So onto the various cool mobile services I've seen and heard about. Here is one. This one I learned about at the M-Learning Conference in San Diego in June. A couple of UK museums got together with 100 local schools, and deployed a school-kids' museum-visit enhancing experiment, with mobile phones.
They did just about all the logical 'Communities Dominate' types of things, so they asked kids to rate works of art, to take pictures of their favorites, to comment and blog about them, etc. The UK schools knew that most kids will have cameraphones already, but for those who did not own one, the museums provided loaner phones. And obviously they designed various missions and projects for the kids, kinds of treasure hunts and of course lots more information about the various works of art.
Do you think kids prefer this, to a static old-fashioned passive museum visit experience? They loved it. Loved it so much, that the average museum visit lasted 4.5x longer! Can you imagine how powerful this is for education, if you can get kids to voluntarily spend four times more time learning about the object of the visit? A normal visit lasted on average 20 minutes, these kids using the My Art Space mobile museum experience, stayed on average 90 minutes in the museum - plus had tons more lively discussion about the visit afterwards in their school work. Gotta love mobile, eh? M-Learning is a great move currently, and by the way, am reading a book by my friend Gary Woodill, entitled The Mobile Learning Edge - is excellent so far, will give more of a review here and on Amazon once I have finished it.
I hope you will keep updating your content constantly as you have one dedicated reader here.
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Posted by: backpack | March 10, 2011 at 07:39 AM
Could you post a citation for the study that showed the 4.5 fold increase in exhibition holding power? (Or just put me in touch with someone who might know how to track down the study?)
Posted by: MMatcuk | September 06, 2011 at 08:24 PM
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