Our crowd-sourced survey of carrier support to Nokia comeback in smartphones, via HMD and the Android OS, produced the world's first picture of the 'footprint' of where Nokia smartphones are starting to sell. We found sales in 46 countries by October 31, of which 39 countries had moved beyond 'just selling' Nokia at some retailer, to having at least one local telecoms operator/carrier selling at least one Nokia handset. Many carriers did more than that, carrying two or three or all Nokia smartphones; to online marketing (placement at top of website, various online marketing campaigns like Twitter, Facebook etc), to in-store placement and ads, to even heavier ad campaigns in paid media. We found that 10 countries already had reached the point where all local carriers offered at least some level of Nokia smartphone support. And we separated out those where only 'dumbphones' like 3310 were supported. This was about carrier support. We also found that Nokia/HMD had started various major ad campaigns in several markets ranging from billboard ads like on bus stops, to TV advertising in some markets.
I am listing here below the countries and level of carrier support, as I have 'closed' the October month reporting for that blog article, and I now will continue updating 'November additions' to the list onwards from this blog article.
So how good is our crowd-sourced data? HMD CEO Florian Seiche just yesterday reported that Nokia smartphones are now sold in 80 countries. We had discovered 46 of them. Because we were 'only' searching for those countries that had gone beyond 'just selling' Nokia to having carrier support, that number would of course be smaller (and note, it was 39 by our count as of Oct 31) but we also found a few countries where retailers did sell Nokia but carriers were not yet involved, like the USA, Canada, China, Brazil and Argentina.
I would love to know the 'full list of 80' as per HMD and Seiche (maybe such a list will soon be revealed) but they did show a map. It was this map:
Now there is a problem with that map. First off, it does not have 80 countries marked. Secondly, some countries have many dots haha, like the USA with six dots and Australia with three, etc. I think they showed the wrong map, and that was maybe a map of HMD's international office locations or something like that. We don't know. The map had my my count 54 dots marking only 46 countries (haha, and this blog had discovered 46 countries, what a coincidence!)
Our lists have some overlap but are not the same (even after the many dots in the same countries are removed. I mean, Alaska has not by my best understanding, yet declared its independence from the USA...). So there are countries that HMD sees where they have sales that we did not include in our count like Japan, Ecuador, Vietnam, Iran, Morocco, Kenya, DR Congo and Guatemala (or Belize or Honduras, not certain about that one Central American dot). Meanwhile we had found a bunch of countries with carrier support already, that didn't have dots in the HMD presentation like Norway, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Belgium, Czech Republic etc.
So it is quite possible that due to some mix-up, the HMD presentation in India to launch the Nokia 2, had accidentally the wrong map 'with the dots' and actually bears no real relevance to the market reach of Nokia smartphones today. Our survey is pretty solid, I have all sources listed of who or what entity found that carrier support, and in many (but not all) cases I went to take a look myself, before I posted the update. I am confident that currently of the 80 countries where HMD is selling Nokia smartphones, at least those 39 countries have gone beyond just selling phones, they have carrier support. And within those countries, the number of carriers so far is quite remarkably strong, 79 carriers already.
For some level of context, when Apple launched the iPhone ten years ago, they set as their TARGET for the end of the first 18 months, to have sales in 70 countries. And in many of those, they only had one carrier per country like AT&T in the USA. HMD has on average 2 carriers per country ALREADY and its only 11 months from their launch.
So far this is all very good news indeed. Now, I made the world's first estimate of the sales levels of Nokia HMD full year sales for this calendar year 2017, and even broke it out per quarter. We have data via IDC for the first two quarters of the year, I then plugged in some reasonable estimates of growth rates and gave my first stab at the full-year numbers on 11 October, 2017. I arrived at my first annual forecast number to be around 7.5 million units this year for HMD/Nokia and to be selling 3.5 million smartphones by the fourth Quarter for Christmas, by which time they would be having about 1% market share globally (up from 0.7% reported by IDC at mid-year).
Since then a lot of info has come in, and in particular this wonderful support by my readers and Twitter followers to produce the crowd-sourced survey of the level of carrier support in many of HMD's first countries. And THAT information is truly golden. I can now revise my first estimate, for a better estimate (will likely have less error vs reality) and for fans of Nokia also a 'better' estimate in that the numbers have gone up.
I am also able to give a VERY VERY rough split REGIONALLY where the Nokia smartphones are currently sold. Isn't that nice? So lets first take my revised HMD Nokia Android smartphone annual sales, which is now like this:
Q1 (China only) sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1 million (IDC, calculated)
Q2 (June only) world launch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 million (IDC, calculated)
Q3 (world 3 months) about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 million (TomiAhonen Consulting estimate/revised)
Q4 (2 new models added, Christmas Qtr) about . . 5.7 million (TomiAhonen Consulting, preliminary forecast/revised)
FULL YEAR 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.6 million (TomiAhonen Consulting, preliminary forecast/revised)
Source: TomiAhonen Consulting preliminary estimate and forecast on Oct 13, 2017 based on IDC, Nokia Power User data, and HMD statement. Forecast has been revised based on HMD press event 31 October 2017 and CDB Blog reader crowd-sourced survey of Nokia carrier support globally plus other data. This is the revised estimate as of 1 November 2017.
This table may be freely shared
I have moved my Q3 estimate up from 2.5M to 3.4M based on the survey data we had and attempting to correlate with info like 'India is one of the 3 best markets' etc. I have then revised my Q4 estimate from 3.5M to 5.7M partly to have organic growth we witnessed already in the changes to countries that didn't have carrier support at mid-October but added it by end of the month, as well as various new ad campaigns popping up; and then added 6 weeks of Nokia 2 sales from mid November to end-of-year. I believe Nokia 2 becomes the first HMD smartphone that will be sold at the rate of 1 million units per month. So I added 1.5M out of the Nokia 2 sales on top of what I had otherwise.
I have not seen any other estimates of Nokia/HMD sales levels, nor any other actual measured market data since the IDC numbers in early October. I am hopeful that as we get the Q3 data by the various big analyst houses, hopefully a few will make some comments about Nokia to give us more guidance. I do believe that the data currently suggest that Nokia is roughly selling smartphones in a similar level as Apple and Micromax in India for example, and thus we could find some India-focused analyst comment on that race (in the bottom tier of the Top 10). Or similarly, in both East and Western Europe Nokia will be now safely inside the Top 10. There could be a Europe-oriented analyst house that could comment on what level of Nokia smartphone sales they see in their research and that could start to trickle out during the Christmas quarter if indeed Nokia is climbing up the ladder in the Top 10 in Europe...
So in the HMD press event they mentioned that India is one of HMD's three best markets. I wonder what would be the other three, in absolute volume terms (not as a percentage of sales by population, that would almost certainly be Finland at this stage). I think our crowd-sourced info gives very strong clues about what are the 5 best markets for HMD Nokia smartphones. Apart from India, I'll add Russia as 'certain' to be in the Top 3, and thus both India & Russia are in the Top 5. The last of the Top 3 markets is too close by my model that I can't separate them with reasonable confidence. So I'll do the Top 5 instead. The Top 5, not in rank of size, but alphabetically are:
(Listed in Alphabetical Order)
Source TomiAhonen Consulting Estimate 1 November 2017 based on public data and crowd-sourced survey of carrier support globally
This data may be freely shared
Those are HMD's best-selling markets currently. They each will have unit sales in Q3 (July-Sept) somewhere in the range of about 150,000 to 650,000 units of Nokia smartphones sold per country, per quarter (not per month). These five countries account currently for nearly half (probably around 47%) of total Nokia HMD smartphone sales. So please do not go looking for big success stories of Nokia in the USA or Britain or Finland. If you find ANY info about these five countries, they will tell you BEST about how HMD is doing. China, Germany, India, Indonesia and Russia.
Obviously those five countries are all large by their populations too. But note that two 'big population' nations are missing - USA and Brazil. Now if you want to see where Nokia brand is being most warmly received and has a good chance of being a Top 5 bestselling phone for Christmas? That is directly derived from our crowd-sourced listing. Those 10 countries where all carriers already offer Nokia smatphones. There the local domestic market is going to be doing best Nokia sales, proportionately vs the competition. These are mostly small nations but look at the list:
(Listed In Alphabetical Order)
Czech Republic
South Africa
Source TomiAhonen Consulting Estimate 1 November 2017 based on public data and crowd-sourced survey of carrier support globally
This data may be freely shared
These ten countries will have Nokia brand seriously contesting for Top 5 position for Christmas and can with some luck, perhaps even hit some Top 3 rankings there (especially Finland). Now lets take a stab at a regional split. Please again, this is VERY VERY preliminary but I have attempted to do a 'best fit' of the 3.4 million units into the regional split by the discovered levels of carrier support. I find the 9 regions to be as follows (ranked by size)
Western Europe . . . . 800,000
Asia Emerging . . . . . 750,000
Eastern Europe . . . . 700,000
China . . . . . . . . . . . . 400,000
Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . 300,000
Middle East . . . . . . . 200,000
Latin America . . . . . 150,000
Asia-Pacific Rich . . . 50,000
North America . . . . . 50,000
TOTAL in Q3 . . . . 3,400,000
Source TomiAhonen Consulting Estimate 1 November 2017 based on public data and crowd-sourced survey of carrier support globally
This data may be freely shared
So that's how I see the Nokia comeback footprint. The early heavy lifting is done in Europe, West and East, plus India and Indonesia. China is underperforming by its weight (very fiercely competitive market there, domestically and the burned carrier relations are still hurting). Very encouraged by how strong Africa is, am a bit concerned about how weak Middle East is. Latin America is a powerhouse waiting to be activated and those steps are apparently only just starting now. (and obviously you don't need to care about the US market, very expensive and home of Apple, let Samsung fight there, and concentrate first on the 'low hanging fruit' where the iPhone is not even in play and where the Nokia 2 will fly off the shelves from India to Nigeria to Indonesia)
I will also keep on updating on this blog page now, the crowd-sourced listing of where Nokia smartphones have achieved carrier support. Please do add your home country info if you have any, that isn't yet indicated. As I write this post on November 1, 2017, this listing is the 'final' count as of October 31, 2017. I expect this list will grow significantly during the month of November, and you can always go back to the original listing to see how it was 'last month'.
In Alphabetical Order
Bulgaria . . . . . . . All Carriers (3 of 3 carriers advertise Nokia, also demand is exceeding supply, source reader 'Vlad')
Czech Rep . . . . . All Carriers (O2, T-Mobile & Vodafone, source reader 'Slavek Cerny')
Finland . . . . . . . . All Carriers (DNA & Elisa advertising, sources reader 'Asko' & Elisa, Telia sells, source Telia website)
Hungary . . . . . . All Carriers (Telenor, Vodafone & T-Mobile are all advertising Nokia, source reader 'zlutor')
Netherlands . . . All Carriers (Nokia 8 is on all Dutch networks, also bus stop advertising, source reader 'Winter')
Russia . . . . . . . . All Carriers (TV ads on air, all carrier shops include Nokia smartphones, source Twitter follower Anton Namestnikov @Annamest)
Serbia . . . . . . . . All Carriers (MTS, VIP & Telenor each carry 2 of the 3 in some mix Nokia 3, 5 & 6; source Nokiamob)
Slovenia . . . . . . All Carriers (All carriers have at least 2 of the models 3, 5, 6, source Twitter follower kpkp @0kp0kp)
South Africa . . . All Carriers (Vodacom & CellC 3 each, MTN one Nokia model, source Twitter follower 'Ntete Metseka' aka @GoSharpShooter)
Switzerland . . . All Carriers (all major carriers offering Nokia including among their 'brand list' feature, source reader 'Joe Fish')
Thailand . . . . . All Carriers (source Bangkok Post article of Thailand smartphone market)
In Alphabetical Order
Australia . . . . . . 1 Carrier (Vodafone carries Nokia 3,5, 6. Source Vodafone)
Austria . . . . . . . . 1 Carrier (A1 advertising Nokia 6, source Twitter follower @Digitreo)
Belgium . . . . . . . . 2 Carriers (Proximus advertises three models, Telenet one; but Proximus store out of all three but have 3310 in stock, source reader 'luvr')
Chile . . . . . . . . . . 3 Carriers (Entel, Movistar & Wom have Nokia, source reader 'Rino')
Colombia . . . . . . 1 Carrier (Movistar sells Nokia 3. Also retailers selling 5 & 6, source Twitter follower Hernan Ramirez @HernanRamirez)
Croatia . . . . . . . . 2 Carriers (Croatia Telecom & Tele2, + 3rd carrier VIP sells dumbphone 3310, plus largest retailer, sources reader 'robig' & Nokiamob)
Denmark . . . . . . 3 Carriers (Telenor, Yousee & Three sell Nokia, source reader 'Elo Petersen')
France . . . . . . . . 2 Carriers (Bouygues has 3, Orange 2, 5 & 8. (third carrier SFR only does 3310, fourth nothing), also TV ads on air for 8, sources readers 'Phil W' & 'Michel C')
Germany . . . . . . 2 Carriers (T-Mobile has 2 and O2 has 3 models, source reader 'Huber')
Hong Kong . . . . 1 Carrier (CSL plus 3 local retailers advertising Nokia 8, according to my observations)
India . . . . . . . . . 1 Carrier (Vodafone marketing 3, 4 & 6 says iGadgetWoman; plus manufacturing locally, source reader 'John A')
Indonesia . . . . . 1 Carrier (Indosat advertising Nokia 3 & 6, plus biggest local retailer source 'Abdul Muis' local manufacturing, source 'John A')
Ireland . . . . . . . . 2 Carriers (Three & Vodafone, source David Doherty aka @mHealthInsight on Twitter)
Italy . . . . . . . . . . 1 Carrier (TIM has Nokia 5, also one retail channel, sources Twitter follower Luciano Corinti aka @LucianoCorinti & HMD)
Malaysia . . . . . . 1 Carrier (Digi advertising Nokia 3 & 6, source reader 'Abdul Muis')
Mexico . . . . . . . 1 Carrier (Movistar is advertising Nokia 6, via reader 'Rigoberto Calleja')
New Zealand . . 1 Carrier (Spark carries Nokia 3, 5, 6 & 8. Source Spark)
Nigeria . . . . . . . 1 Carrier (9mobile is advertising Nokia 8, via Twitter follower 'Mister Mobility' aka @moverick)
Norway . . . . . . . 2 Carriers (Telenor & Telia sell Nokia, these 2 carriers (out of 3) control 73% of Norwegian market, sources readers 'Ola' & 'Knut Yrvin')
Pakistan . . . . . . 1 Carrier (Jazz offers Nokia 5 & 6, source Jazz; TV ads on air for Nokia smartphones, source Twitter follower Harry Jarn @h_jarn)
Peru . . . . . . . . . 2 Carriers (Movistar Nokia 3, Entel Nokia 5, source reader Antonio Lazo de la Vega)
Poland . . . . . . . 3 Carriers (3 out of 4 carriers selling Nokia, heavily advertised. Source reader 'Mike')
Portugal . . . . . . 2 Carriers (NOS & Vodafone have Nokia 3, 5 & 8 models, source reader 'Pedro')
Romania . . . . . . 3 Carriers (Vodafone, Orange & Telekom each carry Nokia, sources Vodafone & reader 'Romania')
Spain . . . . . . . . 3 Carriers (3 of 4 carriers are advertising Nokia 3, source reader 'Luis Calvo')
Sweden . . . . . . . 2 Carriers (Telia and Telenor selling Nokia, also Elgiganten the largest retailer has it plus other retailers source reader 'John A')
Taiwan . . . . . . . 1 Carrier (Far EasTone Telecom, source reader 'zmx')
Turkey . . . . . . . 1 Carrier (Vodafone running ads for Nokia, source reader 'John A')
UAE . . . . . . . . . 1 Carrier (Etisalat has 3 Nokia models, source reader 'Abdul Muis')
UK . . . . . . . . . . 3 Carriers (EE, Virgin & Vodafone sell, also largest retailer Carphone Warehouse, sources reader 'Mart' and Android Authority)
Argentina . . . . No Carriers (no carriers yet, by my survey of websites of major Argentinian carriers)
Brazil . . . . . . . . No Carriers (no carriers yet, source reader 'Joe Fish')
Canada . . . . . . No Carriers (no carriers, avail on Amazon, source reader 'Wayne Borean')
China . . . . . . . . No Carriers (several retail channels, sources HMD & reader 'John A')
Nepal . . . . . . . . No Carriers (but several independent retailers selling Nokia locally, source Twitter follower Aatish Neupane @aatishnn)
USA . . . . . . . . . No Carriers (no carriers, several retail channels, sources readers 'Jim Glue' and 'John A')
(These may include carrier support, or be only retail support locally; we do not know more details about these countries yet)
DR Congo
Above is Tomi Ahonen personal interpretation of the dots on the map as shown by HMD on 31 October 2017. In some cases the dot is difficult to exactly guess, and may indicate a close neighboring country.
PLEASE NOTE - it is possible HMD accidentally showed a faulty map (has for example six dots for the USA). This 'map based' listing is provisional, if better info comes in, we will update it accordingly.
ABOVE listing is crowd-sourced by readers of CDB blog and my Twitter followers. This listing MAY BE freely shared in any media and in any way you want, without any further permissions from me or this blog. Please indicate the DATE you saw the data, as this listing will likely grow over time, with more input from readers and Twitter followers, so your listing has a 'time stamp' on it if you publish it. I'd appreciate a link to this blog if you publish to an online source
So HMD tells us the Nokia smartphones are sold in 80 countries (out of about 210 countries). We have so far found 46 countries by our own survey method, and HMD added via its map, another 15, giving 61 of the 80 countries as having been discovered. Out of those 61 countries, at least 39 countries have 'carrier support' so far, meaning at least one local telecoms operator/carrier offers at least one Nokia smartphone, for sale at its website or store. In many cases the carrier support is deeper, including more phones sold, actual marketing support offered, etc. In total at least 79 carriers have started to support Nokia smartphone sales (out of a global carrier community of about 800). We will attempt to discover all countries and update the above listing as information comes in.
What does this all mean? Google attempted to launch a smartphone and failed, then bought Motorola with which it failed, then launched another smartphone, with which it is doing trivial-scale global sales today. Microsoft attempted to be a mobile phone seller and bought Danger, then stopped selling those but bought Nokia and attempted to sell Lumia, and found it can't succeed in this game. A vast array of global IT giants have failed in smartphones from Ericsson to Siemens to Motorola to Palm to Blackberry to Dell to HP to Pantech to on, and on, and on, and on. Apple was able to crash into the race and succeed. Apple started ten years ago. Among a huge array of failures in the past decade, Apple is the only truly bright spot, although Xiaomi just might be the second newcomer who succeeds in getting into the Top 10 and staying there (Xiaomi was briefly number 3 before it fell out of the Top 10). Other brands like Huawei and ZTE have been in the handset biz long before Apple did its first iPhone, so they don't count as 'newcomers' even if you never heard of them until a few years ago. So who is there the real way to compare? Only really Apple.
Apple sold 10 million iPhones in its first year. Apple was only able to get to 70 countries of retail reach and carrier support in 18 months from its launch in 2007. HMD is the only other company EVER to get to 70 countries inside 18 months (actually 80 countries inside 11 months) and this is FAR FAR better say, than Xiaomi, if you like that brand. When we count CARRIER SUPPORT then HMD is FAR ahead of where Apple was, at this point in the launch of the iPhone. My forecast now says HMD will go past 10 million units by the end of December. I may be well off (for better or worse) but even if HMD gets CLOSE to ten million, they would be the only other company in the past 10 years, to have a 'succesful entry' into the smarthphone race. And before you say 'but they had the Nokia brand' then yeah, Google tried with the Motorola brand, Lenovo tried with the Motorola brand, HP tried with the Palm brand as did TCL. And Microsoft tried previously with the Nokia brand. Its not the Nokia brand. It is the smart management and marketing brilliance at HMD. If they do get reasonably close to 10 million, it is cause to celebrate it as an EXCELLENT launch. If HMD manage to do BETTER than the iPhone in Apple's first year in this industry, then yes, it would be a world-record launch, what we are now witnessing. Or want another comparison? Sony was the third largest smartphone maker in the world only a few years ago. Sony just lowered their annual sales target to 14.5M smartphones (down from 15.5M). That suggests quarterly sales levels at Sony of 3.8M units. Now consider that HMD estimate for the current quarter of 3.4M. And if the trend holds and HMD get to 5.7M or even near it, would mean the Return of Nokia would pass old rival Sony (recently of SonyEricsson) already before Christmas in unit sales.
And one more thing... the 10 million milestone. I do think HMD will celebrate that moment when they pass it. I expect it to happen in December of 2017 (cumulative 10M shipments) but it could happen as early as now, November, or be pushed to early in the new year like January. And there is no guarantee they'd mention the number except that it would be a gigantic performance metric and nice round number - I do think they'll get that number out the moment the can claim it. We may well hear the 10M number now in the coming weeks. Would be epic.
Do pay attention. HMD and Nokia are no flash-in-the-pan. They are for real. This is VERY VERY solid start.
I'm a little bit disappointed with Italy. It was a real Nokia-country and now very little support is visible from e.g. carrier side.
Posted by: zlutor | November 01, 2017 at 05:00 PM
Oh great, another Android phone.
Not an N95/N950. No one big feature. No keyboard or stylus (like the Samsung tablet w/ case I'm typing on).
No alternate - Ovi reborn, alternative maps, security, privacy, etc.
Just Google's bitch like all the others.
Nokia might recover and become a profitable second or third tier maker.
I wish they had a Jolla phone. I wish they would have a phone where I could get rid of the Google crapware I don't want. I wish they had a secure phone like silent circle or others where I could use hard switches to turn off microphones, GPS, etc.
But as I said in my opening, "Just another Android phone".
GM and Ford started a big decline with "badge engineering". The Cadillac Cimarron was 2x the cost of the Chevrolet X car. It merely featured as standard Chevy options like power windows. But it wasn't different. The Taurus/Sable? Thunderbird/Cougar (except the rear window).
All the horrors of Android - no guarantee of faster security patches or something useful - but with a bunch of superficial additions. Badge engineering.
Posted by: tz | November 01, 2017 at 08:49 PM
I hear what you're saying, but looking at it from a realistic viewpoint, there just isn't room for a second mass market OS platform in the market (iOS is niche).
I agree Android is not the best of the bunch, personally I'd have liked to see Ubuntu succeed there. But it is what the market has chosen, and every year it becomes twice as hard as the year before to uproot Android.
Or, like this. You can bitch and moan all you want about AC current being the prevailing standard over DC current in your wall socket, but at the end of the day, you want that cheap energy that electricity provides, you can either start building your own DC power grid and convince both electrical manufacturers and end users to switch, or keep sticking with AC.
At this point it's next to impossible to run a DC power grid - better to run a converter for the few times you really need DC.
Posted by: Per "wertigon" Ekström | November 01, 2017 at 11:39 PM
I think so far this is a solid start for HMD Global. I expect to see a international version of the Nokia 7 who is launched in China in time.
And in early 2018 a Nokia 9 with some kind of Zeiss supercamera and bezeless design. A unit ready to take on iPhone X and the best Samsung got.
2018 will be interesting then Nokia will have a full portfolio of the devices from the very low end to expensive flagships. And the carrier support will probably have increased to.
But we will see how it goes.
Posted by: John A | November 02, 2017 at 12:57 AM
Wrong. There is plenty of space for another OS, as long as it retains some compatibility with IOS and Android.
Your analogy of AC and DC current is flawed. There are solid engineering reasons for AC winning out.
Posted by: Wayneborean | November 04, 2017 at 12:38 AM
Thanks for the update. The numbers do look good. Even better is that the numbers are high enough that the line should be profitable.
Posted by: Wayneborean | November 04, 2017 at 12:39 AM
Hi Tomi, you can add Peru as a country where HMD has carrier support (just few days ago). In Peru, we have four carriers and two of them have started selling the new Nokia phones. Here is the list of carriers (including market share of 2017 first quarter):
- Movistar 43.03% (offers Nokia 3 - http://catalogo.movistar.com.pe/nokia-3)
- Claro 32.64%
- Entel 13.52% (offers Nokia 5 - http://www.entel.pe/personas/catalogo-equipos/smartphones/nokia/)
- Bitel 10.8%
Posted by: Antonio Lazo de la Vega | November 07, 2017 at 09:44 PM
Sorry, but no. There are no place anymore for any other mainstream OS than Android in Mobile.
Look at the PC - that only has a single mainstream OS. Windows. There is MacOS and Linux boxes, but neither are mainstream there, and both are held floating on different merits.
Heck, Linux, even with plenty of Windows compatibility through wine, have yet to break through to mainstream.
As for my analogy of AC over DC, it works perfectly for showcasing the problems of switching your infrastructure. Another analogy that works is that of railroad tracks. Once the tracks are laid, it will be very costly and of little benefit to anyone to replace the rail to a more standardised version - even if those rails would allow you to buy your rail cars at half the price...
Posted by: Per "wertigon" Ekström | November 08, 2017 at 10:16 PM
Hi everybody
Canalys has graced us with a rare Top 5 list too for Q3. Same order of the brands and near identical numbers as IDC & SA. Canalys counted total market as 373.5 million units
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | November 10, 2017 at 09:58 AM
Tomi, when do you make a book about Nokia mobile phone dramatic fall (and re-birth) ?
Have you read this recent one: https://books.telegraph.co.uk/Product/Yves-L-Solvay-Chaired-Professor-of-Technological-Innovation-IN-Doz/Ringtone--Exploring-the-Rise-and-Fall-of-Nokia-in-Mobile-Phones/20889259 ?
Posted by: Olivier Guyot | November 22, 2017 at 09:09 PM
Hi Antonio
GRACIAS !!! I'll update the list with Peru !!
Meanwhile in the Bangkok Post article about Thailand market shares, we learn that all Thail operators are now supporting Nokia brand. I will also move Thailand now to the supported category. (here is link to BP article)
Enjoy (I'll be doing Top 10 shortly)
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | November 24, 2017 at 11:27 AM
Hi everybody
Ok first national ranking out which includes Nokia in smartphones. My Twitter follower Franklin Nwachineke aka @franklinnwa just posted a link to fresh Counterpoint national stats. The first country which shows a Nokia HMD smartphone ranking is Vietnam and the ranking by Counterpoint is 4th. Very good for HMD Nokia. (Their ranking in all phones is even higher when dumbphones are included in Vietnam)
In terms of similar markets, similar penetration levels, similar affluence, similar cultures, similar region and similar distribution, you could based on Vietnam expect that HMD and Nokia smartphones are doing well also in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Philippines and quite possibly be inside the Top 10 in most of those four countries and possibly inside the Top 5 in one of them too.
Here link to the story
Looking like VERY good Christmas news for HMD Nokia and their fans...
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | December 11, 2017 at 10:47 AM
PS on Vietnam
I missed this until second reading. The Counterpoint data is for Q3 !!! not current Q4 as I was expecting. So Nokia HMD has breached Top 5 in Vietnam already in the quarter ending September and is clearly on a rapid rise. Vietnam smartphone numbers via Counterpoint Q3 are:
1 Samsung 43%
2 Oppo 22%
3 Vivo 5%
4 Nokia HMD 5%
5 Itel 4%
If that was Q3, it is a pretty safe bet Nokia HMD is past Vivo to number 3 for the December quarter in Vietnam (but far below Oppo and Sammy)
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | December 11, 2017 at 11:12 AM
Hi all
From same Counterpoint and Q3
Via Twitter and my follower Zoltan Lutor @zlutor a few days ago, Counterpoint gave rankings for Nokia HMD when featurephones are included for a few regions/countries:
Counterpoint's Neil Shah @neiltwitz confirmed these are valid:
Nokia HMD smart & featurephones combined are ranked for Q3:
1 in Middle East
3 in UK
3 in Indonesia
4 in Russia
5 in India
8 Globally
Nice but that is obviously powered by the featurephones like 3310
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | December 11, 2017 at 11:29 AM
Hi Everybody
Finnish operators do a monthly press release of what are their top-selling handset models around the first of the month. For sales in the month of November, Nokia HMD has now appeared on the top lists of 2 of the 3 operators. At DNA the first model has joined the Top 10 (Nokia 6 ranked 9th) with a second phone (Nokia 8) in at the bottom of Top 15. At Elisa there is one Nokia model at the bottom of Top 15 (Nokia 6). Over at Telia aka Sonera, they only publish a Top 10 and no Nokia there yet.
Using the rankings, it is a highly likely national ranking that Samsung is number 1 in Finland, Apple 2, Huawei 3, OnePlus 4 and Nokia 5 among smartphones. Note that this is based only on operator-store sales, there is a healthy large independent store market also in Finland and that is likely more driven by popular models that have suitable pricing deals per retail channel.
But for Finland, heading into Christmas, Nokia seems to be barely inside the Top 5. Not at all bad, but Finland is likely one of Nokia HMD's best markets in any case, so this will not be the 'pattern' for the rest of the world, but could be a pattern for what is happening in countries that are particularly Nokia-friendly. Here are the links:
Telia (Sonera)
(am scouring the world for more Nokia HMD numbers for you...)
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | December 20, 2017 at 09:40 AM
Hi Everybody
Wow. Stipe at Nokia Mob has just done some analysis out of fresh IDC numbers and gets us a total of all HMD Nokia phones sold (smart & dumbphones combined) for Q3. He gets the number at 20.8M vs 14.4M in Q2. No doubt part, probably the majority of the growth is dumbphones but even so - gosh, this gives VERY good room for serious growth in smartphones. Enjoy. I'll do my analysis of their analysis in a new blog for us to ponder (for some reason can't post the link here, Typepad is again acting weird)
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | December 20, 2017 at 11:11 PM
Ok new Nokia numbers are up via IDC. Enjoy
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | December 21, 2017 at 12:30 AM
Well, the new Nokias are definitely available in Ecuador from the carrier Movistar, I think it's the only one that offer them here so far.
Posted by: Goc | December 27, 2017 at 06:30 AM