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February 15, 2017


I'm still using a Nokia Lumia

I think the chances that the new 3310 does not have a bigger screen than the original are about zero.

What I would really hope for Nokia (the brand, not the company) to do is concentrate on Android, but also give us some models of Windows phones or some series which are specifically sold to be reflashed with different OSes, like Windows, Sailfish, Tizen, etc. I mean, they just need to have a forum or some sort of online community up on Nokia's website for those people to discuss and see that their existence is acknowledged by Nokia.
Nobody else does that nowadays. Sure, there's XDA, but no important phone maker does it. Nokia should profit from it.


A Nokia branded Samsung clone?
I want a real, slide out keyboard with all the letters, numbers, symbols. and controls.
And a long lived, removable battery.

Even the Blackberry Priv's keyboard couldn't do some key combos.

I'm not sure where the race to razor blade came from, but I just got a Kindle HD 8, it's cheap, you'd call it a brick, but it is no harder to carry, and the sound is much better and louder than my thin Samsung tablet.

They need to do something different.

Telmo Pimentel Mota

In this ever more connected world, access to internet is a must. Wifi should be a natural addition to a 3310 comeback.
And what about apps? Why not drop in some old tech like Java ME?

I'm still using a Nokia Lumia

@Telmo Pimentel Mota
It will most likely have all the things you mentioned. It will most probably use the regular S30+ that recent Nokia featurephones used.


I want a security hardened OS. Work with F-Secure and SSH and deliver something safe and secure out of the box.


@Johnson: Sailfish? ;)


"I so hope your fever dreams come true."

So do I, but I already said it last year:

"expect standard slabs, perhaps no worse than the competition, but with no USP."

So far, nothing from HMD seems to invalidate this statement.

As for the 3310 reborn: if it does not have LTE or at least 3G (improbable since it will almost certainly run S30+ like all Nokia-branded feature phones since Microsoft took over), then forget it for advanced markets where 2G is already being phased out.

Personally, I would love to get my hands on an LTE capable S40 device -- but that is pure fantasy.


@zlutor: improbable but a cool thought.

I really do think there is a market for a security-minded solutin in mobile. Everyone and their 70 year old mother is very aware of the threats out there, but security and privacy are hard.

Nokia could make it easy and integrated for the user and infrastucture providor. Especially through cooperation with the security and privacy front runners f-secure and SSH, who also happen to be Finnish. Nokia could build compelling USPs through security services on top.

As a side note, with a little coordination and visionary commitment with/from the government and legistlators, Finland is in a position to become the switzerland of world's data. The cpassic Harvard business cluster potential waiting for someone to connect the dots.

Tomi: thoughts?

Abdul Muis


"As for the 3310 reborn: if it does not have LTE or at least 3G (improbable since it will almost certainly run S30+ like all Nokia-branded feature phones since Microsoft took over), then forget it for advanced markets where 2G is already being phased out.

Personally, I would love to get my hands on an LTE capable S40 device -- but that is pure fantasy."

I really don't need any non-smartphone now. But if Nokia made cheap LTE 3310, I would be itching very hard each time I see that brand-new 3310.

I really hope the brand new 3310 it's not using the old S30/S40 OS, but using their canceled meltemi OS.


@Abdul Muis
From what I have heard, all copies of the Meltemi source code that the developers had access to have been destroyed by Elop's henchmen. Whether there are any copies left, who knows.

2G/3G should be enough, as there are some countries where 2G is phased out, some countries where 3G is phased out, but no country (AFAIK) where both 2G and 3G are phased out. And dumbphones with 3G have been around for a while.


@Abdul Muis
"I really hope the brand new 3310 it's not using the old S30/S40 OS, but using their canceled meltemi OS."

The cheapest and fasted option to produce a feature phone is to create a dumbed down Android phone. Just the bare necessities of AOSP with the lowest level hardware.

Abdul Muis

@chithanh & @Winter

What I meant is, don't use the old S30/S40. It's already too old. Meltemi/Linux or dumb down Android phone is good. I'm expecting modern web browser, even it's a featurephone.

I know 4G is overkill, but with 4G and if able to tether internet (perhaps with cable), it would be a great device.


If there are new N series devices I very much doubt they'll be running Symbian or Meego but what HMD could do to make them interesting is to include more of the platform you get with a traditional Linux distro but that usually gets stripped out with Android.

An incorporated scripting layer with system wide event listeners that enables power users to attach (Python/Lua) scripts to events (e.g. onIncomingCall->checkAcceptableCaller.lua) would be dream for me.

I'm still using a Nokia Lumia

The cheapest and fasted option to produce a feature phone is to create a phone with S30+ which is supported and used on recent phones from Nokia.
Android is not designed to run on featurephones, no matter what you might think. Even if it were possible to strip it down enough (which probably isn't possible) why waste so much effort doing that instead of using an OS for actual featurephones, like S30 (dead), like S40 (dead), like Smarterphone OS (dead), like it's successor, the Asha Platform (dead), like S30+ (ALIVE).


"Android is not designed to run on feature phones"

Let us distinguish.

Android can run on feature phones -- the closest Nokia did with the X/X2/X+. The S40/Asha devices were feature phones, and had a fairly solid set of services (e-mail, browser, even maps...), possibility to install apps (e.g. Java), BT, camera, etc.

The original 3310, all existing Nokia branded devices running S30+, and the older S30 series were _basic_ phones (also called "dumb" phones). The 3310 had, well, only the basics: calls and SMS. No browser, no Java, no camera, no SDcard, no BT, no WLAN, no e-mail, no nothing.

There have been attempts to provide really cheap basic phones running Android -- and all of them sucked mightily.

Let us remember: I have in front of me a catalogue dated 24 September 2005, from a major Swiss electronics retail shop. The Nokia 6020 was then on offer for CHF 299, the Nokia 5140i for CHF 348, the Nokia 6230i CHF 548 (respectively EUR 192, 224, and 352). All of them were _S40_ _feature_ _phones_.

For comparison, a S60 Nokia 6680 cost CHF 898 (EUR 577) then.

The current crop of Nokia S30+ basic phones (105, 108, 109, 220, 230, etc) can be obtained _nowadays_ for CHF 25 to 80 (about the same in EUR). A rebirth of the 3310 would go into this extra-cheap basic phone category -- it would not be a feature phone.

So Android for feature phones is feasible; for basic phones, like the putative 3310 new edition, not at all.

As for S30, S40 (sniff), Asha, Maemo (alas) and Meego, they are dead and buried. Meltemi was aborted before it was born.

Tomi T Ahonen

To all

Note that our reader Hilkka posted a comment about a rumor from Finland that Nokia might put the Symbian OS onto the 3310 retro phone (and other stuff too in the article). That brief comment is in the new blog topic about 'Facts based survey'.. and I posted several responses to Hilkka there. You may want to have that discussion here - Symbian etc rumors about 3310 - or perhaps go continue the discussion at that topic.

Tomi Ahonen :-)

I'm still using a Nokia Lumia

With each new leak and rumor, I am proven right. Bigger screen, S30+, you know, all obvious and logical.

Nokia X were full-blown smartphones. Cheap ones, but very much smartphones.
Android CANNOT run on feature phones (aka dumb phones).


Just a reminder that death can be slow:

So few use Windows Phone, Microsoft can't be bothered: Security app is iOS, Android only
Redmond-powered mobes don't deserve latest sign-in tool

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