The TomiAhonen Almanac 2017 edition has been released. Its always a big celebration, all the new statistics for the year. My Almanac has again grown its now 215 pages in length and runs 107 charts and tables. It still costs the same 10 Euros, 9.50 UK Pounds and 14 US Dollars as ever before. So the cost will not bankrupt you but you'll have the best data in the industry. You also will have all the latest stats in your pocket today - by pocket I mean literally, this is formatted for smartphone screen size so it is not as much an ebook as its actually an m-book.
Usually when I release the new ebook, I'll take some stats from it, that I myself find fascinating, that I will want to share. But this is the 'Communities Dominate' blog - I always wanted to do one year where my readers could pick which stats they wanted. So lets do a vote. You the readers pick which are the 3 charts/tables you want out of the brand-new TomiAhonen Almanac 2017. I will post the full table-of-contents here, and you can vote. Vote here in the comments of the blog and you can also vote via Twitter (yes, you get to make 2 votes if you want). Also you can ask your friends to come and vote so you get your fave stat out for free... Isn't THAT fair? Isn't that exactly the right philosophy of 'Communities Dominate' eh?
Let me make two limitations. I'll only release one chart/table per chapter (many of my readers are passionate about handsets and we don't want all 3 vote-winners to come from the handset chapter). And I'll exclude the 'tables' section in the back. So only from the first 20 actual chapters. But yes, pick which is the one chart you'd like to be released for free, into the public domain, out of the brand new TomiAhonen Almanac 2017? Its like Christmas except you didn't get just a gift, you received a gift-card which you can now use to make your own selection...
(includes changes vs 2016 edition & vs 2015 edition)
ebook is 215 pages long and has 107 charts and tables
file is unrestricted standard pdf file, less than 2mb in size, does not need any ebook reader app, any program that can open pdf files can read the ebook
ebook is formated for easy reading on smartphone screen sizes (thus its an ‘m-book’)
Cpt 1 - INTRO (4 pages, no charts)
Chpt 2 - SIZE OF INDUSTRY (20 pages, 10 charts)
(Chart 1) Total Mobile Subscriptions Globally in Billions (Machine Use & Human Use) 2002-2016 (chart expanded vs 2015 version)
(Chart 2) Mobile Industry Revenue Split in 2016
(Chart 3) Mobile Industry Revenuess 2016 & 2015
(Chart 4) Mobile Service Annual Revenues 2003-2016
(Chart 5) Comparison of Sizes Globally End of 2016
(Chart 6) Annual Sales of Major Devices by Type
(Chart 7) Largest Computer Manufacturers (When Smartphones Includes in Computer Count)
(Chart 8) Penetration Rates of Mobile per Capita, REGIONALLY *
(Chart 9) Internet Access PC vs Mobile 2016
(Chart 10) Top 25 Largest Companies in Mobile in 2015
Cpt 3 - CUSTOMERS (15 pages, 8 charts)
(Chart 11) Mobile Subscriptions, Phones in Use and Unique Owners 2003-2016 (chart expanded vs 2015 version)
(Chart 12) Unique Phone Owners & Multiple Suscribers REGIONALLY *
(Chart 13) Mobile Consumers 2016 & 2015
(Chart 14) Mobile Phone Ownership by Age
(Chart 15) Common Usage of Phone Features
(Chart 16) Average Mobile Phone User Looks At Mobile 150 Times Per DAy
(Chart 17) Average Smartphone User Looks At Mobile 221 Times Per DAy
(Chart 18) 30 Minute / 3 Minute / 30 Second Tasks
Cpt 4 - HANDSETS (21 pages, 17 charts)
(Chart 19) Mobile Phone Sales Annually
(Chart 20) Phone Market Shares
(Chart 21) Features of Installed Base 2016 & 2015 (chart expanded vs 2015 version)
(Chart 22) New Phone Sales by Generation 2002-2016
(Chart 23) Installed Base of Cameraphones by Camera Resolution 2004-2016
(Chart 24) Tablet PC vs Phablet Sales Annually 2007-2016 (more detail vs 2016, is new chart vs 2015)
(Chart 25) 11 C's
(Chart 26) Smartphone Migration Rate 2000-2016 (new table vs 2016 and 2015)
(Chart 27) Price Pyramid of Mobile Phones 2016
(Chart 28) Smartphone New Sales and Installed Base 2002-2016
(Chart 29) World Ownership of Mobile Phones by Type (is new chart vs 2015)
(Chart 30) Smartphones Out of Installed Base of All Phones
(Chart 31) Smartphone Ownership Per Capita vs Dumbphone Ownership REGIONALLY * (chart expanded vs 2015 version)
(Chart 32) Smartphone New Sales in Units 2016
(Chart 33) Operating System New Sales 2005-2016
(Chart 34) Smartphone OS Installed Base 2016
(Chart 35) Smartphone OS REGIONALLY *
Cpt 5 - MOBILE MESSAGING (15 pages, 11 charts)
(Chart 36) SMS Users and Total Human Subscriptions 2003-2016
(Chart 37) SMS Text Messages Sent 2003-2016
(Chart 38) Installed Base of Messaging-Capable Phones by Type 2001-2016
(Chart 39) SMS Text Messaging Annual Revenue vs Premium SMS 2003-2016 (more detail vs 2016 and 2015)
(Chart 40) Average cost of SMS 2003-2016
(Chart 41) Mobile Messaging Revenues by Type
(Chart 42) Messaging Users by Type of Mobile Messaging 2002-2016
(Chart 43) MMS Messaging Revenues 2004-2016
(Chart 44) MMS Messages vs SMS Text Messages in Messaging Volume 2004-2016
(Chart 45) Migration of Person-to-Person SMS Message volume to OTT Messages 2007-2016 (Proportional) (new chart vs 2015)
(Chart 46) Migration of Person-to-Person SMS Message volume to OTT Messages 2007-2016 (Absolute)
Cpt 6 - MOBILE INTERNET (16 pages, 9 charts)
(Chart 47) Mobile Human Subscriptions, Messaging and Premium Data Users 2003-2016
(Chart 48) Mobile Data User Numbers by Different Definitions
(Chart 49) Internet Access by Type Allowing For Multiple Use 2002-2016
(Chart 50) Access Method of Internet Users 2016
(Chart 51) Internet Access Method Allowing Multiple Methods
(Chart 52) Mobile Data Users REGIONALLY *
(Chart 53) Total Mobile Data Revenues 2003-2016
(Chart 54) Mobile Premium Data Revenus as Average Per Subscriber 2003-2016
(Chart 55) Mobile VAS Data ARPU by Active VAS User 2003-2016
Cpt 7 - SEVENTH MASS MEDIA (13 pages, 8 charts)
(Chart 56) The Seven Mass Media
(Chart 57) Cannibalization Threat by Media Channel
(Chart 58) Major Media and Communication Audience or Reach (is new chart vs 2015)
(Chart 59) 9 Unique Benefits of 7th Mass Media
(Chart 60) The 6 M's Mobile Service Creation Tool
(Chart 61) Mobile Content Revenues by Type
(Chart 62) Mobile Media Markets by Revenues REGIONALLY *
(Chart 63) Mobile Media Average Monthly Revenue REGIONALLY *
Cpt 8 - MOBILE GAMING (6 pages, 4 charts)
(Chart 64) Total Mobile Gamers Globally 2003-2016
(Chart 65) Gaming-Capable Phone Installed Base 2004-2016
(Chart 66) Mobile Gaming Revenues 2003-2016
(Chart 67) Gaming Revenues REGIONALLY *
Cpt 9 - MOBILE TV AND VIDEO (6 pages, 4 charts)
(Chart 68) Mobile TV/Video & SMS-TV users 2003-2016
(Chart 69) Installed Base of Videoclip-Capable Pones 2002-2016
(Chart 70) Mobile TV Video and TV-Interactive Revenues 2003-2016
(Chart 71) Mobile TV Videoclips and SMS-to-TV Revenues by Type
Cpt 10 - MOBILE MONEY AND PAYMENTS (6 pages, 4 charts) NEW CHAPTER vs 2016 and 2015
(Chart 72) People Making Mobile Payments 2006-2016 (new chart vs 2016 and 2015)
(Chart 73) Mobile Money Users by Technology (new chart vs 2016 and 2015)
(Chart 74) Mobile Money Users REGIONALLY * (new chart vs 2016 and 2015)
(Chart 75) Mobile Payment Adoption Rate REGIONALLY * (new chart vs 2016 and 2015)
Cpt 11 - MOBILE SOCIAL NETWORKING (6 pages, 3 charts)
(Chart 76) Mobile Social Networking Users 2002-2016
(Chart 77) Mobile Social Networking Revenues 2004-2016
(Chart 78) Mobile Social Networking REGIONALLY *
Cpt 12 - OTHER MOBILE CONTENT (13 pages, 6 charts)
(Chart 79) Mobile Music Consumers 2003-2016
(Chart 80) Mobile Music Revenues 2003-2016
(Chart 81) Consumers of Mobile News 2003-2016
(Chart 82) Mobile News Revenues 2003-2016
(Chart 83) Augmented Reality Annual Revenues 2009-2016 (new chart vs 2016 and 2015)
(Chart 84) Adult Entertainment as Percent of All Mobile Content 2002-2016
Cpt 13 - SMARTPHONE APPS (6 pages, 3 charts)
(Chart 85) Smartphone App Market Revenues by Type 2003-2016
(Chart 86) Distribution of Mobile Data Revenues by Type 2003-2016
(Chart 87) Consumer App Store Revenues by Type
Cpt 14 - MOBILE ADVERTISING (11 pages, 8 charts)
(Chart 88) Mobile Advertisements Delivered Annually 2004-2016
(Chart 89) People Receiving Mobile Advertising 2003-2016
(Chart 90) Advertising-Capable Mobile Phone Installed Base by Type 2003-2016
(Chart 91) Mobile Advertising Revenues 2003-2016
(Chart 92) Mobile Advertising Average Revenue per Subscription 2002-2016
(Chart 93) Mobile Advertising ARPU by Audience Receiving Ads per Month 2002-2016
(Chart 94) Role of Advertising as Part of Mobile Media Revenues 2003-2016
(Chart 95) Revenues of Mobile Advertising by Type
Cpt 15 - VOICE CALLS (5 pages, 2 charts)
(Chart 96) Voice Call Revenues 2003-2016
(Chart 97) Active Users of Outbound Voice Calls 2003-2016
Cpt 16 - BUSINESS ENTERPRISE SERVICES (3 pages, 1 chart)
(Chart 98) Enterprise Customers Out of All Unique Subscribers 2004-2016
Cpt 17 - OTHER MOBILE DATA (5 pages, no charts)
Cpt 18 - NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE (2 pages, 1 chart)
(Chart 99) Mobile Subcribers by Network Generation 2005-2016
Cpt 19 - DIGITAL DIVIDE (9 pages, 3 charts)
(Chart 100) Digital Divide per Capita
(Chart 101) Digital Divide - Handsets
(Chart 102) Digital Divide - Mobile Economics
Cpt 20 - HISTORY AND MILESTONES (8 pages, no charts)
Index of Mobile Leadership (Top 30 Countries)
60 Major Countries (Population, Subscribers, Penetration Rate, Unique Users, Network Technologies, 3G launch, MVNO availability)
25 Leading Countries by Subscriptions
25 Leading Countries by Penetration Rate
25 Largest Mobile Operator Groups
* Note: ‘Regionally’ charts all use the same 8 region split that the Almanac and PhoneBook and Forecast series from TomiAhonen Consulting has used. It separates the rich parts of Asia from the Emerging World parts (ie numbers from rich and advanced mobile market Japan are not averaged into numbers from poor Asian countries like India or Bangladesh). The 8 regions are: North America; West Europe; East Europe; Asia-Pacific Advanced; Asia Emerging Countries; Middle East; Africa; Latin America. Australia and Oceania is counted into the ‘Asia-Pacific Advanced’ region. Many other resources only split the world by 6 geographic continents and thus give far less precision in the numbers of the actual markets where obviously India is very different from Japan, in mobile.
So vote please! I will release the 3 most popular charts/tables in full, out of the TomiAhonen Almanac 2017, based on the popular vote combined on this blog and on Twitter. You may vote once on both the blog and on Twitter (you get a maximum of two votes). You may invite any of your friends to come and vote too. I will keep the contest open for just over 24 hours so all time zones get to participate, then we'll tabulate the votes and I'll release the 3 tables/charts. And to be clear, we'll only do the top most popular chart/table per chapter so the final winners will be from three different chapters (chapters 1-20 in the ebook). Do not vote for the tables at the back of the book, they are not included in this vote.
If you want the full unrestricted SHAREWARE version of the 2015 Almanac, which has very recent data on most of those above points - get your free version here at It is shareware, you MAY share it with your colleagues. You can also look at that if you are not sure which version of which chart you want, in many cases those charts also were in the 2015 edition (or you may want to vote for some chart that is NOT in the free version, haha, to get 'more' data for free).
And to see more of the TomiAhonen Almanac 2017 edition - and to buy one if you feel like you want it - it only costs 10 Euros/9.50 UK Pounds/14 US dollars - see the Almanac info and ordering page here.
Now please vote. What info do you want me to release for you for free? Vote for one chart (not 3) and you may vote for a different chart on Twitter if you want, but then you are diluting your vote, it will 'tactically' make more sense to vote for the same chart also on Twitter. And yes, I numbered the charts for you, so you can vote by chart number. Ie 'I vote for Chart 47'. Thats all it takes.. Which info do you want for free? (PS and who else does this? Nobody! No other analyst in mobile offers free data based on audience vote. Is this not cool? Is this not 'Communities Dominate'?)
Oh, lets do the disclaimer part. Some will worry that this is some kind of scam. Some will fear that I will try to somehow trick you or scam you or put you on some horrible mailng list. I am not harvesting your emails. I am not trying to drive up visits on this blog haha. So for those visiting who don't know me. I am 'the' Tomi Ahonen (google me).
I have written 13 books (find 6 hardcover bestsellers on Amazon published by major publishers. I am no weirdo self-publishing nutter on the fringe). This blog is not for sale, has been around for 12 years, has 6 million lifetime visits (!!!) so I am not trying desperately to drive up some traffic for some reason. This blog also has a vigorously active comments section (over 30,000 comments lifetime) and I have no interest whatsoever in 'driving up engagement' on this blog - why.
Because did you notice - I have NO ADVERTISING here. This blog was set up to celebrate my fourth book, Communities Dominate Brands, to 'do what we preach' and thus, the blog has always been totally free and with no ads. No registration and no ads. Typepad the company that runs this blog service requires an email to post comments (their policy, not mine) and even with that, I do not 'harvest' those emails and I will never spam anyone who has visited this blog.
To check with that - see my reputation. I am quoted in 170 books by my peers. I have more than 500 press quotes. I serve 10% of the world's largest corporations in my professional consulting work. Forbes calls me the most influential expert in mobile. I am literally the most published expert in my field. I would not damage THAT reputation for a cheap publicity stunt at this stage of my career. I host this blog purely to share information.
And if that is not enough for you, then I am sorry. But you can find me on Linked In and Facebook and Twitter - plus my own website - in all of them its me, same guy, and its always been the same. I don't abuse my fans or readers. I serve them. Read through the comments on this blog or go see my Twitter feed or read the endorsements I have on Linked In. This is purely a test of 'Communities Dominate' philosophy, to see what my readers would like to receive for free - and yes, you can vote and the 3 charts that get most votes will be made free. Now which other industrial analyst does this? Yeah. You're welcome. Now go vote... :-)
Thanks a lot, Tomi!
I vote for chart 64.
Posted by: chithanh | February 28, 2017 at 04:32 PM
Hey chithanh
For being such a sport for doing the first vote - I'm going to give you that chart privately via email if it doesn't end up winning the overall top 3 votes :-)
PS remember you can also go vote for Chart 64 on Twitter if you want..
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | February 28, 2017 at 04:38 PM
Apologies for not checking this out sooner - busy tweeting against the traitors in the West Wing - how about Chart 76?
Posted by: Margaret | February 28, 2017 at 05:24 PM
Hi Margaret
Thanks! Good luck. Remember you may also vote on Twitter - and you can go collect all your friends to come and vote too haha... The more the merrier
(Right now there are also 2 votes in from Twitter, I'll come post an update as the numbers start to get more serious)
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | February 28, 2017 at 05:39 PM
I go for chart nr. 99.
Posted by: E.Casais | February 28, 2017 at 06:09 PM
Hi E
Thanks. Your vote is in. Meanwhile you all may want to know whats happening on Twitter. Four votes so far from TW side - 2 votes for Chart 83 Augmented Reality; and 1 vote for each of Chart 14 Mobile Ownership by Age, and Chart 98: Enterprise subs.
Remember also, you are allowed to go to Twitter and vote again there, and you can go get your friends to come here (or on TW) to vote so your fave chart wins.. This is a 'Communities Dominate' vote, after all..
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | February 28, 2017 at 07:09 PM
17, 57 and 69.
Posted by: Maximillian Regan | March 01, 2017 at 01:37 AM
Hi Maximillian
Thanks for the vote. I'm sorry I can't accept 3 votes, everybody is only allowed one vote. I will take your first vote (chart 17) unless you want to come and revise your vote and pick either 57 or 69 (or something else). Sorry..
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | March 01, 2017 at 01:43 AM
And to clarify (we discussed this with Maximillian off-line via TW) - the Maximillian vote will be Chart 57. Thank you
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | March 01, 2017 at 01:57 AM
My votes are charts 11, 31, and 52
Posted by: PhoneBoy | March 01, 2017 at 02:45 AM
My votes are charts 11, 31, and 52
Posted by: PhoneBoy | March 01, 2017 at 02:45 AM
Hi PhoneBoy
Thanks for voting. We already discussed this simultaneously on Twitter so I am just updating your vote for the record. As I'll only allow one vote here (and another on Twitter) I will record your vote as you requested as Chart 31 here on the blog. I will also record your vote for Chart 52 on Twitter. Thanks!
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | March 01, 2017 at 02:56 AM
Chapter 4, chart 20 market shares
Posted by: David Albert | March 01, 2017 at 03:50 AM
Hi David
Thanks! Your vote is counted :-)
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | March 01, 2017 at 04:48 AM
Hi Everybody
The current standings are that Chart 83 Augmented Reality is in the lead with 3 votes, and two are tied at 2 votes each - Chart 64 Mobile Gamers and Chart 20 Phone Market Shares
Ten hours left in voting
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | March 01, 2017 at 04:58 AM
(Chart 85) Smartphone App Market Revenues by Type 2003-2016
Posted by: steve epstein | March 01, 2017 at 04:58 AM
Chart 49 I'm from Africa-connectivity is my bain marie
Posted by: @ dipuoseema | March 01, 2017 at 05:10 AM
Hi steve and dipuoseema
Your votes are in! Thanks! (remember dipuoseema you can also vote on TW - steve has already done that..)
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | March 01, 2017 at 05:18 AM
Hi dipuoseema
I am hereby confirming that we chatted on Twitter and you changed your vote to Chart 51. You also posted that vote on Twitter. Thanks! It is now duly so noted.
And we blame ... PriceWaterhouseCoopers and the Russian State-sponsored Hackers for any mishaps :-)
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | March 01, 2017 at 05:30 AM
Hi everybody
Time for an update
We have 3 votes for Chart 83 Augmented Reality and 3 votes for Chart 51 Internet Access by Type
There is big tie for the last slot, 2 votes each for Chart 14 Mobile Phones by Age, Chart 20 Phone Market Share, Chart 64 Mobile Gamers, Chart 85 Smartphone Apps.
Nine other Charts have received 1 vote so far, and any of them could easily get into the final 3 if they get a bit of last-minute support.
We have 8 and a half hours left..
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | March 01, 2017 at 06:29 AM