Newt Gingrich (remember Captain Moonbase from 2012?). So just take the free TV visibility of the debates, be ‘provocative’ so you hog the media attention, and fight with the others. Because Trump never needed any political allies in the future - he was going to drop out before Iowa Caucuses anyway - then why not sit the early part for the ride and get a huge amount of free publicity? And sell books (and Maga hats).
Nobody could understand how well this would work with Trump. He was perfect for this role. And so he started to bully his rivals - because NO other politician ever was that vicious, knowing they might want to ask that other politician for support sooner or later (and possibly for a JOB) nobody fights hard inside your OWN party. Trump did. He started with truly vicious attacks on his rivals and very soon bullied them to submission. and rose to the top of the polling. Now Trump was stuck in a dilemma. He can’t go forward, he is broke, and he can’t drop out, he was leading all the polls. So somewhere in December they made the decision, hey, we’ll actually GO into the primary season and see how it goes. The early states are so few, and cheap, it isn’t too expensive. And Trump switched from being ‘self financed’ to seeking TONS of money from anyone. But by now, no competent help was available and Trump himself refused to stoop to the level of begging for money, it was beneath him, so this didn’t work well. Then they had the scam of stealing money from the veterans (remember the debate to be chaired by Megyn Kelly, that Trump cancelled out of fear, so he staged a bogus veterans event. Trump ended up stealing money that was supposed to go to vets, into his bankrupt campaign. Yeah, that is the kinda guy we’re talking about. A true scumbag. Stealing from war VETERANS. this from a man who himself is a four-time draft-dodger (ie he did not serve in Vietnam when others did)). Oh, of course Trump still kept up the lies that he is self-financing.
Trump’s series of scams kept his boat alive for the early season, then came the heavy lifting needed for the primaries. In March the primary season got heavy, and you could not just go visit one state at a time. Now you needed real money to buy TV ads and do heavy travel. Now Trump was screwed. He led in the polling but unless he spent real money, he’d lose. His rivals all had good war chests for this very moment. And this is when Manafort stepped in to provide the poisoned chalice. Manafort was a professional who could do a good job as campaign manager but wanted a better title so he was made Campaign Chairman. And he brought the secret Putin cash. Suddenly, the ‘self financed’ Trump started to spend money like a drunken sailor. UTTERLY out of character. And now they started to hire staff and their organization grew rapidly. Here is where the cancer of Putin got hold of the Republican Party in 2016. Through Trump’s idiotic campaign that had just succeeded way too well. If Trump had dropped out as planned, we’d never be in this mess, but Trump made a deal with the devil.
Which he came to regret. Manafort started to manage Trump and he hated that. Manafort took no money (!!!! this should have set ALL alarm bells ringing) ie Manafort was not paid for, and not loyal to Trump. Who paid Manafort, well duh, obviously it was Chess Master Putin. Obviously. And then Manafort started Putin’s agenda. One was to name Pence as the VP. Trump wanted Newt Gingrich and would have preferred Chris Christie as his second choice. Mike Pence was not even on the horizon. Yet Manafort forced Trump to take Pence. It was so bad, that on the night that Pence was announced, Trump didn’t bother to dine with Pence. Pence had to take his wife to a regular chain restaurant in Manhattan for some burgers, on the happiest day of his life, when he has just been named the VP choice for his party’s President. Trump has always despised Pence and yeah, that was typical of what Trump tought of him. What the exact Russia and Putin connection is with Pence, I don’t know (and not really care much) but obviously the only one who wanted Pence was Manafort (and thus, Putin). And Trump was already then clearly so much in Putin’s pocket, he had to swallow the bitter pill of Pence.
Now fast forward to the Convention. By then Trump is down ten points to Hillary Clinton. Everybody privately is saying November will be a bloodbath, and because the Republican voters picked this unelectable idiot, the party will lose the White House. And very likely they will lose the Senate too. But they might be able to hold the House, if they had enough money - but Hillary and the Democrats were easily outraising the Republicans in campaign funds. It didn’t help, that Trump was feuding with all factions of the party even during the convention, from Ted Cruz to John Kasich to Mitt Romney. Here is where I think the unholy alliance happened. Consider the logic. If Trump is going to lose ‘anyway’ and Trump is taking Putin money - then NOBODY will be investigating the funding of the guy who lost !!! This is a little bit like the play and movie ‘The Producers’ where they try to find the worst play to put on Broadway, that is a flop (‘Springtime for Hitler’) and then the producers can make a profit. Because the GOP was certain Trump will lose, and thus nobody will ever ‘know’ that he was taking Putin money, why not take some of that money - to safeguard the HOUSE seats. Even if the GOP lost the White House and Senate to the Democrats, at least they’d hold the House. I think this was the poisoned apple that Manafort brought to the GOP - and the NRA. And the first clear evidence of the PARTY being in Putin’s pocket was that GOP Convention, when they removed the language condemning Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.
That was a VERY clear sign, that Manafort and Trump were cooking something with Putin, and that at least some in the leadership of the GOP were involved. Now with hindsight, we can see the vehicle how the funds were distributed (and laundered) was the NRA and seems like most of the GOP House delegation and some Senators got Putin money. I don’t see any reason that any Governors or local races would have gotten Putin’s money. So this is only really Trump, some Senators, and then House members (and their senior staff). Now looking over the past 2 years, we can see yes, those people HAVE had a remarkable love affair with Putin and Russia, as has the NRA. Obviously Trump had loved Putin from years ago.
Now, Trump HIMSELF did not think he’d win in November. He had planned a new TV empire (his love is TV, and ratings, not this messy unpopular job of being POTUS). And all the polling said of course Hillary wins. On election day morning, all early results were consistent with Hillary winning. But the afternoon a FEW states, and a FEW districts within those states went surprisingly-heavily for Trump. I do not know if this was actual voter fraud (it may have been) or just a very well executed get-out-the-voter drive and simultaneous successful voter suppression of the other side. But the game shifted in the afternoon, and Trump won. Trump was so stunned, he had not planned a speech of victory, and he had not made ANY real preparation about his transition (which led to his very botched early months in office and to this day, he is missing a full staff).
We know now, that Putin’s army - literally military - helped in the cyberwar. We also know that election SYSTEMs were hacked. We don’t know - and we may never know for sure - IF Putin managed to ‘change votes’. It IS possible that he did. It is possible, IF he did, that we will find out. It is equally possible, that if he did, we will NOT find out, and the holes will just be quietly fixed and this election rigging-disaster would be hidden forever from the public. Who knows? But we DO know Putin TRIED to influence the election, and he did it to help Trump and hurt Hillary. And yes, the polls were tight on the eve of the election (months of Putin-fed propaganda and his online troll army did a great job) and that may be what did it. But it is possible that actual voting systems were hacked (or even, possibly, some local election fraud happened in Trump’s favor, would not be the first election with fraud haha.)
This messed up the gambit that the Putin money could never be uncovered. And now Trump was stuck being President. And right from the start, he was told, that Russia had hacked the election. And right from the start, Trump - KNOWING that - started to push the lies that there was no attack by Russia - or it could be anyone, a 400 pound guy on a bed - and that there ‘was no collusion’. Note, nobody apart from Trump’s team has ever accused Trump of collusion. There is no CRIME of collusion. But Trump has successfully inserted that defense into the debate, by repeating it, and his surrogates repeat it endlessly. No collusion, no collusion. When journalists or rival stalk of Trump’s possible crimes they talk of CONSPIRACY not of collusion. The only times they use the collusion word, is if they QUOTE someone from the Trump team. Collusion is not a crime! But Trump has been promising us now for nearly 2 years, that ‘there was no collusion’. But then inspite of all the desperate attempts to hide Russia’s role, we end up with the Mueller investigation. And let me sing a short song of praise about Bruce Wayne (=Batman). Or if you prefer, James Bond.
Robert Mueller is a Republican. He is as straight-nail cop as you can hope for. He is a multiple-decorated Vietnam War veteran. He was a Marine, he went to Parachute school (very special super-Marine) and then he passed the Army Rangers school (the toughest military school for infantry in ANY country. All other friends of America will send their BEST special troops to train with the Rangers. It is THE most elite, you can hope to be in the military. A super soldier. A US Army Ranger. This, from a MARINE (they are rivals).
I could stop here. But I won’t. Mueller then went into law enforcement. And he tried THE most demanding MASSIVE conspiracy cases and notorious criminals. The most impossible Mafia boss to catch, the ‘Teflon Don’ as he was called, John Gotti. Gotti had avoided convictions by multiple prosecutors over several decades. Mueller finally caught him and put behind bars. The most notorious drug lord, Noriega. Mueller caught him. The Lockerby bombings of Pan Am in Scotland by Libya? (ie Muammar Gaddafi) Yes, Mueller ran that investigation and got his conviction. He is SUPERMAN. And this man is beyond any shred of doubt about his honesty and integrity. What makes me most amazed about his case against Trump, is that up to today, there have been no leaks whatsoever. Mueller is certainly the best prosecutor alive in the USA, he is probably the best prosecutor ever to have lived, in any country. He WILL get to the bottom of this, and he no doubt knows already today who all are guilty, and is just meticulously building his case, starting from the foot soldiers, and then moving on up. EXACTLY like a Mafia case like John Gotti.
It is possible that I am wrong about Trump or the GOP or the NRA. if so, Mueller will not be bringing charges against anyone who is not guilty. We will know in coming months. But he WILL get everybody who IS guilty. And if I am correct - and all the signs suggest this is true, that Putin funneled millions into Trump and the GOP in 2016, through the NRA, anywhere from $50 million to $100 million, then it is treason-time. Putin bought the election and Trump sold it. He used Manafort and the NRA as a middle man, and the GOP or at least parts of it, were also in it, and become collateral damage. Essentially all who were in Trump’s campaign, and most senior people serving in his White House will also go to prison.
And because we have systematic behavior by Trump in Putin’s best interest, against America’s best interests, we can be sure Trump gets a monster-size sentence for treason. I do hope they will not give him the death penalty, that would be too easy. I want him to live a very long life, eating healthy food, no more greasy hamburgers, in prison, and serve out as much of his sentence as doctors can keep him alive. And yea, he could get a cumulative sentence in the scale of 1,000 years, eligible for parole after 600 years...
Imagine if you were a cop. Regular cop. And you found evidence of a vicious child molester rapist murderer. You already know who it is, you've seen the mutilated bodies, and you start the investigation against the perp. First, how would you FEEL. Utterly totally disgusted and angry. Then, how would you proceed. you KNOW the legal system will TOSS the case out (he gets to walk free) if you mess up. You cannot go beat him up no matter how much you would want to. Your only recourse (for a cop who is not corrupted) is to proceed meticulously and make sure you have the perfect solid case, that when it goes to trial, this horrible criminal ends in prison. Right? Much as you might be disgusted and angry, you KNOW you have to proceed within the legal guidelines. And if you are VERY motivated to 'get this guy' you will be EXTRA careful not to mess anything up, and not to MISS anything.
Now put yourself in Robert Mueller's shoes a year ago. He sees the accusations. He sees some evidence. He starts his investigation. And right from the start he has SOME evidence which makes it perfectly clear - Trump had NEGOTIATED with Putin (directly or through middle-men) on how to take MILLIONS of bribes from Russia - RUSSIA - to sell the American Presidency - WTF? Trump was negotiating to sell the US GOVERNMENT? To Russia? There is no question, Mueller knew this a year ago. There is SO much tidbit evidence in the public domain about Putin money - and now we see Putin admissions of helping Trump in the eleciton (so of course Mueller would have had that info from US sources already from 2016) and Trump is such an inept fool, his Keystone Cops method of being a Mafia boss leaves fingerprints in every crime scene. Mueller has KNOWN that Trump sold out to Putin. Mueller has known this for a year, but he needs the evidence to convict. And he has found a VAST conspiracy that includes the NRA and at least parts of the GOP, in addition to Trump crime family and his close campaign people. So imagine HOW Mueller feels? He sees his own President, selling the USA to Russia. Can you imagine Mueller letting anything fall through the cracks? Can you imagine - a Vietnam war vet, wounded in battle, to see his President sell the country to Russia. This is why Mueller has the best team conceivable to assist in the investigation and they will get everybody. And everybody will be so deeply proven with evidence, everybody lands in prison. But spare a thought for Mueller. He sees Trump and some traitor Republicans attacking him daily. Yet he doesn't flinch, and there still are no leaks. If there ever was a patriot, it is Robert Mueller.
So how will this play out. Mueller knows Trump is dirty and just about every single other person involved. Because this involved international money transfers, Mueller got hold of the right bank ‘IBAN’ codes and the rest is history. He follows the money trail. And then he starts from the bottom and works up. But WHEN? I thought it was the Michael Cohen raid in April that will destroy Trump. That turns out to be so trivial, now Mueller just told New York to wait, he first does the big crimes they can do the small-time stuff later. And Mueller will be FAR better served if the House is in Democratic hands, so he will slow-walk this to early next year. Expect the end of Trump to come early in 2017 and once Mueller brings his evidence first privately to the Congress bipartisan leadership, they will all agree, this is way beyond just a minor problem. It IS possible that they prepare for formal impeachment. But in the case of truly irrefutable treason, I do think the Congressional leadership will instantly agree, this has to go via Trump’s resignation and plea of guilty and public TV speech admission of guilt.
I would think it then plays out so, that Mueller drives up to the White House in a line of FBI cars, with the full Congressional bipartisan leadership and they walk into the Oval Office. Trump will have been waiting and having nightmares of this day. He knew they are coming. And Mueller says, we know what you did. You’ll get 1,000 years. We have you on tape. We have all required evidence of the wire transfers etc. And enough of your underlings have testified. You will be impeached later today in a special session of Congress. Or you can resign. If you resign, you read a full confession on live TV and you can walk into that FBI car without handcuffs. If you don’t agree, these FBI officers will take you into custody and we’ll have the perp walk.
The deal for Trump is that he resigns immediately and makes full confession to camera, signs the confession and agrees it was voluntary, with his attorneys present (in the presence of a panel of federal judges to testify). He immediately hands his Presidency to Pence who will take the Oath of Office. Trump then goes to federal prison for the rest of his life - but he WILL have a private wing, so Trump never need fear any other inmate will stick some polonium poisoning into Trump. And he will have a retired US Navy cook who will cook all his food fresh, so he can’t be poisoned through the food either. And he will plead guilty to all charges and will die in prison. If he agrees to that deal, he can walk out with his dignity. His fate is already sealed. But the nation is far better served if the President reads a full confession now, rather than a prolonged fight. Then of course there will be the court case, when Trump has his short jail haircut (semi-bald).
They will ensure that Trump’s total legal team is there to give him advice, the network TV cameras are told to come to the White House and then Trump is given say one hour to decide. And of course he takes it, he knew all along, this is a crime he is doing. His luck has run out. And he is a coward. Putin has put the fear of god into Trump and Trump knows unless he is inside a maximum security prison, Putin will come and give a polonium poisoning injection to Trump. This is his only way out.
Ok, or it could go the normal way, he resists, they have to run it for weeks in Congress until they impeach.
And separately, obviously all other co-conspirators - hundreds probably - will be rounded up essentially in a giant FBI operation. Many of the people are millionaires and could try to flee the country on their private jets or yachts etc.
And it will be done suddenly, with no warning. We’ve seen Mueller’s ship is the tightest there has ever been. There are no leaks. When Mueller is ready, he will do it. I expect him to wait until early in the New Year.
I would think Pence has to be a Putin stooge too. So he signs a similar deal, he stays President for a few hours only, then resigns and reports to prison. But just long enough that Congress can appoint a new VP for Pence who then takes over as the first ‘clean’ President. And wouldn’t that be perfect poetic justice if that turned out to be the person who got more votes than Trump in 2016, ie Hillary Clinton haha..
What then? The NRA will be dissolved and their leaders go to prison for life plus many hundred years. A new gun group will be formed for gun owners, and probably the gun manufacturers will eventually set up a new lobby but they will never have any meaningful power in politics anymore. This means that sensible gun legislation is easy to pass in 2019.
The GOP will not die. A lot of is NATIONAL politicians and their campaign staff, plus essentially all who worked in, or are working in the White House will be behind bars. But there will be plenty of the Republican party left. To a VERY large degree, the prisoners will be ‘Tea Party’ members ie the Sarah Palin nutter wing. Nice thing, it would be healthy for the Republicans to get rid of that baggage.
I think the Democrats will bring back the old law of ‘The Fairness Doctrine’, a broadcast regulation that Reagan got rid of. That change in laws spawned Fox News. I think a modernized Fairness Doctrine governing also cable news, and possibly even Facebook etc, will help remove the cancer of ‘fake news’ like the brainwashing done by Fox News.
The next elected President will be the total anti-Trump. And the Republicans will for decades to come, have major debates about who is the ‘most not Trump’ - so everybody will release tax returns back to when they were 12 years old, etc.
Lots of election laws will be changed to ensure this can’t happen again. I think part is the corruptive effect of money and the ‘Citizens United’ ruling will be legislated out, by laws that the Supreme Court will accept. I would hope, that the appointments by Trump, would all voluntarily step down, and allow themselves to be re-nominated on merit, if the new President wants, including the two Supreme Court nominees, but that may be the wishful thinker in this blogger who always hopes for the ‘Hollywood’ ending.
America will survive Trump. Democracy will prevail. This cancer will pass. But we ARE witnessing the biggest political scandal of our lifetime. Enjoy the ending stage of the spectacle.
Now, here at the bottom some parody songs I’ve written about the Helsinki Hostage Summit:
I've been inspired to write new lyrics to several songs after the Helsinki Hostage Summit. They are very similar in their jokes, so just pick the type of music you prefer to enjoy. In no particular order:
Trump's fave artists include Frank Sinatra. One of MY fave Sinatra tunes is the one he sang as a duet with his daughter Nancy Sinatra, Something Stupid
Something Stupid: Frank & Nancy Sinatra
I know I stand in line until you think you have the time
To see Helsinki with me.
And if I will belittle France I know that there's a chance
You will be laughing with me.
Then afterwards we drop into a messy Syria
And have a war, or two?
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid
Like I trust you.
Like W saw in your eyes that you despise those Polish guys:
NATO at your door.
And though it's just a port for you Crimea new
We’ll let you keep it heretofore.
I deceive every day to find some clever ways to say
To make the Germans hate you.
But then I think I'll wait until the trade wars getting late
And all of Europe fears you.
The time is right your nuclear might it fills our fears
The sky gets red and, oh! The blasts, so true.
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid
Like I trust you.
Original lyrics by The SEVENTH STEVE aka HatRat aka T-Dawg based on
Frank and Nancy Sinatra duet Something Stupid. Nobody stupid was hurt or
humiliated in the creation of this joke, although anyone ‘stable’ level of genius
would be too dumb to even understand such slights. Meanwhile in Trumpoworld,
our Traitor-In-Chief is studying the meanings of ‘would’ and ‘not’. He is
currently still failing his tutorials.
Then one of the first songs I thought of after seeing the Helsinki Hostage Summit, is the ultimate song about defeat, ie Waterloo by Abba (the song that started their international career and was the Eurovision Song Contest winning song)
Abba / Waterloo
My my
At Helsinki Our Trumpster did surrender
Oh yeah
And he had met his destiny in quite a Russian way
The history book on the shelf
Is suddenly repeating itself
Helsinki! Trump was defeated, they won the war
Treasonous! Promise to love Putin ever more
Meddling! Couldn't admit if he wanted to
Evidence! Knowing the facts he still lies to you
Wow Wow Wow Wow
Treasonous! Finally showing his loyalty!
My my
We tried to hold Trump back, but he was dumber
Oh yeah
And now it seems his only chance is giving up to them
And how could Trump ever refuse
He feels like he wins when we lose!
Helsinki! Trump was defeated, they won the war
Treasonous! Promise to love Putin ever more
Meddling! Couldn't admit if he wanted to
Evidence! Knowing the facts he still lies to you
Wow Wow Wow Wow
Treasonous! Finally showing his loyalty!
Original lyrics by THE SEVENTH STEVE aka T-Dawg aka The HatRat,
based on Abba lyrics to ‘Waterloo’. No toilets (loos) were harmed in the
making of this song. No water was boarded either. But Trump just crawled
up Putin’s ass and licked it on public TV. The world is disgusted (but Putin
seems pleased). Please feel free to sing Waterloo and serenade the Cult45
Deplorables with this song.
Then there is one of the most horrible songs I know, but somehow the words just seemed to work for this song. It is 'Seasons in the Sun' by Terry Jacks and I apologize if you happen to hate this song as much as I do. Feel free to skip this entry.
Terry Jacks: Seasons In The Sun
Goodbye to you, my trusted friend
We've known each other since fourty nine or when
Together we've climbed hills and trees
Learned of wars and ABC's
Purple hearts, amputated knees
Goodbye, NATO, it's hard to die
When all the turds are shitting in the sky
Now that Putin’s in his hair
Pee-tape girls are everywhere
Think of Trump and he'll be there
We had spies, we found out, we had reasons to be glum
But the lies that Trump spout, were just treasons of our time.
Goodbye, Papa, please pray for me
You are the black sheep of the family
We tried to teach you right from wrong
Too much pussygrabbing going on
Wonder how you get along
We had spies, they attacked, Russian spies are on the run
But the lies Trump gave us, were just treasons he has done
Original Lyrics by Seventh Steve / HatRat / T Dawg based
on the hit song Seasons In The Sun by Terry Jacks. No
seasons were hurt in the preparation of this joke.
Ok lets take something more modern, How about Amy Winehouse? Her monster hit Rehab or better known as 'No no no!'
Rehab / Amy Winehouse
They showed me Russians hacked our election
I said no, no, no
Yes, I knew of the hack
By my pal Putin, we know, know know
I ain’t got the time
And my voters think I’m fine
They showed me Russians hacked our election
I said no, no, no
I’d rather be abroad with Putin
I ain’t got seventy days
'Cause there's nothing, there's nothing you can teach me
That I can't learn from my friends at Fox news
I didn’t get blessed with much class
But I know that Trump balloon has a big ass
They showed me Russians hacked our election
I said no, no, no
Original lyrics by The Seventh Steve / HatRat / T Dawg based on Amy
Winehouse hit Rehab. Nobody was forced into rehab in the creation of
this joke.
And certainly we should do some of The Beatles, to serenade our Fool On The Hill. I picked Yesterday as the perfect song, that Trump might sing, when before Helsinki, all his troubles were so far, away....
Yesterday / The Beatles (Trump Edition)
I’m not half the man you thought I’d be.
There’s a Putin looming over me,
Oh Helsinki came suddenly.
Why I had to go?
I don’t know, I cannot say.
I said everything wrong,
NATO left in disarray, ay, ay, ay.
All those spies they seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they’re here to stay.
Oh I prefer the Putin’s way.
Why'd I have to say?
I “would” say, I “wouldn't” say?
I said something wrong.
Now I want to run away!
Strength was such an easy game to play.
Now I need to yell at Merkel, or May,
I don’t believe in USA
Original lyrics by The Seventh Steve aka HatRat aka T Dawg based
on The Beatles song Yesterday. No days were hurt or damaged in the
creation of this joke.
Or then how about some Eurythmix? Annie Lennox powerful vocals and that song which seems to be made to describe Trump: Would I Lie to You?
Would I Lie To You (Trump Ed)
(based on The Eurythmix song)
Would I lie to you?
Would I lie to you voters?
Now would I say something that wasn't true?
I'm asking you voter,
Would I lie so much to you?
Putin! Knows what's in store.
NATO won’t be nomore.
I've told my lies.
I've walked them back.
Now watch me talkin'.
Walking back some more
Believe me - I'll fake it fake it
Believe me - I'll fake it fake it
Would I lie to you?
Would I lie to you voters?
Now would I claim something was ‘just fake news’?
I'm asking you voter
Would I lie lie lie to you?
Helsinki? I’m in submission.
Hostage! But no collusion!
I’m the biggest fake.
That much is true.
I’ll blame someone else.
I am deceiving you-u-u-u
Believe me - I'll brake it brake it
Believe me - Putin will take it
Original lyrics by The SEVENTH STEVE aka HatRat aka TDawg
based on The Eurythmix song Would I Lie To You. No lies were were
broken, faked or fact-checked in the creation of this joke. In unrelated
news, a Mr T in DC has been attending advanced linguistic courses on
the finer aspects of advanced vocabulary such as ‘would’ and ‘not’. His
professors report that his proficiency level remains stubbornly at ‘stable’.
And with this many songs, it couldn't be a HatRat sing-along, if we didn't have Monty Python's Lumberjack Song, eh? YET another version of I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK....
I’m A “Patriot” (and I’m OK)
(to tune of Lumberjack Song by Monty Python)
I never loved America anyway
I just wanted to sing, to sing...
I’m a “Patriot” and I’m ok
I trust Putin, I always say
(He’s the President its not ok!)
(Believes Putin, who lies all day)
The FBI, and CIA
Told me that in ‘16
our election day was hijacked
by Putin’s army team
I’m a “Patriot” and I’m ok
I trust Putin, I always say
(He’s the President its not ok!)
(Believes Putin, who lies all day)
My Department of Justice
Said they knew all along
They said it was the Russkies
But I insist they’re wrong
I’m a “Patriot” and I’m ok
I trust Putin, I always say
(He’s the President its not ok!)
(Believes Putin, who lies all day)
When CNN and ABC
Told us of Russia’s moves
I jumped right in to declare
It’s disgraceful fake news!
I’m a “Patriot” and I’m ok
I trust Putin, I always say
(He’s the President its not ok!)
(Believes Putin, who lies all day)
When Canada, and Germany
plus France, Holland and Brits
Said Putin threatens NATO
I bravely blamed their wits
I’m a “Patriot” and I’m ok
I trust Putin, I always say
(He’s the President its not ok!)
(Believes Putin, who lies all day)
In Helsinki I met Putin
I wilted like a flower
I crawled all up his asshole
And licked him for the hour
I’m a “Patriot” and I’m ok
I love Putin, I always say
(He’s the President its not ok!)
(Owned by Putin, behaves that way)
Original lyrics by The Seventh Steve aka HatRat
aka T-Dawg, based on Monty Python’s The
Lumberjack Song. No lumberjacks were maimed
or even cut severely in the creation of this joke.
So these are obviously parody wordings to existing songs. I never wrote the originals and I have no rights to the original lyrics. I made parody songs. I have no problem on MY work being used by anyone but please respect all rights ie the song and original lyrics if you use them in any way. From my part, I am happy to immediately here and forever give away my rights, but if anyone does perform any of these songs, please make some recording of it (take video with your moblie phone or whatever) and then please post somewhere like YouTube or Twitter or Facebook and send the link to me so I can send my followers to see it.
I welcome discussion and am very open to all points of view. Be aware, if you have not read the full article and post something stupid, I will delete your comment without mercy. And I have already admitted that I - like almost everybody else - got the 2016 forecast wrong. If you even mention that matter in your comment, I will delete it. Since I admited back in 2016 on this blog, that I was wrong, there will be no gloating now. Finally, if you use the terms 'fake news' or 'mainstream media' or 'deep state' I will delete your comment for being one who is brainwashed. EVEN if you feel you have a valid reason to believe something needing those words, I won't waste my readers' time on it - so don't bother. Stay on topoic, stay away from fake news, main stream media (or lame) and deep state and we're good.. You can disagree with me as much as you want I look forward to some good debate, back when I was writing tons of political blogs in 2015-2016, I learned VERY much from the comments.
(more songs might be coming later, I am not 100% convinced I am done yet... check back later)
wooden nickle
Posted by: davebarnes | July 20, 2018 at 09:40 PM
Tomi, I wonder how much jerusalem pay trump?
Posted by: Setan Yahoooo | July 20, 2018 at 10:44 PM
Need to add....
Briliant essay by Tomi. Agree Russia story, wonder if Israel pay Trump?
Posted by: Setan Yahoooo | July 20, 2018 at 10:51 PM
Thanks Dave, I'll correct it... :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | July 20, 2018 at 11:01 PM
Hi Setan
Israel is a really weird one. Netanyahu pulled a surprise victory at the last moment in his re-election. He always had a hard time with Obama. Trump has gone out of his way to show he is Israel's best friend. And then the US Embassy to Jerusalem. I do think that is mostly just Trump's personal geo-political position (one of few that he has formed) and obviously he pretty much torpedoed any chance of a lasting peace for the long conflict, during Trump's term. I don't think Israel kind of 'needs' to bribe Trump for what he's been doing. Trump was talking this type of stuff right from the start of his campaign.
Now this Syria deal with Putin? That is also weird. I do think Putin is in a hurry to get out of Syria so Putin is willing to do some concessions maybe into Israel's direction (of course Assad is Putin's puppet so Assad does not need to be consulted). But lets see what they brew up about that
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | July 20, 2018 at 11:12 PM
Only one error of fact.
Putin was only a colonel for metro area in East Germany.
Wikipedia has him in Dresden.
Because the Electoral College results were accepted in Congress, the 'stolen' election will stand most likely, even if there is a SC case.
so no DT no Pence, it goes to whoever the Speaker is at that time, then Senate Pro Temp, whoever that is at the time, then down the cabinet. Sec State is next. So Pompeo.
Posted by: steve epstein | July 21, 2018 at 07:17 AM
Toi, Blaxk mail by jews on media?
Posted by: Setan Yahoooo | July 21, 2018 at 08:49 AM
Trump blackmailed by jews owned media?
Posted by: Setan Yahoooo | July 21, 2018 at 08:52 AM
Hi Steve
Thanks. I'll go correct that
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | July 21, 2018 at 11:00 AM
Tomi, glad you are back, even if it is for just this post.
A typo:
"Expect the end of Trump to come early in 2017"
Posted by: Winter | July 21, 2018 at 02:52 PM
Michelle Goldberg agrees with you -
Posted by: davebarnes | July 21, 2018 at 03:14 PM
I do not think it will play out like you describe.
Moer likely, Trump will be declared insane, Alzheimer or something like that. His illness was demonstrated in Helsinki. Putin did not blackmail Trump, that would be suicidal. It is much easier. Trump is mentally ill, he can be easily manipulated. As you have written yourself, Trump will parrot whom he spoke last. So, after the summit, he parroted Putin. Back home he made a u-turn again saying what he was told then.
Trump is mentally ill, no doubt, but that is irrelevant. He will be declared mentally ill if that is seen as the best way to proceed. His underlings will be accused of having concocted this treason, and they might, or might not, be convicted. Manafort is toast, as are some of the other vermin around Trump. They do not have many friends left anyway. But Trump was legally voted in and has a huge supporter base. Locking up Trump would do more damage to the US political system than Putin could have ever hoped in his wildest acid trip. Self destruction is not a viable road to justice.
So, Trump will at best be proclaimed mentally unfit, and even that would have horrible effects on the political landscape. But that would bring in Pence as president. There are reasons to believe that might be much worse than having Trump. Maybe, just maybe, this might be the crisis that gets the GOP grow up and get its act together. Or, maybe, this wil in the end be the crisis that will break up the GOP.
There are problems with your theory. Mostly, no one expected Trump to win. So any conspiracy theory that starts from that premisses is debunked from the start. I believe I once posted a link about Russian diplomats panicking about the fact that Trump won.
If you are right, and I rather wait for the evidence, the real Putin conspiracy was to derail the election and delegitimize Hilary as a president. Just as the Russians have tried to do in many other countries. That they were caught up in a perfect storm, where decades of political civil war exploded in a populist revolt is just an accident. If you keep all the economic growth for the top percentiles for decades, leaving the bottom half work more hours for less money, at some point a revolt will start. Had it not happend in 2016, it would have happened in 2020 or 2024. That is, of course 20/20 hindsight. But it happened in the UK with Brexit, in Poland with a Catholic coup d'etat, and in Hungary with Orban a few years ago. It might still happen in Austria and Italy.
Do you know what could solve this crisis in one stroke? A fraction of the GOP could break off and switch to the Democrats. A functioning Senate and House could reign in Trump and make an end to this charade.
Posted by: Winter | July 21, 2018 at 03:18 PM
You place so many exclusions - areas not to be commented on - that a open and honest debate is not possible on this site.
Posted by: RickO | July 21, 2018 at 03:38 PM
"As she can rather easily fulfill all her campaign promises she will also have the easiest re-election anyone had since Reagan. That election 2020 will see her approaching Reagan re-election numbers and might see her winning 49 states like Nixon and Reagan did in their re-elections."
Posted by: Haha | July 21, 2018 at 05:58 PM
You might research the U.S. definition of treason. Otherwise not a bad piece.
Posted by: Troutwaxer | July 22, 2018 at 02:51 AM
I knew that Trump was either a Russian asset or a dupe when he fired Comey, and said on TV that it was to “get rid of this Russia thing”.
Trump’s preacher when he was a kid was Norman Vincent Peale, author of “The Power of Positive Thinking” a book that is all about how if you wish for things to be true and act like they are true, they will be true. That’s consistent with Trump’s actions that I’ve heard of since before he became 45.
When Trump is ousted, Pence will be too. Pence is damaged goods now. So is Ryan, who is also up to his ears in NRA money. That leaves Orrin Hatch, the Senate Pro Tem who appears to be a patriot. At least if it happens before the election. There are rumours that Hatch has been getting Presidential level Intel briefings for the last year.
I can’t see Mueller waiting till after the mid-terms. While the Justice Department can’t meddle in politics, they can and do act on criminal cases, which this is,
Posted by: Wayneborean | July 22, 2018 at 04:31 AM
Now, as to the comments
Nickle is the correct spelling in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, and New Zealand. Americans can’t handle complex spelling so they changed it. Damned rebels.
Trump isn’t insane by medical standards. That doesn’t mean he isn’t delusional, many of us are.
Hillary won’t run again. She knows how grueling being president is, and she’s now four years older.
Good to see you MAGA! Glad to see proof of my point about most of us being delusional appeared in a comment.
One last thought — while Trump is president and the executive authority in the USA, the other Five Eyes partners know exactly what is going on (they share sigint). Two of the others are NATO members which means several of the NATO allies are in the loop. Some of the intel on Putin’s actions is known to have come from France and Germany, and others may have also helped, which means portions of the EU are also informed.
So when news that Queen Elizabeth may have trolled Trump hit Twitter I laughed so hard I nearly fell off my chair.
Posted by: Wayneborean | July 22, 2018 at 04:57 AM
Great comments everybody
Winter, good stuff! Wayne, you too!
(am super-busy on a hot Twitter, will return later here, keep the discussion going)
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | July 22, 2018 at 08:42 AM
"Trump isn’t insane by medical standards."
Debatable. He a narcissist, which is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM):
More worrying, his linguistic capabilities have deteriorated considerably over time, indicating an also deteriorating cognitive functioning:
Posted by: Winter | July 22, 2018 at 09:17 AM
Wecome back Tomi!
I agree with your post except the treason part. As far as I know one can be charged with treason in US only and only if he or she helps a country that is having officialy a war with US. Unfortunately US is not officially at war with Russia. But I am sure that there plenty of other chsrges to be brought against Trump for helping Russia.
Posted by: oibur | July 22, 2018 at 09:46 AM