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November 27, 2015


Wayne Borean

You've missed one. Politics.

Politics is separate from Government. Government regulates and provides services. Politics is how the electorate communicates their wishes to Government.

Considering how much is spent on political campaigns, outreach programs to get voters to the polls, etc., Politics is a fairly big player. And it impacts all of the others...


I am wondering what impact the newly developing decentralization technologies like IPFS and Ethereum will have on these trends. It seems to me they will speed them up, and also tend to take market share away from the incombents.



It's actually incredible how little work has been done on some of those areas even while they will be huge. Take education as an example. We have just seen some simple educational games, e-books and other relatively trivial stuff moved to the mobile of to the ultra portable tablets. What remains to be seen is the true revolution and it can't take long before all that really starts to happen.

One example. In a global world one great way of learning about other cultures is learning their language. For learning a language one best ways of improving and getting further from the start is to talk with a native person. It's actually amazing how there seems to be no educational apps designed for this purpose. How easy would it be if you had some kind of chatting AI for doing that? Add speech recognition and some code it to chat with you and correct your mistakes. We have chatting apps, we have speech recognition apps and even apps designed to teach a language. Despite all that we don't have a hands free app for doing all that in one package. Doing something like that and doing it well would definitely revolutionize the learning experience. This kind of app could be used for math, history, or pretty much anything.

That's definitely a huge market.



"For learning a language one best ways of improving and getting further from the start is to talk with a native person."

This is already happening in a digital way -- but not with AI, which is too far-fetched.

There are language-learning services whereas you use Skype to have interactive, customized long-distance lessons with native speakers (e.g. I at least know one such service for Spanish delivered from Mexico).



It's true. There is already services like that and those will be superior to AI solutions. However there would be a market for a cheaper service you could use at any time and without additional cost. An app like that wouldn't need to be able to talk about everything possible but there could be some topics it could be limited to. Maybe the technology is not yet there and the biggest problem might be making the speech recognition to understand broken language the beginners speak. Something like that wouldn't replace a real teacher but why not since the technologies are mostly already there.

Wayne Borean

Heh. I've been working on learning Latin using Rosetta. Felis dormit is about as far as I've got (the cat is sleeping).


"For learning a language one best ways of improving and getting further from the start is to talk with a native person."

Actually, pen-pals as a way to practice language skills have a long history and have been used by high schools in many countries. Using skype is a natural extension of that.

An even better way is used by children everywhere, without them realizing it. The second best way to learn a new language, after living there, is watching TV in that language (the third is reading).

Due to broadband connections, children can watch their favorite anime and soap shows. So I hear about children binge watching subtitled Korean and Japanese shows. After 400 episodes of an Anime series, you start to recognize words, even if you do not even try.

If you are skeptical, English language TV is the reason Danish and Dutch children are orders of magnitude better in Englush than German children.


....and microsoft will miss it all. You just got to love it!

All you microsoft astroturfers repeat over and over in the shower: NO ONE WANTS WINDOWS ON A PHONE!


"The current system is probably not perfect."

It is far from perfect. But all methods will have to make students spend time on using language.

If you want to estimate how much time, read this:

The word brain


"That was not really my point about the future of this particular area."

Oh, that is rather straightforward: Using automatic speech recognition to evaluate student pronunciation to give them real time feedback when the teacher is not available.


"That was not really my point about the future of this particular area."

I am unable to post the associate link, but can find this yourself:

Automatic Speech Recognition for second language learning: How and why it actually works
Ambra Neri, Catia Cucchiarini, and Wilhelmus Strik
15th ICPhS Barcelona, 2003


"What's missing is the business and the actual apps for doing that."

Eh, you were talking "about the future of this particular area."

The future is what is not current. If you look back, you will see that current day automated service was yesterdays research project.

But here is an example:

Rebecca Hincks


In that case your remark was rather pointless, don't you think?

The mere fact that you point it out seems to imply that the current non-existence of these apps has any meaning on the future.


Here is what the consultants are saying about windows phone. An entertaining read too but the same dead end for crappy WP! LoL!

microsoft astroturfers remember during the holidays that: NO ONE WANTS WINDOWS ON A PHONE!!!! ..LoL!!!

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi Winter

Sorry about that with our little troll. I deleted all his/her comments in this thread.

Lullz. Behave yourself. I gave you more latitude in the thread about smartphones but here stick to the topic and behave nicely. People who come to read this blog article are not our little club of regulars who argue endlessly about smartphones. So I will be more strict here.

Tomi Ahonen :-)



I do not mind if you also remove my comments responding to Lullz.

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi Winter

Done :-)

Oh. PS - I left the ones about education, I think they were very good and add value to the discussion plus nice link, thanks

Tomi :-)


Windows spying gets worse:

Only a buffoon would want to put this insecure spyware crap on a phone! is trending towards irrelevance and will never be a big part of the mobile world. Today they are just an abusive monopoly generally ignored by everyone using mobility.

Hey microsoft astroturfers hold hands in a circle and yell out: NO ONE WANTS WINDOWS ON A PHONE!!!!


Latest Windows phone news ...the piece of crap WP is tightening its circle of the drain. Just love it! Tic, toc, tic, toc to the eventual flush as our moronic astroturfers would say while waiting for moore's law. Too funny. Look at all the articles speading the word that WP is crap!

Hey all you microsoft astroturfers, when shopping tell everyone: NO ONE WANTS WINDOWS ON A PHONE!


Tomi's blog, Tomi's rules. If you don't like them, go elsewhere or start your own blog. I hear dominies-communicate are desperately looking for talented writers.

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