Its my great pleasure to announce a new book. This is the 2010 Edition of the TomiAhonen Almanac, where every chapter has been thoroughly revised and updated. The page count is up from 171 pages to 180 pages and the count of tables and charts is up from 71 to 84. It is pretty much everything and every fact and stat you could hope for in a document of this size. The eBook style Almanac is formated for the small screens of smartphones so you can carry it with you everywhere.
I will come back with more details about the Almanac, but for now let me just summarize that it covers the following areas: Size of Mobile Indusry; Customers; Handsets and Smartphones; Mobile Messaging including SMS and MMS; Mobile Internet; 7th Mass Medium; Music on Mobile; TV and Video; Gaming; Social Networking; Other services incl News, Jokes, Adult, App Stores etc; Mobile Advertising; Voice calls; Enterprise services; Network Infrastructure; Digital Divide; and a Historical Timeline.
There is tabular data further on the TomiAhonen Index of Mobile Leadership for the 30 most advanced countries; major comparative data on 60 major mobile countries; the 25 countries with largest subscriber counts and 25 with highest penetration rates per capita; plus 25 countries with highest rate of 3G migration. Plus the 20 biggest mobile operator Groups.
The Almanac is intended as a comprehensive review of the total mobile industry from networks to handsets to apps and services. But into its 180 pages and 84 charts and tables, it crams a lot of info. For example take subscriptions. We all know the world has 4.6 Billion mobile phone subscribers. But we also know that some of us carry 2 phones, and some have even 3 accounts (or more). Could be that has a Blackberry from work, an iPhone for personal use, and a laptop with a 3G data dongle connection. Three mobile accounts on one person.. My Almanac gives these kinds of breakdowns. So the TomiAhonen Almanac says that of the 4.6 billion mobile subscriptions on the planet, 3.4 billion are unique owners of a moblie phone account and 1.2 Billion are 'duplicate' accounts. But it goes into more detail. It breaks down by how many are second accounts (1 Billion) and how many are 'third or more' accounts ie 200 million. Thus we know that out of 3.4 illion people, 29% already have at least 2 accounts or more. And 5% of those who own a mobile phone have 3 accounts or more, globally.
But the Almanac really goes far beyond that. It will then give a regional breakdown of total mobile accounts and the share of multiple accounts, by region - ie Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, Latin America, Advanced Asia-Pacific, Developing Asia, Africa, and Middle East (8 Regions in total). The Almanac has an age-based breakdown of unique mobile phone subscribers. Then in the Digital Divide chapter the Almanac splits subscribers across the Industrialized World (133% penetration rate) and the Emerging World (56% penetration rate). There is a table of the 60 largest mobile markets (countries) which further show the total number of subscriptions, the penetration rate and the number of unique mobile phone owners for each of the 60 countries. This is the kind of detail that the Almanac is famous for.
For the 2010 edition I have added even more information. I now separate also the number of telematics and data subscriptions out of the total number and out of the unique phone owners. I also give the number of phone accounts that are shared (like in poor parts of Africa some families have just one mobile phone account that is shared among the family members). I also show the proportion of the total customer base that is on prepaid and on postpaid billing plans, across the Digital Divide. This kind of detail to the global mobile subscriber base is almost impossible to find in any resources that cost less than 1,000 dollars...
(Ok, I will return with some more stats and examples shortly. Gotta post this now)
I love it when something gets an immediate response. I was still surprised that within minutes of announcing the Almanac there were many who were already buzzing about it on Twitter etc.
Helen 'Technokitten' Keegan at Musings of a Mobile Marketer was very sweet who wrote about the Almanac 2010 that it is "a veritable smorgasbord of stats, information, graphs, charts, facts, figures and insights into world of mobile". Thank You Helen!
James Cameron of Camerjam listed it as 'Essential Reading' and said in his announcing blog story that its by the 'always inspiring and excellent Tomi Ahonen'. Thank you James !
I will be collecting opinions of the new Almanac and posting major reviews at the book ordering website (which still shows opinions of the 2009 edition but I will soon update that page too)
The whole document is available for immediate download, has been released today, and costs only 9.99 Euros. The only place you can order it (it is not available at major booksellers like Amazon) is my company website at
That page currently still shows the 2009 edition (I will be updating the page soon and it will eventually have sample pages from the 2010 edition, currently it shows sample stats and pages from the older 2009 edition).
And if you have a colleague who prefers to read books in Spanish, the 2009 Edition of the Almanac was translated into Spanish and now available as the Almanaque de Tomi Ahonen at this link
That translated edition is the only one of my books in Spanish and this new 2010 edition will not be translated into Spanish. So for my Spanish-speaking fans and friends, that is the only one of my books or eBooks currently that is available in Spanish.
But yes, the 2010 Almanac is now released, just in time for the Mobile World Congress In Barcelona. Take a look at the 2009 edition and the endorsements etc there to see what to expect for the longer better and totally updated 2010 edition of the Almanac. Check it out at Tomi Ahonen Almanac
this is awesome Tomi. a yearly almanac would be great...
Posted by: C. Enrique Ortiz | February 10, 2010 at 02:19 PM
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Posted by: Denizli Avukat | February 11, 2010 at 10:17 AM
Great information, and ordered you Almanac, but your inbox at [email protected] is full and bouncing back emails!
Posted by: David | February 26, 2010 at 07:56 PM
Hi CEO, Denzili and David
Thank you for comments. CEO, haha, I will try...
David - I'm sorry about that. The inbox is open again and I have already sent you your Almanac. Thank you for informing me.
Tomi Ahonen :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | February 27, 2010 at 01:39 AM
This Almanach seems very interesting! Did you list your sources in the document?
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