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May 15, 2014


Warren Wilson

Congratulations, Tomi! That's quite an accomplishment. Now if the Anaheim Ducks get into the Stanley Cup final will you be travelling to see Teemu? 😊

Tomi T Ahonen

Cheers. Guess what. Teemu (and Jari Kurri) both signed my 3rd book 3G Marketing !!!!!!!!!!!! (plus I have a world championship tournament Teemu game-played hockey stick...)

I just might burn a coupla FF miles to get there :-)

Tomi Ahonen :-)


now we wait for baron95 to tell you that your life actually sucks. :)
anyway, congratulations, good job.

Timo M.

Grats Tomi. Looking forward to the "regulars" beginning to dispute your numbers in *this* blog.


congrats Tomi ....keep publishing the truth over the non-sense from the Microsoft shills and astroturfers. You really do annoy them! ...and please continue to point out that NO ONE WANTS A WINDOWS PHONE! :-)

Robert Atkins

"...and please continue to point out that NO ONE WANTS A WINDOWS PHONE! :-)"

baron99, please check your facts. Windows phones are selling by the DOZENS! And I've finally seen one in the wild. The owner is pissed however, that her phone(given to her...) is stuck on Win 7.5, and she can't upgrade. But what the hell, I'm sure she will go for a new Lumia - someday - when hell freezes over.

p.s. Tomi, your Twitter posts overwhelm my feed sometimes; could you hold it down to maybe a DOZEN or so posts?
Congratulations on 100. It's more than most of us will ever do.


Congratulations Tomi. You are a steady pillar in the mobile reporting, especially when strong astoturfing winds from Redmond are blowing.

For what its worth, here is another mobile takeover I noticed. Android surpassing WinXP on statscounter in April:

Even Win8 has a slightly negative trend, mobile is going strong and representing the new, while Microsoft is representing the old.

Interested to know

Congrats. I was happiest when travelling a lot and I didn't see nearly as much as you have.


Will you be taking a Nigerian Taxi Experience to celebrate?


Hi Robert ...I thought I saw a windows phone in the wild the other day too. ...but is was April Fools day. Clearly, it is only useful as a joke because we all know that NO ONE WANTS A WINDOWS PHONE! LoL!


@Tomi: Congrats, nice 'milestone'! Is Budapest on the list? If not, please, give it a try - we also have F1 event here in July... :-)

David Doherty

Find it hard to believe you've never been here but we need to work out how to make Ireland (Home from home for many of the biggest mobile brands eg. Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Tripadvisor, etc) as I'm sure it would be the perfect 101st country for you.

I'll be meeting some of the organisers for the Summit ( that takes place 4-6 November and I think you'd make a great addition to that program so I'll see if I can convince them and let you know.


I should have posted this here for news:

Some new marketplace perspective on the next iteration of crappy Microsoft products. They have a new CEO but the same stupid monopolist arrogance. This company is truly lost.

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi everybody!

Thanks for the wonderful comments. Yeah I love my life. Budapest? Been there done that. Dublin. Been there done that. Whoelse was in the list...

I returned from Nigeria, have some great tidbits of the mobile industry from an Africa perspective I'll be writing about. And Gartner seems to be taking their time to give us their count of the smartphone market in Q1, the moment the data is out, I'll do my Q1 blog.


Tomi Ahonen, the Happy Wanderer/Digital Gypsy :-)


More news to annoy the Microsoft astroturfers (BTW it is an excellent read):

Let's see who defends Microsoft LOL!


@Tomi: "Budapest? Been there done that"

Nice people, beautiful city and wonderful girls - come back! It is different every day! :-)

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  • Available for Consulting & Speaking
    Tomi Ahonen is a bestselling author whose twelve books on mobile have already been referenced in over 100 books by his peers. Rated the most influential expert in mobile by Forbes in December 2011, Tomi speaks regularly at conferences doing about 20 public speakerships annually. With over 250 public speaking engagements, Tomi been seen by a cumulative audience of over 100,000 people on all six inhabited continents. The former Nokia executive has run a consulting practise on digital convergence, interactive media, engagement marketing, high tech and next generation mobile. Tomi is currently based out of Helsinki but supports Fortune 500 sized companies across the globe. His reference client list includes Axiata, Bank of America, BBC, BNP Paribas, China Mobile, Emap, Ericsson, Google, Hewlett-Packard, HSBC, IBM, Intel, LG, MTS, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Ogilvy, Orange, RIM, Sanomamedia, Telenor, TeliaSonera, Three, Tigo, Vodafone, etc. To see his full bio and his books, visit Tomi Ahonen lectures at Oxford University's short courses on next generation mobile and digital convergence. Follow him on Twitter as @tomiahonen. Tomi also has a Facebook and Linked In page under his own name. He is available for consulting, speaking engagements and as expert witness, please write to tomi (at) tomiahonen (dot) com

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  • Tomi Ahonen Almanac 2009
    A comprehensive statistical review of the total mobile industry, in 171 pages, has 70 tables and charts, and fits on your smartphone to carry in your pocket every day.

Alan's Third Book: No Straight Lines

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