Its a bit of a no brainer really.
There are a few themes here that I want to touch on.
But this post relates to Blyk and where its recent results suggest where and how advertising money is going to be spent in the very near future.
And the reason is this. Blyk announces that there is a clear trend emerging from the 498 campaigns delivered on the blyk service during Sep 24, 2007 – Jan 24, 2008. These are:
Average response rate 29%
Average SMS response rate 41%
Average MMS response rate 22%
Really engaging communications consistently receive responses over 50%
So - firstly we see a disproportionate success rate when campaigns are Engaging but also an incredible mean average of 29%. Nick Fuller, Chair, DMA Mobile - 2nd November 2007 declared that
Response rates for cold [Mobile] campaigns are in the 3- 6% range while campaigns using client’s own customer data fare much better with response rates ranging between 1.3% and 20%
Also Blyk is able to deliver highly accurate customer profiles - this provides precise targeting for advertisers
and equally relevance ensured to members. So advertising migrates from mass media and Just in Case to: Timely, Relevant and Contextual Communications. It also means advertising can now play a different role where it has the potential to offer a different type of currency - information vs. interruption.
This means that companies can start to look at their markets as a series of interconnecting networks that interrelate with each other. The ability to deliver a much higher ROi is significantly enhanced. Which then leads us onto the idea of...
Recounting the audience
Brian Jacobs wrote in an SMLXL paper in 2004 What gets measured gets made Brian is currently working with SMLXL on a revised edition of that paper.
Whilst it is the case that in media planning the basic metrics of GRPs, reach and frequency will always be important indicators of performance, they are not the only data out there. It also does not follow that only measured media deliver results.There is a danger that the media measurement tail will start to wag the communications dog. But media audience numbers (although crucial as a trading currency) are not truth. In fact, they are not even (except in the case of TV and then only in some markets, such as the UK) a measure of exposure to the advertisement. They are an estimation of the likelihood of someone having been exposed to the ad.
Just because a medium (or combination of media) cannot easily be measured, or is not measured at all, it does not follow that said medium has no audience, or has no effect on consumers.
John Gertner, wrote in the New York Times
Change the way you count, for instance, and you can change where advertising dollars go.
And Amanda Lotz in her book the Television will be revolutionized wrote
Audience measurement is also increasingly important during periods of industrial change, and so it is particularly vital in forming an understanding of the emerging post-network era.
So with Blyk there is more accurate counting and measurement and feedback. There are dynamic and real-time results. And all campaigns are interactive. Last year I wrote BB & AB: Before Blyk and After Blyk Unique Intelligence = $$$ and Blyk has deep knowledge of its members. Also, Blyk works with Xtract the Social Marketing and Social Advertising Intelligence company, which is a pioneer in this new field of marketing and advertising. Their competency is used by leading mobile and Media companies and they are now getting real interest from broadcasters as well. Part of their offering is a self-learning capability. So the more information that is feed into their tools and products, the more intelligent their data refining becomes. Such capability combined with a service like Blyk's is nothing short of transformational.
Some people at this point will get all squeamish - but I argue people need brands and brands need people. The real skill in the early 21st Century is to help those people and those brands to find each other at a point when they need each other the most. That means that next year I won't be getting a 6 foot+ pile of junk mail which is completely irrelevant to me and my life, but information that is driven by commercial $$$ but also has a currency to me and that's the Killer App.
In a world where there are already 3 times as many phones as TV sets, hence we argue mobile is the 7th Mass Media and here Where certain companies can unpick 54 billion data points to develop social network maps that look like this
Where we can count every individual - and therefore recount the audience to a degree of accuracy never before thought possible which is called Social Marketing Intelligence And be able to understand the dynamics of that network, one must see that counting via CPM's or GRP's is as relevant as hand propelled spinning looms.
Understand that in the US 65% of all web traffic is peer-to-peer flows of communication and that mobile social networking is currently worth $7bn. On a global basis peer-to-peer flows of communication are up to 10 times greater than all other web traffic depending on the time of day. Welcome to the Wealth of Networks.
As Tomi asked Blyk what makes you tick? Well, now we know.
Onwards the Netherlands
Make your life time easier take the business loans and everything you need.
Posted by: Kenya21Mooney | April 03, 2010 at 02:54 AM
6 feet of junk mail or a 29% response rate? Blyk shows the way <-- That's exactly what I need to read!
Posted by: Truth about Abs | August 30, 2010 at 02:20 PM
I love this! Thanks for posting this great information.
All of my businesses now use registered email. It's already saved us grief.
No more wondering if our client got the email (and in an interesting twist,
we can now prove our efforts to cease and desist the email STALKER
who has bothered one of our employees for way too long!).
Thanks for the great tip!
Posted by: Impotence causes | October 01, 2010 at 01:32 AM
I love this! Thanks for posting this great information.
Posted by: Payday Loan | December 04, 2010 at 09:50 AM
All of my businesses now use registered email. It's already saved us grief.
Posted by: Extenze | December 23, 2010 at 07:59 AM
Hm it's interesting the MMS response rate is lower. I would definitely expected otherwise. This is why it is important to do research.
Posted by: Zox Pro | December 30, 2010 at 09:03 PM
Interesting post. Would love to read more.
Posted by: seo company | January 05, 2011 at 12:55 PM
thanks for sharing this story with us,
Posted by: wedding accessories montreal | January 20, 2011 at 11:47 PM
I believe peer to peer is only going to grow even more, if it is worth $7bn today you can expect it to double in a few years.
Posted by: best wow leveling guide | March 27, 2011 at 02:18 PM
I definitely agree with this post on social marketing intelligence as it has revolutionised the internet in a big time. word of mouth advertising has always worked for many centuries and social networking is a form of viral/word of mouth advertising anyway which is why it has worked and will continue to work!!!
very indepth and valuable article on social advertising!
Posted by: Pioneer AVH-P3200BT | May 09, 2011 at 08:51 AM
I think this post provides a very good guideline about social marketing. Word of mouth marketing is a very good way of viral amrketing and this works very well.
Posted by: Viral Monopoly Review | August 03, 2011 at 05:49 PM
I don't think you will get anything out of junk mail now days. I don't really read junk email/mail. It might be a waste of time and money. I do agree word of mouth is the best.
Posted by: xvt3d554sv vs xvt553sv | August 03, 2011 at 10:46 PM
Well I certainly will support this logic to explore real skill in the early 21st Century is to help those people and those brands to find each other at a point when they need each other the most.
Posted by: Stop Foreclosure | August 04, 2011 at 10:29 PM
I believe peer to peer is only going to grow even more, if it is worth $7bn today you can expect it to double in a few years.
or maybe more
Posted by: Temporary health insurance | August 08, 2011 at 05:33 PM
WOW its a great article...I just cant digest all the facts.
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Posted by: Ps3 Reballing | September 03, 2011 at 04:00 AM
Good thing I wasn't using BLYK. My first email was yahoo followed by lycos.
Posted by: Mosel | September 09, 2011 at 08:04 AM
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Posted by: Leather Jacket | September 15, 2011 at 01:16 PM