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April 06, 2016


Wayne Borean

As an aside, six years ago I wrote an article about DRM system power usage. I had no solid numbers to work with, and admitted it. What I did try to do was explain to people who had no technical skills how DRM could impact them and their devices.

Wayne Borean


Guess they don't want your patronage. Vote with your feet.

abdul muis
Some people are still using 2G phones, and not for the reasons you'd expect



And yet the hardware producers insist on non-replaceable batteries. Lucky me with a phone where I can carry around a second one if the main one passes out (which normally happens before the day ends!)

Wayne Borean

Ever wonder how to make money in app programming? Get a contract with the TSA!



Wayne Borean


You forgot to ask the most important thing - what does our addiction do to us? Here's your answer.


12¢ per KWHr in the US.

Fine. But that baby is €0.29 (USD 33¢) in Deutschland.

so the Germans pay $2.31 per iPhone, not the $0.84 the U.S. consumer pays.

4X, ouch!

abdul muis


"so the Germans pay $2.31 per iPhone, not the $0.84 the U.S. consumer pays."

Don't be so phonecist (racist -> phone-cist [or is it iSheep]), it's $2.31 per smartphone, not per iPhone.

abdul muis


(opps) ZDNet talk about specific phones... the iPhone 6 Plus...

abdul muis

From this:

[ -image ]
The growth rates of these three categories dramatically over-indexed on phablets compared to the growth rates on all devices combined. Growth in News & Magazines apps on phablets was 5.3x that of all devices, meaning phablet users are engaging in these apps at a much higher rate than the average smart device user. A similar pattern emerged for Sports and Music, Media & Entertainment apps, at 5.16x and 4.19x respectively. It appears that the extra inch of real estate has made the phablet the ultimate media consumption device.

[ - image2 ]
The picture got much clearer when we looked at year-over-year growth in time spent and cut that by form factor. Time spent on phablets grew 334% year-over-year (2.9 times more than the average), compared to 117% for all form factors. With time spent on mobile surpassing that on television, and phablets posting astonishing growth in media consumption, it appears that the cable industry will find in the phablet and its apps its long-awaited digital nemesis.

[ - image3 ]
Once labeled a fad (even by us), Phablets have become the unstoppable media consumption device. 27% of all new devices activated for Christmas this year were phablets and 50% of all Android devices activated in the same timeframe were phablets.

We say “unstoppable” because if the current trends hold, the phablet will become the dominant form factor by October of next year. The above chart shows our forecast for worldwide device distribution, by form factor through the middle of 2017. Also interesting to note is that small phones will be extinct by the second quarter of 2016. It’s clear consumers want their content, and they want it on a bigger screen.

abdul muis


I put it here (in less crowded area)

According to Apple, the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch will last three years with their original buyers.

Lawrence D’Oliveiro

39,000GWh per year is about 4.4GW.

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    Tomi Ahonen is a bestselling author whose twelve books on mobile have already been referenced in over 100 books by his peers. Rated the most influential expert in mobile by Forbes in December 2011, Tomi speaks regularly at conferences doing about 20 public speakerships annually. With over 250 public speaking engagements, Tomi been seen by a cumulative audience of over 100,000 people on all six inhabited continents. The former Nokia executive has run a consulting practise on digital convergence, interactive media, engagement marketing, high tech and next generation mobile. Tomi is currently based out of Helsinki but supports Fortune 500 sized companies across the globe. His reference client list includes Axiata, Bank of America, BBC, BNP Paribas, China Mobile, Emap, Ericsson, Google, Hewlett-Packard, HSBC, IBM, Intel, LG, MTS, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Ogilvy, Orange, RIM, Sanomamedia, Telenor, TeliaSonera, Three, Tigo, Vodafone, etc. To see his full bio and his books, visit Tomi Ahonen lectures at Oxford University's short courses on next generation mobile and digital convergence. Follow him on Twitter as @tomiahonen. Tomi also has a Facebook and Linked In page under his own name. He is available for consulting, speaking engagements and as expert witness, please write to tomi (at) tomiahonen (dot) com

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