As mobile is staking its place as the 7th mass media channel, we start to see analysis and comparisons and contrasts with the six legacy mass media (print, recordings, cinema, radio, TV and the internet). A fascinating survey has been released by M:Metrics which contrasts the influence of advertising on the internet vs ads on mobile in the UK. The power of the 7th Mass Media is very clear to see. According to the survey by M:Metrics,
For the purchase decision of a car, mobile ads were 41% more influential than internet ads.
For the purchase decision of a TV set, mobile ads were 54% more influential than internet ads.
For the purchase decision of a credit card, mobile ads were 38% more influential than internet ads.
For the selection of the preferred supermarket, mobile ads were 56% more influential than internet ads.
And for selecting a bank account, mobile ads were 42% more influential than internet ads.
There were no cases where internet ads would be more influential than mobile ads.
Is it about time for all advertisers and the whole advertising industry to learn about mobile as the 7th Mass Media Channel?