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March 06, 2013



Yesterday's National Geographic Photo of the Day - Kyrgyz nomads in Afghanistan - vividly illustrates the second section ("Actual Phones - 5.2 billion in use") in the post. The caption under the picture tells us that although there is no cell service on the plateau, Kyrgyz herders use their mobiles to take photos and listen to music, keeping the mobiles charged using solar powered car batteries.


Samsung drop WP tablet in black hole:

EU slap microsoft US$ 731 million


I am wondering. What will be the next "function" to migrate to mobile phones?

We already saw landlines, browsing, camera's and music players move to mobile. Social media and banking is almost completely over to mobile.



How about Medical?

I know there were a Blood test equipment that will send the result via BlueTooth to Smartphone. There's also a health band that monitor your heart beat and send it to smartphone.


Two upcoming device of nokia could be launched in 2013


"Never has any technology been this widely spread. We are hitting the limits of electricity..."

Fire? Textiles?


"How about Medical?"

I was more thinking along the lines of newspapers, magazines, books, radio, TV, DVD?


"Fire? Textiles?"

Fire is pre-human. Clothing itself too. But textiles (eg, cotton) and safety matches could qualify. Iron and steel, and knives would qualify too.


Off topic, but fyi, BlackBerry Z10 pre-order for preferred carrier in Malaysia sold out in 3 days. All 10,000 units. Lumia returned back to local distributor by the carrier due to lack of demand. If only elop had gone either the N9, imagine where Nokia could have been a year ago.


Now write your sms or email without pressing button or touch the screen. Simply write in wind.




@Brendan: The wheel? :)


This year will be for best mobile. Samsung launching new Fablet. That's great. Nokia bringing nice windows phone also.


Mobile applications today is very trending, different apps has unique functionality.


People are starting to come up with estimates of 2 million Android activations per day.

I think this is somewhat premature. I would estimate that point to be reached next month. But it is close.


And the countdown for 1 billion android activations has been set in. Expect this point to be reached this summer. Maybe even early this summer.


Microsoft lowering prices


Never mind! Microsoft is going to kill Windows anyway.

"Microsoft plans to give up all the usual desktop to its new operating system, Windows Blue. ... This is necessary not only to bring the interface to a single concept, but for ease of reading the OS end users."

Windows 9 / Blue removes the classical desktop altogether.


Interesging article about Samsung's attitude towards Windows Phone 8:

It seems to confirm what I suspected all along: Samsung never took this as a serious option. They just went along in case it became successful - and of course to do some sabotage if needed.

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    Tomi Ahonen is a bestselling author whose twelve books on mobile have already been referenced in over 100 books by his peers. Rated the most influential expert in mobile by Forbes in December 2011, Tomi speaks regularly at conferences doing about 20 public speakerships annually. With over 250 public speaking engagements, Tomi been seen by a cumulative audience of over 100,000 people on all six inhabited continents. The former Nokia executive has run a consulting practise on digital convergence, interactive media, engagement marketing, high tech and next generation mobile. Tomi is currently based out of Helsinki but supports Fortune 500 sized companies across the globe. His reference client list includes Axiata, Bank of America, BBC, BNP Paribas, China Mobile, Emap, Ericsson, Google, Hewlett-Packard, HSBC, IBM, Intel, LG, MTS, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Ogilvy, Orange, RIM, Sanomamedia, Telenor, TeliaSonera, Three, Tigo, Vodafone, etc. To see his full bio and his books, visit Tomi Ahonen lectures at Oxford University's short courses on next generation mobile and digital convergence. Follow him on Twitter as @tomiahonen. Tomi also has a Facebook and Linked In page under his own name. He is available for consulting, speaking engagements and as expert witness, please write to tomi (at) tomiahonen (dot) com

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