So whats up with our Alan? Our Alan Moore is the CEO of SMLXL of Cambridge and co-author of my fourth book Communities Dominate Brands, the signature book of this blog and author of several other books (not to be confused with the cartoon book author of the same name).
Alan used to write immensely about the CDB book related topics on this blog years ago but then with his new books and projects Alan's interests moved a bit past 'just tech and social media' if you will, and while I remained here to talk ever more about mobile haha, Alan has moved on. He still writes for us occasionally and I speak with Alan frequently. But what is he up to now?
If you've read his latest book No Straight Lines (brilliant book by the way) then you know already. But for most of our visitors here at the CDB blog, what is up with 'the other guy of the blog' haha... As I mentioned a few of my recent speeches and links to slides yesterday, I happened to chat with Alan today and I asked Alan to give me a few of his latest links. I picked a few for you, not necessariy his very latest but I think these are the best to show where Alan is now, in terms of his thinking. And I urge all of our readers here to go see Alan and his material. Lets first do a keynote:
This is Alan Moore doing the keynote to PINC (People Inspiration Nature Creativity) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands about a year ago. Alan talks about the main themes of No Straight Lines in typical very human and touching ways, about nature, about culture, about society and how society and businesses and organizations have to change to survive. And Alan talks about the need for beauty. I'd say this is one of the best presentations you'll see anywhere and am sure you'll enjoy it (note, with the intro, Alan's part starts at 01;39)
Now a bit closer to home, our readers are into mobile and digital and tech and big data. Now, do you think Mr Advertising Creative guru Alan Moore can handle techie nerdy big data mobile digital complex topics? Ha, his second book was about data analytics! Its Social Media Marketing, deep data analysis of big data etc (co-authored with Ajit Jaokar, Jouko Ahvenainen and Brian Jenkins). So do you want Alan to help 'us' here in 'mobile' get to understand 'our industry' and where is this mobile, big data gamification etc world going? Check out his slides presented at the Blackberry VIP event and you see why Alan and I are so close still to this day. This is a must-see slide set:
So yeah, his slideshare of a presentation on big data, mobile etc. Must-see and fabulous. If you've seen my keynotes, this set could be part 2 of my slides, isn't it so? (which we sometimes do, to our paid customers by the way, haha and always in that sequence. I set the ground work and then Alan shows the real impact with his part 2 like this). Except that I'm not that smart. I can only do my part, it takes our Alan to take it to that level next. If you can, go see Alan live anywhere or hire him to your company strategy now haha... (and note, that slide set has had over 95,000 viewings already.. obviously many appreciate his thinking).
Finally, a treat for Alan's fans. I had to include this. If you want to hear a wonderful interview of Alan by BBC4's Peter Day, about the book No Straight Lines, this is absolutely fab. Enjoy!