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« So Nokia is world's biggest computer maker in 2008 | Main | First review at Amazon of my sixth book, is very positive »

December 28, 2008


Tomas - University Place, WA

I defy anyone to do the graphic arts I can easily do on a desktop or laptop on a screen the size of a postage stamp.

(BTW, my laptop does have nationwide wireless access from the same company that provides the same service to my cellphone.)

Other than that (screen size), the comparisons are probably quite valid.

Smartphones may indeed replace larger computers for many uses, but some uses require input and display at a larger scale than can be put in a pocket at this time (unless you have amazing pockets)...

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi Tomas

Good points, and I very often have that very same discussion, what is the role of the "small screen" of the mobile phone when compared with that of a laptop or desktop computer.

So, let me first agree with you. I use a laptop right now to chat with you, even though I also have two good smartphones, and both have (free) wireless connectivity so I need not sit here at my desk with my laptop. Why use the laptop? Because it is more comfortable to do longer periods of work, when we have a good size screen and solid real keyboard, not just the tiny ones on the best of smartphones..

So yes, there are special "semi-professional" needs where a PC based computer will "forever" be superior and preferred for "work" and serious play. Yes, I agree with you. I would not think of doing any image editing on a smartphone even though they have some rudimentary image editing software on them. I'd far rather do that on my laptop.

Now, lets take first the two thirds of the connected world which is not like you and me, Tomas. The developing world part of the globe, where they don't have laptops or desktops, but do have mid and high end phones, and do most of their surfing on phones. For them, there is no practical choice. Even a low cost notebook computer is simply too expensive. Beyond the reach of normal people. But they do have their phones, and they make do with it.

Imagine if your PC was totally broken, it was a long weekend with no PC repair available, and you had to complete some task? In an emergency, you'd proabably be willing to attempt some quick-fix type jobs even on the smartphone, if that was the only tool you had available.

But then, one more twist to the story. You focused on the screen size. Fine. What about projector screens? We are now just starting to see the first phones with projector screens coming to the market place. It will take a few years, but they will become common features of high-end phones (like smartphones). If the screen size is your measure, I think this solves it, as these small phone-based projectors do make bigger screen sizes than the 13 inch display on my laptop right now...

And then there is TV-out. My N82 has TV-out, as did my previous N93 (and the iPhone 3G has TV-out). That means that we can hook the smartphone directly to our TV and use our giant plasma screen for our monitor if we want.

Doesn't that now change the picture?

But I agree with you, there will be a major market for the "real" PC and for serious use, professional use (journalists, photographers, video professionals etc) and for the serious semi-pro amateurs, yes they will be using real tools like a laptop into the fore-seeable future. But our smartphone? It can replace regular PC use and it is increasingly doing so..

Thanks for writing

Tomi Ahonen :-)

Marble Host

To stay even more true to the original format, Poladroid only allows you to make 10 photos at a time — the same number of frames in a pack of Polaroid film

Tomi T Ahonen

Hi Marble Host

Very good point. Yes, actually all early film-based cameras were very restricted in the format. You had to decide how many pictures you might shoot, 12 or 24 or 36 pictures, and most people would not want to develop a film that had been only partially used, so then old films might sit partially exposed in a camera for a year or two etc. Very inconvenient. On a digital camera or cameraphone, we can consume images one at a time..

Thanks. Very good point

Tomi Ahonen :-)

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It sounds great that the biggest, is no longer Dell or HP, it is now Nokia, purely by the volume of how many smartphones it sells.

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I think same is with the smartphone era, many desktops and laptops have some of those features now.

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If the screen size is your measure, I think this solves it, as these small phone-based projectors do make bigger screen sizes than the 13 inch display on my laptop right now.

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I think that's true nokia is the biggest computer maker and all the big brands are left behind and also we cannot even compare these smart phone with bigger systems and the features that smart phones had now laptops and desktops have!

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do most of their surfing on phones. For them, there is no practical choice. Even a low cost notebook computer is simply too expensive. Beyond the reach of normal people. But they do have their phones, and they make do with it.

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phone with projector is very good idea. I am eager to see it. This will completely revolutionary innovation. You do not have to give close look to your tiny mobile screen. Also resolution of the screen is also one better thing. Hope it's cost is not much and it comes in affordable price.

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I am agree with this blog, in my opinion the Nokia computer is really amazing i saw on of them on the internet and i would like to get one because the smartphones catch my attention

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Well Nokia has diversified it's field of manufacturing in phones only, they try to be number 1 in every field and technology related with phones.

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This means we now can output directly to the internet, such as our pictures to Flickr, our blogs and Twitters and Qiks etc.

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As trend is of smart phones and people are shifting from laptops to smart phones. This is right that Nokia is now biggest computer maker when these phones are concerned.

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its time for yet another instance of mobile phones taking surprising victories in the digital convergence battle

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I only thought that Nokia is biggest company in Cell Phones but now they are leading manufacturers in Computer as well.

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Well they are indeed really good ones and amazing too, I would say that Nokia wants to be one of the largest and most leading manufacturers.

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You have selected a very good topic to speak on. The comparison b/w smart phones and older somputer is very distinctive and indeed we all know the difference very well.

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from laptops to smart phones. This is right that Nokia is now biggest computer maker when these phones are concerned.

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I think Nokia really deserves this. Nokia is really concentrating more on mobile phones rather than other kinds of product in the market.

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