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February 26, 2016



Really, really funny debate. I was laughing quite a lot while watching it!


The DrudgeReport polls shows Trump as winner in the debate but I guess that DrudgeReport attracts Trump's fans.

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi oibur

Gosh me too, at times laughed out loud. Oh, and the Twitter commentary has many truly golden nuggets, go check out them for more laughs. Of Drudge, no, online polls cannot get an accurate measure because Trump's total fanbase utterly crushes the other rivals (thanks to his massive reality TV fan base) so he always wins all online polls (and Twitter polls). We have to wait for independent professional polling of who won the debate, or better, the next national polling to see who moved up or down. Also any of the SEC primaries could be now taken with a snapshot of the polling effective today (ie polled before the debate) and contrasted to the actual vote on Tuesday - another way to measure who actually won or lost today.

Tomi Ahonen :-)


"Then the full story of how he is a closet Democrat and indeed a liberal progressive Socialist one at that"

But that is at the center of the populist's policies. The supporters of every populist I have ever seen demand welfare. They just do not want others to get welfare too.

I think Trump's supporters are in it because they know he will protect "their" jobs and "their" income.

But beyond this basic support group, and maybe some democratic voters, the very same policies will drive away the other "real" conservatives.


Trump stumbled early but he wiped the floor with them at the end.

When will you discuss Hillary Clinton's weak performance? I know she's winning but not by as much as she should be.


"Trump stumbled early but he wiped the floor with them at the end."

It seems you need quite rosy glasses to come to that conclusion:

Donald Trump's Terrible Night


Cruz has abandoned Alabama because Trump is about to beat him in Texas, his home state. They both poll in the mid-30's
Texas is winner take all if you get 51%, but Cruz won't get there.
The worst/best you can hope for is a brokered convention.
Also, to even be put in nomination, you need 51% delegates in 8 states (Mitt Romney wanted this after Ron Paul's insurgency). Trump has one, SC. I don't see anyone but Trump qualifying.
Oh, and how is Ted Cruz' version of Narwhal working out for him? Instead of the inane and wrong analysis, maybe you could discuss this.


Think you absolutely wrong. From watching news and frank luntz focus group. Rubio won the debate, trump weak second (rest deadlast). But it won't matter, debates have rarely any affect unless you get a knockout punch like christie got on rubio or carly did to trump in second debate.

Frank luntz focus group showed 3 voters changed there mind.


Cruz has always been a good debater, but demographics are working against him. He can't win up north, and Trump may be too far ahead in the March 1 primaries. The best unity ticket would be Rubio-Cruz, but Cruz would actually be better for SCOTUS. He'd be a perfect replacement for Scalia. That said, Rubio could prep for debates in the general election by debating Cruz in private.

As for the general election, the candidate who has no substance is the "inevitable" Democratic nominee. She's been handed everything in her life, and has accomplished nothing. She's all talk and no action. The sooner the American public realize this, the better. Otherwise we'll start looking back fondly on the Obama years for the civil discourse.

Wayne Borean

Interesting. I watched this debate, and I rated Cruz, Rubio, and Trump all a B, with Carson and Kasich both a C. Sure, each of the three front runners got some good hits in, but no one was really damaged.

I don't think that the debate will have any impact on polling either, except for Carson and Kasich. Some of their supporters may look at the situation, and decide to change horses.

There were several 'missed opportunities' to land blows. In my opinion none of them would have made a difference.

Wayne Borean


Cruz would be unlikely to be confirmed to the Supreme Court since he has no experience as a judge.


"She's been handed everything in her life, and has accomplished nothing."

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.
Mario Puzo, The Godfather

"Otherwise we'll start looking back fondly on the Obama years for the civil discourse."

I think Tomi already predicted that after Hillary is elected, the GOP and other Obama demonisers will wish they had a president like Obama again.

But as the bible says, "sow the wind, reap the whirlwind". Whatever the GOP and its supporters harvest, they have sown the seeds themselves.


All of this GOP nonsense makes America look foolish on the world stage.

Wayne Borean

One thing we all need to remember is that even a total jerk could make a good president. A lot of people think [/INSERT CANDIDATE NAME HERE] is a jerk. This might be true.

That doesn't mean they wouldn't do a good job.

I have concerns about certain candidates because they seem to be representing the interests of a very small part of the electorate. That would be far more of a problem in my opinion, than Mr. or Ms. Jerk becoming president.

I didn't name the possible jerks because I wanted to get the concept across without starring a fight over which candidate is the worst jerk. They have all had 'jerk' moments. It is part of being human.


Chris Christie just endorsed Donald Trump.


@Winter, what has Hillary accomplished? She was a "rainmaker" at a law firm, which basically means she sold her husband's influence as governor. Bill put her in charge of reforming health care in 1993. How did that work out? I already told you about her "accomplishments" as senator (she renamed a post office). Other than rack up frequent flier miles and store classified material on a private e-mail server, what did she accomplish as Secretary of State?

Millard Filmore

@deadonthefloor: "All of this GOP nonsense makes America look foolish on the world stage."

It gets worse. There is no need to limit your incredulity to politicians. It is impossible for Ted Cruz to be the Zodiac Killer (a serial killer in California since before Cruz was born), yet a poll shows 40% in Florida are not sure.

As the Firesign Theater once said: We are all Bozos on this bus.

Wayne Borean

Love Discovery Channel. They do some neat reporting, like this little wonder...



Makes sense. That explains why the conservative politicians talk out of their posteriors.


So is all the rage among progressives because Trump is able to attract the low-information voters who usually vote for Democrats instead?

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