This entry again has nothing to do with mobile, tech, media or social networking. But on Friday the joke that President Obama ran in his speech around the theme of 'Romnesia' ie Romney+Amnesia suddenly caught fire, there were thousands and thousands of great tweets around the theme and the topic 'trended' on Twitter for much of the day. I went in, and tossed my creativity around making jokes on the theme of Romnesia. I ended up making 74 Tweets on that hashtag, some bombed totally, but some were still listed among top Tweets a day later. Here is the full list.
I am posting here in full view the 30 most popular Tweets, in increasing order of popularity (ie increasing 'funniness') and after the link, the less popular further 44 if you didn't get enough. Here the most popular Romnesia jokes I created on Friday, starting with the top 10. In rankings, the tie-breaker is first, those that got any actual responses, then number of those that were retweeted, finally those that were favorited. The numbers are in order of total reactions = retweets, favorties (+ possibly responses). If you like political humor, enjoy:
THE MOST POPULAR TOP 10 OF MY ROMNESIA JOKES (that got 10 responses or more)
If your affluent parents bankrolled your Harvard education and gave loans to you, and you think you're a self-made man, its #Romnesia
10 = 9, 3
If you look at Romney's foreign policy advisers, and don't notice they are same team from George W Bush, you may have caught #Romnesia
10 = 10, 0
If you claim coal miners standing behind you support you, while they were ordered there that day without pay, you've got #Romnesia
11 = 7, 3 +1 response
If you said Stimulus plan can't create jobs, but wrote letters asking for the money to create jobs, you have the Ryan Strain of #Romnesia
12 = 11, 1
When you run the biggest negative ad campaign ever seen in primaries, then accuse your national election rival of negative ads? #Romnesia
12 = 11. 1
If you say the budget deficit is a huge problem, then propose a budget with a huge deficit, you have #Romnesia
12 = 9, 1, +2 response
If you said 47% on welfare are not able to take responsibility for themselves, and forget your dad was on welfare - you may have #Romnesia
13 = 10, 3
If you admit the President inherited this economic mess, but then accuse him of deficits created before him, thats #Romnesia
13 = 12, 1
If you released 22 years of tax returns to McCain to try for VP job, but think US voters only deserve 2 years now for President? #Romnesia
15 = 13, 2
I went to the doctor fearing I have #Romnesia. He said, tell two lies and call me in the morning
17 = 14, 3
you overpaid your 2011 taxes knowing you can later reclaim it back when nobody
is watching, you will be having Retroactive #Romnesia
5 = 2, 3
you invite a Hollywood legend to talk to a chair in prime time, then you cut
his part out of your video, you are inflicted with #Romnesia
5 = 4, 1
primitive tribal method out of Boston to try to cure #Romnesia was to use an Etch-a-Sketch
= 4, 1
you claim you balanced your budgets 4 years in a row as Governor, but actually
left the state with massive deficit? You have #Romnesia
5 = 5, 0
If you think your policies are not the same as those of George W Bush, but you use same advisors, and can't name any differences?#Romnesia
5 = 5, 0
stage of #Romnesia, you don't remember.
Chronic stage is when you flip positions. Terminal stage when you return to
original positions
= 5, 0
you feel compelled to give military $2T they didn't ask, and millionaires
another $1T, but feel the urge to kill Big Bird, its #Romnesia
6 = 4, 2
you discover over $100 million dollars in your off-shore personal IRA account,
and can't explain how it got there? You have #Romnesia
6 = 4, 2
you brag about how great things were when you were Governor of a state, and
forget that you left with dismal approval rating? #Romnesia
= 5, 1
you say you spent your whole life in the private sector, but were a governor, a
missionary, an Olympics organizer, you may have#Romnesia
6 = 5, 1
you believe five trillion plus two trillion plus one trillion equals zero, you
probably have the Budget Strain of #Romnesia
6 = 5, 1
you want to keep tax breaks for profitable oil companies, but kill the funding
for non-profit PBS & Big Bird, you have #Romnesia
6 = 5, 1
you promised to close Guantanamo, and we see 4 years later its still there, Mr
President, you too may have caught #Romnesia
6 = 6, 0
you 'forget' to include your foreign tax haven income on your 'released tax
return' you may suffer from a rare case of Offshore #Romnesia
7 = 5, 2
you said $374,000 was not much money, and forgot its 7x that of median
household income.. you may have Millionaire Strain of #Romnesia
7 = 6, 1
you created Romneycare, gave it as model for Obamacare, said you will repeal
Obamacare, now want to keep parts? You have Double #Romnesia
7 = 6, 1
you say you never raised taxes as Governor, but actually raised government fees
1,000 times, that is probably #Romnesia
7 = 5, 1, +1 response
you listen to Governor Romney, and you believe he is consistent and sincere,
you too may have caught #Romnesia
8 = 8, 0
you are caught saying 47% are moochers, and you set up a press conference to
say you meant it, then you say you didn't, its #Romnesia
8 = 6, 0 +2 responses
If you think solution to housing is tax cuts, and to education is tax cuts, and to healthcare is tax cuts and to Iran is tax cuts? #Romnesia
10 = 6, 4
NOTE TO POLITICAL TYPES - this blog usually deals with technology matters such as mobile phones and social media. So you probably don't want to try reading most of what I blog about. But recently two blogs might be of interest to you - one is my blog about how to use cellphones & SMS text messaging reminders to drive up voter turnout this year; and another is my 'conspiracy theory' about why Obama 'bombed' in the Convention Speech and the First Debate this year. If you like some mental stimulation of 'what if' - that blog about Obama playing the Billiards Hall Pool Hustler Gambit may be interesting.
44 MORE ROMNESIA JOKES - I really enjoyed Romnesia Friday and was laughing myself silly with all the tweets, and am happy that some of mine were also seen as funny. For those who really didn't get enough, if you want to see the less popular jokes that I made, here are the other 44 tweets after the break
- - - - - - - BREAK - - - - - - - - - -
So yeah, the first top 30 jokes were in increasing order of how funny they are. Here to spare you the worst, I will post the remaining 44 jokes in lessening order of how funny they are, so we start with those Romnesia Tweets that got 4 responess, and then on down to those that utterly bombed and got zero
8 NEARLY GOOD (4 liked these)
If you said that anyone who pays more taxes than are due is unfit to be president, and then you overpay your taxes? You sure have #Romnesia
4 = 4, 0
If you say America doesn't need more teachers, and then you say you want more teachers, that is probably #Romnesia
4 = 4, 0
If you promise tax cuts for the rich, then say you never said it, but name as VP: man whose budget cuts them - you may have DOUBLE #Romnesia
4 = 4, 0
If you said you don't line up with the NRA, and then say you have been a lifelong member of the NRA, you have #Romnesia
4 = 4, 0
If you organize your whole Convention around 'you didn't build that', but told the US Olympians, that they didn't do it alone, its #Romnesia
4 = 4, 0
If you start to retroactively change your residence, and retroactively change your job status, and retroactively your taxes, it #Romnesia
4 = 3, 1
If you give your most important political speech of your life, and forget to mention the soldiers fighting in Afghanistan? Thats #Romnesia
4 = 3, 1
If you are able to look at US economy 4 years ago when 700,000 jobs lost monthly, and can't see economy better now as jobs added?#Romnesia
4 = 3, 1
7 OK JOKES (3 liked these)
If you are born son of millionaire former governor car industry tycoon, and you think you'd be better off born in Mexico, thats #Romnesia
3 = 3, 0
If you can't really tell the difference between humans and businesses, and start to call corporations people, its an early sign of #Romnesia
3 = 3, 0
If you think your business background helps you create jobs, but your state was ranked 47th in job creation? You probably have #Romnesia
3 = 3, 0
If your definition of integrity lasts only for 60 minutes at a time, you have advanced #Romnesia
3 = 3, 0
If you look at Obama's presidency with economy improving, and see Jimmy Carter's presidency with economy tanking, you may have#Romnesia
3 = 3, 0
If you think that having your 5 sons 'serve' on your campaign is the same as serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, that is truly #Romnesia
3 = 2, 1
If your company pioneered tax benefits out of outsourcing, and you say you never heard of such tax breaks, thats a clear sign of#Romnesia
3 = 2, 1
12 MILDLY FUNNY (2 liked these)
If you have a sudden urge to build elevators for your cars, thats not #Romnesia its a more rare disorder: A Romneority Complex
2 = 0, 0 +2 responses
If you were pro-choice as was your mother, then you were against abortions, and now you are pro-choice again, you have DOUBLE #Romnesia
2 = 2, 0
If you see imaginary people when you look at chairs, and start talking to them, you probably caught the Hollywood Strain of #Romnesia
2 =2, 0
If you say timelines are bad for ending wars, but you have a timeline to end Afghanistan in 2014 - you may have #Romnesia
2 = 2, 0
If you say you own a gun, and it turns out that its the gun owned by your son Josh, you may have #Romnesia
2 = 2, 0
If you are asked 'do you believe in equal pay for women' and all you can think of is binders, you have #Romnesia
2 = 2, 0
If you were for a path to citizenship, then said you're against it, and now say you support it, you may have DOUBLE #Romnesia
2 = 2, 0
If you first think your wife has a Cadillac, then think she actually drives a couple of Cadillacs... you might suffer from #Romnesia
2 = 2, 0
If you call government bailouts a problem, and forget you asked for government bailout for the Olympics you 'saved' - you may have #Romnesia
2 = 2, 0
If you say its fair that as you make $20M per year your tax rate is 13%, and then you would sign the budget that cuts it to 1%? #Romnesia
2 = 1, 1
If 4 minutes have passed, and your brain tells you its only been 3 minutes, thats an early symptom of the Ryan Strain of #Romnesia
2 = 1, 1
When you joined war protests about Vietnam in favor of the war, but then went to France to avoid the war, thats #Romnesia
2 = 1, 1
11 VERY PECULIAR TASTE IN JOKES (only 1 liked these)
If you forget that pine trees in MA are the same as in MI, and start to look for trees of the correct height you might suffer from #Romnesia
1 = 1, 0
If you demand 10 years of tax returns from your VP candidates, then feel Americans only need 2 from you, you probably have #Romnesia
1 = 1, 0
If you claim your offshore tax haven's aren't there to avoid paying taxes, and forget your own company Bain promotes them as such? #Romnesia
1 = 1, 0
If you said in public that 'we will be greeted as liberators' and now you think you can help Romney win, you do have #Romnesia Mr Cheney
1 = 1, 0
If your concept of your own time extends all the way to 'retroactively' - its a clear symptom of #Romnesia
1 = 1, 0
If you fly to the Olympics and then forget which day your Dressage horse is competing, you may have #Romnesia
1 = 0, 1
One of beneficial side-effects of #Romnesia is, that when you lose your Presidential election, your mind will tell you that you actually won
1 = 1, 0
If you said you knew where the weapons of mass destruction were, and you have the gall to call this president inept, you too have #Romnesia
1 = 1, 0
If the only reason you have for not hiring illegals is 'because I'm running for President, for Pete's sake' - you have caught #Romnesia
1 = 1, 0
The origins of #Romnesia trace to a trip to Iraq by Cheney Wolfowitz & Rumsfeld, who were infected by Comical Ali the Iraq Minister of Truth
1 = 1, 0
If you can look back at bullying a long-haired classmate of yours in high school, as just having some fun, you have #Romnesia
1 = 1, 0
6 TOTAL BOMBS (nobody liked these)
If you invest your money in several off-shore tax havens, but do that 'not to save taxes' - you definitely have severe case of #Romnesia
0 = 0, 0
If you believe you struggled as a young couple, when your husband had a trust fund? You probably caught #Romnesia from Mitt
0 = 0, 0
If you've written laws to prohibit all forms of abortion, and now say you won't end them, you have the Ryan strain of #Romnesia
0 = 0, 0
If you tell TV interview that your husband will release no more tax returns because there is damaging information, you don't have #Romnesia
0 = 0, 0
If you promise your rich doners tax cuts, then promise your corporate friends tax cuts, and now promise middle class tax cuts, its #Romnesia
0 = 0 , 0
Temporary orange face discoloring is a rare symptom of the Latina-Pandera strain of #Romnesia
0 = 0, 0
I love that "you don't have #Romnesia" one.
Posted by: Millard Filmore | October 23, 2012 at 08:07 PM
Hello,I love reading through your blog, I wanted to leave a little comment to support you and wish you a good continuation. Wishing you the best of luck for all your blogging efforts.
Posted by: tourismprotection | November 16, 2012 at 06:55 AM
Right article...
Posted by: V-pills Siparişi Ver | December 19, 2012 at 09:28 AM
Romney + Amnesia = Romnesia :)
Posted by: saç ekimi | July 04, 2017 at 10:14 AM
Thank you very much for the informative article.
Posted by: şeker hastalığı | May 25, 2018 at 10:42 PM
thank you very much.
Posted by: sinemay | June 13, 2018 at 01:59 PM
thank you my friend..
Posted by: üroloji | September 07, 2018 at 09:04 AM
Posted by: afyon oto çekici | September 08, 2018 at 09:55 AM