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February 28, 2017



Thanks a lot, Tomi!

I vote for chart 64.

Tomi T Ahonen

Hey chithanh

For being such a sport for doing the first vote - I'm going to give you that chart privately via email if it doesn't end up winning the overall top 3 votes :-)

PS remember you can also go vote for Chart 64 on Twitter if you want..

Tomi Ahonen :-)


Apologies for not checking this out sooner - busy tweeting against the traitors in the West Wing - how about Chart 76?

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi Margaret

Thanks! Good luck. Remember you may also vote on Twitter - and you can go collect all your friends to come and vote too haha... The more the merrier

(Right now there are also 2 votes in from Twitter, I'll come post an update as the numbers start to get more serious)

Tomi Ahonen :-)


I go for chart nr. 99.

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi E

Thanks. Your vote is in. Meanwhile you all may want to know whats happening on Twitter. Four votes so far from TW side - 2 votes for Chart 83 Augmented Reality; and 1 vote for each of Chart 14 Mobile Ownership by Age, and Chart 98: Enterprise subs.

Remember also, you are allowed to go to Twitter and vote again there, and you can go get your friends to come here (or on TW) to vote so your fave chart wins.. This is a 'Communities Dominate' vote, after all..

Tomi Ahonen :-)

Maximillian Regan

17, 57 and 69.

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi Maximillian

Thanks for the vote. I'm sorry I can't accept 3 votes, everybody is only allowed one vote. I will take your first vote (chart 17) unless you want to come and revise your vote and pick either 57 or 69 (or something else). Sorry..

Tomi Ahonen :-)

Tomi T Ahonen

And to clarify (we discussed this with Maximillian off-line via TW) - the Maximillian vote will be Chart 57. Thank you

Tomi Ahonen :-)


My votes are charts 11, 31, and 52


My votes are charts 11, 31, and 52

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi PhoneBoy

Thanks for voting. We already discussed this simultaneously on Twitter so I am just updating your vote for the record. As I'll only allow one vote here (and another on Twitter) I will record your vote as you requested as Chart 31 here on the blog. I will also record your vote for Chart 52 on Twitter. Thanks!

Tomi Ahonen :-)

David Albert

Chapter 4, chart 20 market shares

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi David

Thanks! Your vote is counted :-)

Tomi Ahonen :-)

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi Everybody

The current standings are that Chart 83 Augmented Reality is in the lead with 3 votes, and two are tied at 2 votes each - Chart 64 Mobile Gamers and Chart 20 Phone Market Shares

Ten hours left in voting

Tomi Ahonen :-)

steve epstein

(Chart 85) Smartphone App Market Revenues by Type 2003-2016

@ dipuoseema

Chart 49 I'm from Africa-connectivity is my bain marie

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi steve and dipuoseema

Your votes are in! Thanks! (remember dipuoseema you can also vote on TW - steve has already done that..)

Tomi Ahonen :-)

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi dipuoseema

I am hereby confirming that we chatted on Twitter and you changed your vote to Chart 51. You also posted that vote on Twitter. Thanks! It is now duly so noted.

And we blame ... PriceWaterhouseCoopers and the Russian State-sponsored Hackers for any mishaps :-)

Tomi Ahonen :-)

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi everybody

Time for an update

We have 3 votes for Chart 83 Augmented Reality and 3 votes for Chart 51 Internet Access by Type

There is big tie for the last slot, 2 votes each for Chart 14 Mobile Phones by Age, Chart 20 Phone Market Share, Chart 64 Mobile Gamers, Chart 85 Smartphone Apps.

Nine other Charts have received 1 vote so far, and any of them could easily get into the final 3 if they get a bit of last-minute support.

We have 8 and a half hours left..

Tomi Ahonen :-)

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  • Available for Consulting & Speaking
    Tomi Ahonen is a bestselling author whose twelve books on mobile have already been referenced in over 100 books by his peers. Rated the most influential expert in mobile by Forbes in December 2011, Tomi speaks regularly at conferences doing about 20 public speakerships annually. With over 250 public speaking engagements, Tomi been seen by a cumulative audience of over 100,000 people on all six inhabited continents. The former Nokia executive has run a consulting practise on digital convergence, interactive media, engagement marketing, high tech and next generation mobile. Tomi is currently based out of Helsinki but supports Fortune 500 sized companies across the globe. His reference client list includes Axiata, Bank of America, BBC, BNP Paribas, China Mobile, Emap, Ericsson, Google, Hewlett-Packard, HSBC, IBM, Intel, LG, MTS, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Ogilvy, Orange, RIM, Sanomamedia, Telenor, TeliaSonera, Three, Tigo, Vodafone, etc. To see his full bio and his books, visit Tomi Ahonen lectures at Oxford University's short courses on next generation mobile and digital convergence. Follow him on Twitter as @tomiahonen. Tomi also has a Facebook and Linked In page under his own name. He is available for consulting, speaking engagements and as expert witness, please write to tomi (at) tomiahonen (dot) com

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Tomi Ahonen Almanac 2009

  • Tomi Ahonen Almanac 2009
    A comprehensive statistical review of the total mobile industry, in 171 pages, has 70 tables and charts, and fits on your smartphone to carry in your pocket every day.

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