We've seen this pattern in elections all around the world.
Now the last vestige - USA - is also learning to use the true power of SMS texting. That in the industrialized world email and the internet will not reach every voter, but SMS text messaging does reach every voter. And among the young and youthful, it is their preferred channel of communication !!
CNN just reported over the weekend that the Clinton campaign has been making massive improvements in its popularity among the Democratic primaries, from moving 5 points ahead in the first primary in Iowa, to jumping ahead of Obama's campaign in fund raising. And an interesting detail was mentioned - in the previous quarter the Clinton campaign sent only one SMS per month to their registered fans, now they send several per week.
YES, that is a powerful key to this election, as has been in all recent elections such as we saw from Finland to France. So quick reminders: SMS texting is the only messaging tool that every economically viable person on the planet uses (2 billion active users of SMS, is nearly twice as many as use the internet). 3 billion mobile phone subscribers can be reached via SMS (although not all are obviously active users, so not all will respond to you).
SMS is much faster than email - anyone who wishes a reply to an email, expects it within 24 hours; but anyone who expects a reply to an SMS, expects it within 30 minutes. SMS text messaging is already preferred over voice calls in many countries as first reported in the UK and Ireland.
And SMS messaging is the best way to deliver urgent communications in the corporate/enterprise environment. The Singapore government has for example decreed that all government e-gov initiatives have to be SMS-enabled. Renew your passport, or register to vote? all done by SMS...
The most used data application on the planet. And now the Clinton campaign has started to use it in earnest. Expect her engagement with her voters to become ever more intense. Several other Democratic players also use SMS in their campaigning. The Republicans better wise up real fast or this is a totally lost cause for your election in 2008.
PS - if anyone wants to understand the most used data application better, send an email to me and I'll send you my latest 2 page Thought Piece: Understanding SMS Text Messaging. Its free of course. Send the request to tomi at tomiahonen dot com
as the campaign manager for a local candidate, i use adheadz.com as my text message, email and voice broadcast provider
Posted by: steve campbel | October 10, 2007 at 03:48 PM
Well I tried to get two Republican presidential candidates to apply and use software program which I am using for mobile learning. But no response from any candidate marketing gurus.
I have been working for 3 months on this solution application as its AWSOME BETTER THAN SMS for candidate mobile platform.
Software that allows you to publish polling, images, videos, audio, podcasting, flash, quizzes and tests, checklists etc. for candidate marketing campaign.
Maybe someone out there in mobile land would be interested in learning more.
Regards Lawrence
Posted by: DR Lawrence Wasserman | October 18, 2007 at 04:09 AM
Well I tried to get two Republican presidential candidates to apply and use software program which I am using for mobile learning. But no response from any candidate marketing gurus.
I have been working for 3 months on this solution application as its AWSOME BETTER THAN SMS for candidate mobile platform.
Software that allows you to publish polling, images, videos, audio, podcasting, flash, quizzes and tests, checklists etc. for candidate marketing campaign.
Maybe someone out there in mobile land would be interested in learning more.
Regards Lawrence
Posted by: DR Lawrence Wasserman | October 18, 2007 at 04:10 AM
Lawrence I am sure we would, perhaps you would like to enlighten the readers of our blog?
Thanks for posting
Posted by: Alan moore | October 18, 2007 at 08:16 AM
I think hilary clinton would be a good president way better than that stupid bush!
Posted by: hi | March 06, 2008 at 12:42 AM