Peugeot has been active in the space of mobile marketing since the launch of their 1007. Now with their latest car, the 207, they went all out and designed a big integrated engagement marketing campaign, where a key feature was SMS and a 24 hour free test drive. Their ad agency was Marvelous Mobile and the actual story is reported in the current edition of Mobile Marketing Magazine entitled Peugeot 207 - Using Mobile to Drive Test Drives. Read some of the results:
The results of the campaign were impressive. One in two people who interacted with the campaign ordered a test drive. One in five visited the WAP site, and one in eight ordered a brochure. The average dwell time on the WAP site was 20 pages. Interestingly, the conversion of a prospect from visiting the WAP site to downloading the JAVA brochure or booking a test drive was around 30% higher than for the Internet. Not surprisingly, Peugeot plans to use mobile as a key element in future launches.
Very interesting. This year, 2007, will be the breakthrough for marketing in mobile. Alan and I've been talking about the "Flower Diagramme" as on the cover of our book and its Four C's. We also discuss the mobile emerging as the newest mass media (the seventh mass media) and have discussed that many times at this blogsite. Keep your eyes on this story...