After cleaning up the spam - does these guys ever sleep?
I went and had a trawl of whats on offer for 2007
I am came across a post on the Huffington Post looking at whats in store for the ol' USofA
2007 will be the year that brings a new wave of influence, power, money and idealism to the new world that will define the media and politics of the post-Bush area.
I think I feel a hallejuah coming on
and in more detail
2007 will see a wave of motion pictures with enlightened themes, marketing resources redirected to organized audience centers of the internet and progressive radio, and the growing impact of activist stars such as George Clooney.2007 will see stunning and breathtaking money raised for progressive candidates through the internet and a substantial increase or political advertising money going to internet sites that reach mass volumes of voters and potential donors.
2007 will see a dramatic transformation of cable television news as first guests, and then shows, and finally networks reflect the growing audience and political clout of the forces that won the 2006 election.
2007 will see a battle of ideas first among the Democratic candidates, that will drive, expedite and enhance every trend and forecast that is discussed here.
2007 will see a rising tide of influence and success for Arianna and Huffington Post and for a whole tier of high quality political blogs, independent news sites, activist chat rooms and issue-based organizing power.
2007 will see gigantic tides of change for great issues and causes such as global warming and greater support for television, radio, candidates, companies, advertisers and investors who support them.
2007 will see an inspiring, exciting, uplifting and mobilizing debate about the future of an America that could enter a historic new era of national renewal and reform with the election of a Democratic President and a Democratic Congress in 2008 that would be reminscent of the eras of JFK and FDR.
2007 will see the emergence with even greater power of constituencies of women, with exciting new leaders throughout the national stage, of Hispanics, with rising leaders such as Bill Richardson and great waves of demographic change, of African Americans, with greater empowerment and political mobilization, and of young people, who will be energized by more uplifting ideas of the post-Bush era.
The negative and divisive tones of 2006 will yield to a new energy, a new excitement, a new optimism and dynamism that will rise throughout 2007. These forces and their power for change, good and common cause, will open a new chapter in American history that will further transform our politics, entertainment, media, news, culture and communications.
So in precis, 2007 will be a monumental year in truly reorganising the US. It is good to others that are so optimistic. What Brent Budowsky is describing is nothing short of a civil war fought without guns, it is a battle of ideas, of living in a world that should be more comfortable with itself, more open, less doctrine driven, challenging those that wish to impose 20thCentury values and policies at a time of change.
Rumsfeld was perhaps the first high profile casualty of that sea change
E 'mio grande piacere di visitare il vostro sito e per godervi il vostro ottimo post qui. Mi piace molto. Sento che hai pagato molta attenzione per quegli articoli, come tutti loro un senso e sono molto utili. Grazie mille per la condivisione. Posso essere ottimo lettore e ascoltatore, se siete alla ricerca stessa per tutti di essere buono. Apprezzate per il tuo tempo! Buon giorno!
Posted by: prada | November 17, 2011 at 08:00 AM
J'ai pensé qu'il allait y avoir une certaine message ennuyeux, mais c'est vraiment compensé pour mon temps. Je vais poster un lien vers cette page sur mon blog. Je suis sûr que mes visiteurs se trouve que c'est très utile.
Posted by: Lancel | November 17, 2011 at 08:46 AM
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Posted by: Woolirch | November 23, 2011 at 08:25 AM
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Posted by: グッチ | February 25, 2012 at 09:51 AM