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February 07, 2017



Apple again trying to sell used / refurbished iPhones in India but the Government is not buying into that idea - they want *made in India* If Apple resells repaired iPhones, do they count them again in their annual global shipment totals. Possibly more FAKE NEWS, not from reviewers this time but from Apple.

Abdul Muis


Steve Kessler - Smart Stock News
He do the GAME OVER SAMSUNG, YOU'RE DEAD kind of article by saying Apple manage to get 70% (of premium), up from 50% (of premium) smartphone. And the next iPhone God (iPhone 8) will crush samsung even more.

Abdul Muis

This is funny?????

Even Android news site bitting the Apple news

I post the link here because it seems Android Authority doesn't aware that they were a VICTIM of FAKE NEWS.


About the fake news and number twisting:
Nokia was always true to their word and reported the unit sales of their phones.
Very first thing Microsoft did when they acquired the Nokia phones was that they quit reporting the smartphone unit sales.
Apple refuses to tell the unit sales of Apple Watch.

Do you expect FIH/HMD (a.k.a. New Nokia) to report their unit sales quarterly?
What sort of units should we expect for the new Nokia for the first quarter of the year? 1 million?



great article!

Johnnie Hougaard Nielsen

@Abdul Muis - That Android Authority article did not spread fake news, but clearly tells that it is about Q4, and specifically explains "With regards to the full year of 2016, Apple still trailed behind Samsung, with a 14.5% market share compared to Samsung’s 20.8%".

The "newsworthy" thing is that Samsung had managed to outsell Apple in Q4 2015, but this position was lost due to the Note 7 disaster.

Abdul Muis

"Actually we have been updating the inventory on more than 3 times but those were usually gone within minutes or hours, so that’s why you have the impression that we were doing flash sales. We will keep supply to JD for sure and now the Chinese New Year holiday is mostly over and everybody’s back for work, you can expect more supplies in the coming days and weeks"



Yes, yes, and you continue to look at a quarter that has an Apple upward spike plus a Samsung downward spike. Of course Samsung's ASP is down if their most expensive model had to be taken off the market.

Before bringing out the champagne I'd advise you to check the circumstances first that led to the current situation, i.e. it has little to do with market dynamics but mostly with exceptional circumstances, and everything will align itself again once Samsung has its next flagship model ready.

BTW, it wouldn't surprise me if Apple's market share continually sinks YoY and their ASP is continually going up in the same time - both combined would be clear indicators that Apple is further retreating into their niche - and that would not be a good sign for the future.

Abdul Muis

Android user? Good luck getting a date with someone using an iPhone

"It turns out that politics and religion aren’t the only indicators of compatibility — smartphone preferences are as well. Apparently, when it comes to finding love, one person having an iPhone while the other has an Android can be a deal breaker. As per a recent survey of more than 5,500 American singles aged 18 and over conducted by dating site, Apple users are particularly picky when it comes to finding their mates, especially if that potential mate is swiping on an Android device.


Isceald Glede

The other reason: Some writers deliberately write rubbish so they can point at a thousand correction comments and tell advertisers "Look! All these people like my stuff!". It is still a perfectly good reason to ignore the author or publication for a decade.

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