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January 17, 2012


Dave Birch

You are much too kind, Tomi, but thanks. Look forward to another great ForumOxford this year.


"Now imagine a near future when all of those data points get collected via a single point, our mobile phone. And our consumption behavior can be combined with our communication behavior."

Is this good?

This is more or less what Google is doing now when you take an Android phone.

Are "you" happy that there is no more privacy, and one or some companies know everything about you and you have even no idea which information is sent to them?

Peter Holland

It was indeed a great presentation Dave.

The video presentation from the conference will be available very soon on ForumOxford (

Follow @ForumOxford on Twitter for notification of the video publication date.


What does this mean for telcos? I mean Thai have been trying to edge in as well. If telcos are service providers but all the yelcos offer the same qos then what differentiates them? For a long time Telecom have been offering us a phone Id. They want to offer us id and payment in the future but isn't that the future of big content providers ?

What is your vision of local telcos?


My comment is based on the other commentors. The concept of privacy in terms of consumption has been a shell for years. Retailers know more about you than you could ever imagine. I could order a standard mailing list, ask for a certain state, or a specific demographic, and get 10,000 names within a month's freshness. I would think using a mobile device would be hundreds of times more secure, since YOU are the one that controls the information on the device.

Telcos are a business concern first, and a utility service second. All local telcos get their services via the main telcos. For instance, I get landline service through Telenet Worldwide, who gets their access from AT&T. Telenet negotiates with AT&T for all services that are provided locally. AT&T have been billing for non-phone services like mobile purchases quite a while. They are already in place for providing wallet transactions, which means the local telcos can negotiate for providing these services as well.


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Great post!

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