I posted Talking about communities and identity yesterday.
In Modernizarion, Cultural Change and Democracy. Ronald Ingelhart and Christian Welzel explore my observations in greater depth.
The third important consequence of socioeconomic development is the fact that it increases occupational specialisation and social complexity, diversifying human interactions. Growing diversity of human interactions liberates people: it frees them from asciptive communal ties and closed social circles, bringing them to interact with others on a bargaining basis.
Diversification of human interaction frees people from prefixed social roles and social ties making them autonomous in defining their social roles and in shaping their social ties to other people
We have moved from communities of neccessity, to elective communities. Where we commune with those that ean the most to us, at certain points in the day, based upon need, passion or desire.
The industrial Age of modernization brings the Secuarlization of authority, whereas the postindustrial stage brings emancipation from authorityCommunities Dominate Politics and Communities Dominate Politics - 2 Psychological self-determination, becomes a force that questions authority. Soshana Zubhoff on psychological self-determination
Well what does that mean? The shift from companies managing efficiencies to managing experiences.
Post-industrial modernization brings a fundamental shift in economic strategies, from maximizing material standards of living to maximizing well-being through life style changes. The "quality of experience" replaces the quantity of commodoties, as the prime criterion for making a good living
In this post industrial world we have migrated from physical production, to knowledge production. Human efforts are no longer focussed on the material, but with communicating with other people, and processing information. So we have migrated from the wealth of nations to the wealth of networks. where one can get richness and reach, on your terms.
Human progress keeps in step with technological progress. Its just that some don't want to see it that way.
And that is another reason why we must move from interruptive marketing to engagement marketing.
Great recap, I can’t even believe you were able to write that.I got so much anxiety just watching that and I thought I was the only one who had unnatural rage/hate for Kelly, glad I’m not the only one, as I was getting concerned. These women show that you can age without maturing.
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