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October 16, 2012


Steve Crowley

One reason for the low uptake is that many cellphone users in the U.S are on rate plans that charge for incoming SMS messages. Would I like to get messages from my candidate? Yes. Do I want to pay 20 cents for each one? No.



You make a very valid point!

I'm surprised that SMS cost associated also on receiving an SMS (something unique in US), it has been forget by Tomi.

The SMS US case, it shows once again ... new technologies means nothing, if the price is not "right".

SMS price are dictated by telecoms, and in US, clearly (maybe due CDMA not supporting GSM SMS), they don't care of SMS

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi Steve and elm

Yeah, good point but that is not a barrier, it is merely a factor to count into the equation. Some of the more fanatical supporters will not mind. Many have data plans where its not an issue. But yes for some, and for those, the campaigns need to provide incentives. Tell them you'll give them bumper stickers worth the incoming message costs or something. Plus give a huge contest that totally obliterates that worry, like one winner gets 2 seats to the inaugration. This is elementary stuff..


Tomi Ahonen :-)


The cost of SMS is less of an issue. The carriers here really push the unlimited talk and text, even though they are metering data (except for Sprint and T-Mobile, the two weakest carriers). I'm not so surprised that the Romney campaign isn't using SMS, since that campaign doesn't have the targeted strategy worked out the way that Obama in 2008 and even Bush in 2004 had down to a science. However, I am surprised that, 4 years on, I'm still getting e-mails from the Obama campaign but never got a text apart from the one I got announcing Joe Biden as his VP. Lots of people signed up for that, so they have a big database.

It could be the spam concern, though. E-mail spam is easily filtered and has no direct cost to the recipient. Some recipients of SMS spam will pay $0.20 so carriers tend to discourage mass SMS lest they have hordes of angry customers.


I think another issue is that for all the talk about Super PACs, the Internet, and technology, the election seems to be turning on old fashioned debates. Romney clawed back to a tie on a strong debate performance, and Obama responded with a strong performance today, which sets us up for another raucous debate next Monday and likely a photo finish in 3 weeks.

John Waclawsky

Romney won two in a row. Obama was the same just more aggressive. Most people I spoke to saw the same intellectual Obama just two different attitudes and this time forcing in talking points to pander to his base.



I would very much like to buy Tomi Ahonen's Phone Book 2012

But this link posted on his site to buy it won't work

Is there another link where I can buy it?

V-pills kullanıcı yorumları

The one & only reason for the low uptake is that many cellphone users in the U.S are on rate plans that charge for incoming SMS messages. Would I like to get messages from my candidate!

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