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January 10, 2016


Wayne Borean

Official Bond movies?

I still maintain that the best 'Bond' movie was the original Casino Royale staring Sir David Niven (before he was knighted). I have not seen ANY of the Daniel Craig movies in protest for their having messed with such an iconic flic.

Yes, I'm strange :)


Awesome collection Tomi!! Love your hobby. Not many people in the world can afford it though :P


I can't help, but I read the room number from "Man with the Golden Gun" as 502, not 602.

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi Wayne, Sam and Christoph

Thanks for the comments. Wayne, haha, gosh, most 'Bond fans' and movie fans rate the original Casino Royale movie as a bad movie. It was intended as a parody of Bond movies and was released at the early peak of Bond hysteria when literally dozens of Bond clone movies were coming out. But to each his (or her) own. Thanks. Happy you enjoyed at least that movie version of the superspy.

Sam haha, true, and obviously this hobby was funded partly by my travel schedule to my clients and then the resulting frequent flier miles that allowed visiting the other locations where I didn't happen to have a business gig or connecting flight at the time. Now I have to think of something else to do haha.

Christoph, I get it, I also noticed it. So you're saying the Roger Moore freeze-frame of Man With Golden Gun seems to show Peninsula Hotel white door room number as 502 not 602. The light shines from the circular part of the 6 vs the open part in 5, conveniently to cause that illusion. If you watch the actual movie for that scene, its a clear 602... I tried to get a good still image but it is yes, a trick of light for that freeze-frame. I also wanted a relatively clear image of both actors with both faces showing (the hotel guy moves quickly so he gets blurry fast so I had to stop the freeze-frame several times to get this shot cleanly). In the movie its very clear 602. (But I do love it that our readers might study the pictures that closely...)

Tomi Ahonen :-)

Wayne Borean

As an aside, the first Bond movie I saw was Diamonds are Forever. On my first business trip to Las Vegas (to attend the World of Concrete trade show) guess which hotel I stayed in?

Note that I didn't take the glass walled elevator (I'm terrified of heights). Luckily my room was on the second floor, and reachable by staircase.

I didn't know that was the hotel used, as I'd not seen the movie in years, but not long after our local DVD store had a sale on James Bond movies, and when I watched Diamonds are Forever I recognized the hotel. If I'd know ahead of time, I would have gotten my picture taken outside as a keepsake!

While most James Bond fans may not like the original Casino Royale, I loved it. Partly it is the writer in me. I like the odd...

As an example of some of my writing, here's a link to the anthology that has my first professional fiction sale. The editor said the morning after he read my story he had stepped out of his office for a smoke, and saw a nice little old lady making a fuss over her grandchildren. He said the sight made him shiver...

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi all Bond fans

Just an interesting update. For 2017 summer TV season, Finnish TV broadcaster 'Nelonen' (C hannel 4) is running a 007 marathon like most countries see most summers; but Nelonen has a cool gimmick on the TV ad campaign advertising the movie series. They call it 'Akkilahdot Jamesin Kanssa' (Sudden Departures with James). The ad campaign looks initially like a TRAVEL company ad, showing luxurious travel destinations and airplane journey maps on a globe, travel to Tokyo or Rio or San Francisco or Venice - with James. And then for the next upcoming Bond feature, they show the 'travel journey' of what exotic foreign destinations we will now get to visit with James (Bond).

It ALMOST seems like someone at Nelonen has been reading this blog haha... In any case, I loved learning about it. Cool idea. And yes, I FULLY endorse any sudden departures with James, to any 007 destination

Tomi Ahonen :-)

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