I wanted to take this moment to celebrate the launch of my sixth book, Mobile as 7th of the Mass Media (subtilted Cellphone, Cameraphone, iPhone, Smartphone). The book appeared on Amazon UK and Amazon USA this week and had its first ranking at the UK site already (debuting at 59,000 ranking and number 36 in telecoms books and 78 in advertising books). Remember that you can always buy it direct from the publisher (probably also the fastest way to get the book still now in November 2008) who ship worldwide at http://mobile7th.futuretext.com/
The book has incredibly warm first reviews, ranging from Chip Hawkins (we all know him as the founder of Electronic Arts and he now is chairman of Digital Chocolate) to Vodafone's Strategy Director Daniel Appelquist calling it my best book yet. Digital tech guru and fellow author Paul Golding has written the first book review (I can't believe how fast these are coming in these days, when my first book came out, it took literally six months for the first review to be published) and I can only say, thank you Paul, you are incredible.
But the big news is that I have launched a blog about the book at www.7thMassMedia.com and welcome all of our readers to sample the blog and those who have an active interest in how mobile is used as a mass media channel (including of course mobile advertising, mobile marketing and engagement marketing on mobile). The blog will also track the feedback for the book.
As to our loyal readers here at CDB - do not worry. I am not going to desert you ha-ha.. I love the CDB community and especially waking up and starting my online day visiting the CDB blog and discovering a new blog by Alan. He is my inspiration and hero, and I only wish he had time to post every day...
And then there are our regular readership, who give us such a rich sounding board here in digital feedback, and a continuing dialogue on the comments sections. I will of course continue blogging here. But some readers must have felt over the past three years that at times Tomi's postings are "almost too much" about mobile. That is why the 7th Mass Media blog (and book). I will focus mobile-specifc blogs to only 7th MM, and advertising/marketing blogs only to CDB, but any convergence areas to both of course.
But check out the 7th MM blog and consider it for yourself. And yes, anyone reading this, if you would like to sample either my brand new book on Mobile being the 7th Mass Media, or if you have not yet read Communities Dominate Brands - then send me an email to tomi at tomiahonen dot com and request an excerpt of either (or both) books. The CDB excerpt is one chapter in length (plus book foreword from Coca Cola and one case study) while the 7th MM book excerpt runs 2 full chapters and the foreword and one case study. I'll be delighted to send you the samples from the books so you can safely test the books for free, before thinking of buying them. We believe in this method, that is why we practise what we preach at CDB (and 7thMM).
Great news about the book and the new blog...just one thing, there doesn't seem to be an RSS feed on the new blog?
Soon as one appears I'll be subscribing!
Posted by: Dan Thornton | November 20, 2008 at 01:39 PM
I've ordered my copy from Amazon USA... Can't wait to read it (5-8 days for shipping) ;-)
Posted by: C ENRIQUE ORTIZ | November 20, 2008 at 02:21 PM
ON MY BLOG: http://www.jonathanmacdonald.com/?p=2118
Posted by: jMac | November 20, 2008 at 07:27 PM
congrats. on my xmas list.
Posted by: Paul | November 25, 2008 at 09:46 PM
Hi Dan, CEO, jMac and Paul
Thank you so much. Yeah, I'm quite proud of this book, and very pleased by the warm early response to it.
Dan - the blogsite is not really a proper blog (yet) so the RSS feed is missing. I'll get it up eventually..
Tomi :-)
Posted by: Tomi T Ahonen | December 02, 2008 at 10:31 AM