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« Palm revitalized? HP buys the troubled smartphone maker | Main | Motorola crashes and burns, now falls from 6th to 8th biggest phone maker - behind RIM and Apple »

April 29, 2010


Tom Ross

Tomi, on Apple:

Combined iPhone and iPod Touch shipments were well over 45 Million according to Steve Jobs' on stage statements, with 30 million units crossed early in the year 2009, and 75 million by January 2010:

"30 million iPhones sold — now that’s a game platform"

"UPDATED: Over 75 Million! Could Apple’s iPhone/iPod touch Platform be Nearing 70 Million? TiPb Calculates!"

Mac shipments were 11.2 million, or broken down by quarters: 2.2—2.6—3.1—3.4 million.

In total, I would put Apple at no less than 55 million in 2009 sales, and possibly up to 60 million.

Pavel Gertman

Tomi, It seems that you've copypasted totals number from 2008 data: 67.8 + 60.2 + 51.2 + 39.6 + 38.5 + 35.6 + 28.4 + 25.1 + 139 = 485.4

New Technology

Nokia is still the biggest computer maker but HP has slightly closed the gap. Apple has made a big move up into a clear 3rd place. For anyone wanting to reference these numbers, the source is TomiAhonen Consulting April 2010, feel free to use the numbers and feel free to link to this blog.


Nice information here!
I also think you'll really be crucified of including smartphone as computer hehhe!

anyway, I guess "All other makers" includes sony ericson, motorola, blackberry... they started making phones and I dont know if now they are making computer "real computer" LOL!


Good numbers, though it would be useful to see the original data (as a Google spreadsheet?) so people can check working. Also: Apple's world computer shipments are available through their financials - they say each quarter how many Macs, iPods, and iPhones they have shipped (though breaking out the iPod Touch = iOS device from plain iPods might be tricky).

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