If its October, it must be time for Communities Dominate blog to host the Carnival of the Mobilists. Last year Oct 2 we hosted Carnival 47, now its Oct 1 and we host Carnival 93. Seems like we're becoming an annual institution ha-ha..
Lets move to the best blogs this week around topics of mobile telecoms. Blyk launched to much fanfare promising free voice and texts to callers who received ads. Simultaneously MySpace also launched an ad-based mobile service on the same day. Bernardo Carvalho at the Rawsocket blog shows that these are quite different animals. And as our entry this week I'm adding Alan Moore's blog about Blyk, which may be of particular interest as Alan has been working very closely with the Blyk team developing their concepts.
Another item hot from the news, is the citizen unrest in Myanmar/Burma. David Cushman at the Faster Future blog discusses the role of mobile in this, the latest iteration of smart mobbing.
One of the topics a lot of interest to mobilists is mobile TV. Vodafone's Kevin Smith does a good comparison of expectations and reality in his blog for the Vodafone Beta Vine.
A topic very close to the hearts of Alan and me is education and digital convergence. Mark van 't Hooft at Ubiquitous Thoughts gives us some thought on learning with mobile.
Ajit Jaokar at Open Gardens discusses recent Tony Fish thoughts around Digital Footprints in his blog about trust with some G-phone and web 3.0 tossed in as well.
For those who enjoy the Asia vs Europe contrasts and comparisons, Wireless Watch Japan's Daniel Scuka was at Mobile Monday in Helsinki and gives his Japanese viewpoints to mostly European presentations. Fascinating.
The mobilists have a long-running debate around web vs local, and C Enrique Ortiz adds his thoughts to a recent blog by Tom Hume discussing the user experience in texting vs web at the About Mobility blog.
We share with many the growing doubts that location-based services will never become a big mass market success, but Dennis at Wap Review has written a user review of Sprint's new location-based mapping service and gives some hope to the mapping/location concepts.
In this, the post-iPhone Era, one cannot imagine a Carnival without at least one entry about Apple's iconic phone. So this edition we feature Mike White of the Life According to Mike White blog where he gives some sobering thoughts about the coming UK launch of the iPhone by the operator O2.
And we want to end on some humour. Brian Alexander at Smart Mobs discovered this gem of a piece of satire entitled Scroogled, originally at Radar Online about Google turning evil and joining Homeland Security etc..
We hope you enjoyed this quick romp around the current world of whats happening in mobile telecoms. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming about social networks, digital communities, user-generated content and engagement marketing here at the Communities Dominate Blog.
Next week's Carnival is hosted by Vero Pepperrell over at Taptu blog. See you there !!
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