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March 30, 2010


Michael Scharf

Tomi: I agree with your analysis. I predict the iPad will impact two products only:
1. Netbooks/Smartbooks - This will be where the iPad and similar devices have the most impact. These devices were purchased as second computers and media consumption devices.
2. Desktops versus Notebooks - It's POSSIBLE that iPads and other tablets will slightly change the mix. More people may buy desktop computers as their primary device and then a tablet/pad as their travel/meeting device.


Spot on analysis, in my view.
Little cannibalization into established device categories.
Good chance to take the lead in the "tablet" category, whose potential size is unknown but, as all new categories, anyway needs time to built up (user acceptance & lower price points).

Alexander Gödde

When a friend who hadn't read any of the countless blog posts on the announcement of the iPad asked me to summarize what I thought, the one-sentence summary was: 'It is a computer for old people.'
It is not a machine to do serious work on (no multitasking for now, no keyboard, no mouse/pointer even when using the keyboard dock, no user-accessible filesystem), or generally be very productive with. While many people see it as a perfect PDF reader, the resolution is somewhat low for a lot of documents.
It is there to consume media, browse the web, and write the occasional text message or mail. It can lie about unobtrusively, does not need to be recharged to often with light use, is instant on. It is perfect for a living room where no computer is wanted, but occasionally needed.
As such it will undoubtedly see some adoption, and I think your Christmas scenario is a very likely one. In the long term it does announce a new class of devices, the 'lying around where you may need it' computer. But those will only become ubiquitous once the price goes down - a lot. Think $ 100 impulse buy, not $ 499 and up.
At the moment the fact that polls in the US about whether people are going to buy an iPad have such high rates of affirmative answers tells us more about how skewed the samples for the polls must have been and how susceptible to hype US Americans generally are than about any real world-wide market.

Romain Criton

Hi Tomi,
Great analysis, couldn't agree more with you ! It's good to read a balanced view on the iPad in this pre-launch media craze.
One more thing about your comment "Europe won't be buying at similar levels as USA": another reason for this is the hefty rumored price of the iPad in Europe.
Rumor has it that it will start at 549 euros...
At current euro/dollar rates, it would be almost 50% more than the US price !!

Richard Law

Here's a diagram that helps in the iPad purchase decision making process:

Refurbished Computers

It is there to consume media, browse the web, and write the occasional text message or mail. It can lie about unobtrusively, does not need to be recharged to often with light use, is instant on. It is perfect for a living room where no computer is wanted, but occasionally needed.

Jonas Feiring

7,2 million by september 30th.
How many will the christmas season add?


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The ipad does give eBook readers a run for their money, but then again, when you take an ebook reader with you on your travels, you don't have to worry about having an internet connect to read what's on the device. The iPad can read books without connecting also, but you may get distracted by all it's other options. Which could be good, or bad. . .

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