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September 25, 2017




If you delete 1 clown, remember clown name alias


Jim Glu
Jim Glue
James Glu
James Glue


Tomi, foldable (android) phones were tried before by at least NEC and were not received well....although Android didn't really support the concept and the bezel meant a large gap between the 2 sides so maybe have a better chance now.

Wayne Borean

I can see the advantages, but I can also see the disadvantages (moving parts), so I'm really not sure that folding screens will have enough advantages to make them a success. What might work would be the largest current screen size folded to give an enormous screen, with a Bluetooth keyboard (or built in keyboard) to make a laptop replacement.

I'm skeptical about this innovation. Should be interesting to see how it all plays out, and at least someone is trying something.

Abdul Muis

Lenovo have prototype


"Apple has patented tons of things related to foldable displays and so has done Gorning."

The idea of a folded screen is rather old. Even the OLPC had such a design:

I found references to this idea from 1993:



you delete cookie cause you coward, want do bad, hide always.

john F.


Hi Tomi, was reading about android adoption rates, this few paragraphs i found interesting, in a way, why innovate if most users don't use it or are 2 years late.

Here are some paragraphs, it might be interesting to deep dive in this matter, so we don't talk apple all the time -))
What's your take?

At any given point in time, most Android users are using something other than the last two versions of the software. Compare that to iOS, where new versions become the most used within the first few weeks, and dominate the base within the first three months.

The Most Popular Version Today is Two Years Old
The most widely-used version of Android today isn’t even the version released a year ago, but the Marshmallow version released in October 2015, nearly two years ago. And that just barely became the most widely-used version in June of this year — before that, it was Lollipop, released in November 2014:

Every Version of Android Gets Lower Penetration in the First Year Than the Last One
Jelly Bean achieved just under 40% penetration of the Android base at the end of its first year, KitKat achieved 30%, Lollipop 25% and 24% respectively, and we’re still waiting to see where Nougat will be after its first full year, but chances are it’ll top out at around 17–18%, the lowest by far.

Abdul Muis


The way android and iphone do the OS is different. Using last year android does not mean insecure. The important thing is the monthly security update.

Second, each time a new android OS become available, the phone pool is bigger. In jelly bean ear perhaps only 800 million phone, compared to perhaps 2 billion phone of android phone now. So, new version is harder to dominate.

Jim Glue

The incredibly poor adoption rate of the latest Android OS is indeed a security concern. Things like "monthly security updates" aren't on those older versions of the OS. Google is working hard on this problem, but the fact they are working hard on it helps you understand that it IS a problem.

In addition to poor security (of which old versions of Android are only one of the problems) - low adoption of the latest Android means that developers can't create apps that use whatever new goodness that comes with the new Android.

Customer satisfaction is hurt as an older phone is REALLY an older phone. I'm not buying a new iPhone this year, but I got the nice new OS update. The improvement between my Apple Watch on Watch OS/4 and iPhone on iOS 11 is significant. All without having to buy anything new.

Apple iPhones get much better resale value because they can still run the new iOS. Better resale value means that iPhone's aren't as expensive as you might think.

If you can't admit the clear superior advantage of Apple's ability to get OS updates to it's install base...then you are merely a fanboy, an AndroidSheep. It's no different than Apple fans who would say that memory card expansion wouldn't be something nice to have.

john F.


Not referring to security in particular but to innovation, Oreo is out and the android 95% of world can't update and enjoy all new innovations, those guys are using something from 2 years ago and many more even older, and it's a huge amount of people that reads on the news... new oreo, mega innovative, super android but can't even get it

Oreo is out and just a small % is on Nougat

My point is that this blog discusses a lot about iPhone deficiencies and faults, its ok.

It's time to have a deep discussion about this huge, disastrous problem, because it is... Android innovates, amazing and 2 years later people use the one of 2 years ago.


@Tomi: You could also *start* with a square(ish) device, and unfold it to a 18:9 (or whatever) format.

Abdul Muis

@John F

Perhaps because Tomi didn't see any problem with Android with such a huge user number. In other words... the problem is big but since the competitor were only 1/4 or 1/5 of android, so....

Abdul Muis

@Jim Glu

And you're not an iSheep?

john F.

@ Abdul
the competitor were only 1/4 or 1/5 of android, so....

Hi Abdul, it's about innovation not market share or size of competition, let me explain again my point because you answer in different direction.

Android comes out with innovation but 95% of android don't get to take advantage of this innovation, many can't update, many only can get oreo if they buy a new phone, many only use old versions of android and just a minority uses oreo

Let's address the problem I am asking Tomi about. All the talk about Android innovation but it does not go mainstream and it takes long time for a 1/4 or 1/5 of users to have ( see, now this number is important), and when they do, there is a new one already that they can't update, so...

Jim Glue

Hi Abdul,

Nope, I am guiltless of being an iSheep though I understand why the term exists. I like Apple products for many reasons, none of which have anything to do with image, status or popularity.

I like Android as well. I have Android based tablets and backup phones.

None of this has anything to do with my analysis. You don't have to like Apple in order to understand what I understand. When I point out the security problems, fragmentation issues, and lack of OS upgrades for the average Android user...I'm not gleeful or wishing bad things on Android.

For example, Google buying/bailing out HTC is not a sign of strength for either company. My choice of an iPhone for my daily driver has nothing to do with my analysis of "what it means" that Google HAD to bail out HTC.

Around the net I've participated on various forums for years. I'd be embarrassed if I'd been saying Apple is doomed all the while Apple went from iPod maker to the largest and most profitable company of any kind. And after did so, and is so, and is so well positioned to keep it so....I'd be embarrassed to CONTINUE predicting doom for Apple.

I'm one of those who thought Msft had a chance with windows phone and that the purchase of Nokia, while desperate, had a chance to succeed. I didn't keep on with that perspective as reality showed me to be wrong.

The AndroidSheep here are like that. They aren't analyzing, they are fantasizing just as much as those who are still believing in Windows Phone would be

Abdul Muis


"Nope, I am guiltless of being an iSheep though I understand why the term exists. I like Apple products for many reasons, none of which have anything to do with image, status or popularity."

Really, I quote you from "A person who buys a $50 Android phone and runs it on a pay as you go plan with little or no data is not the same value for the ecosystem as a customer who spent $1000 on an iPhone and will spend another $1000 on accessories (Apple Watch, Airpods, iPad), apps, and services."

You keep insisting that Android user = US$50, and iPhone US$1000. You keep using the same argument since your name was baron, then wayne.

And you've been saying you're not an iSheep because you own US$50 android phone as a backup for your US$1000 iPhone, and iPhone user were rich... BIG LOL!!! You will be surprised when you go to asia, and see an android user who you claim to be poor, have 2 android flaghsip... And they pay in full price!!

Abdul Muis

@john F

"Android comes out with innovation but 95% of android don't get to take advantage of this innovation, many can't update, many only can get oreo if they buy a new phone, many only use old versions of android and just a minority uses oreo "

While this is a sad things for you and me. But the majority of android user just don't care. My parents were the example. Every couple months that I have time, I will check their phone, and update the android (security update or perhaps OS update), and apps.

And, they're not the only one. Many user, android or iOS, don't really care about the new update. They don't feel they got any new benefit from the new OS.

Perhaps you should try this. Asking yourself, if you only use WhatsApp, Google Maps, Google Chrome, SMS, Youtube, Netflix. What benefit do you got for upgrading the OS. That's what the majority think about OS upgrade.

If you do really care OS upgrade, then you should buy Pixel phone if you want to use the latest android, or if you don't mind being late a couple of months, then you should try Samsung/Sony/LG/Motorola flagship.

Jim Glue

Abdul - I am saying that Apple's market share decline is SOLELY about the growth of Android sales in the low price tiers. It has nothing to do with actually losing ground to Android in the price tiers Apple actually competes in.

And I agree that the majority of Android customers couldn't care less about the features at the high end. What you can't seem to grasp is that there is little to no money to be made catering to your grandparents BECAUSE they don't care. They don't use their smartphones to do much of anything actually "smart". They'd get along just fine with a feature phone.

Abdul Muis
Bill Gates just switched to an Android phone

Abdul Muis

@Jim Glu

" What you can't seem to grasp is that there is little to no money to be made catering to your grandparents BECAUSE they don't care."

And what you refuse to understand is that NOT all iPhone user is like the way you describe. If you go to Asia, 95% of iPhone user is the one that only use What'sApp, Facebook, SMS, browser.

When I said that most people don't care about the OS update/upgrade, I'm not talking about android user. It's mobile phone user in general.

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