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December 28, 2006


Raimo van der Klein

Ok..Here we go!

* TV will change forever: mobile TV, interactive TV, amateur TV and P2P TV
* Hollywood needs to make distribution decisions..DVD vs IP
* Before june a company will be brought down to their knees by a community activity
* The Physical World Connection via 2D barcodes, location and RFID will start to enrich our lives.
* Mobile IM will become mainstream from second half 2007. Usage is dissappointing( I dare it)
* Location based services will become big(on the basis of cell-id not GPS): location aware communities, Geotagging,
* Vlogging will create new idols. Vlogging is nit for the masses(not everyone is entertaining)
* The gap between the connected(web2.0 ers) and the not connected start to become a political item.
* At the same time “the connected” start to use their power, creativity and skills to do good.. Think sustainability(
* Companies who take cocreation seriously will start to see their first positive results
* Advertising agencies are on the long term predicting financially difficult times
* YouTube’s growth starts to slowdown. The original fans start to spread out to new sites(the MySpace effect)
* Mobile internet does not grow as much as expected(that one is easy)
* Pressure on government starts to grow as they are the only entity which is not connected(no cocreation, dialogue)
* Online addiction becomes an social issue..People just need to be 24 hours a day online..
* Apple Iphone is delayed untill summer because of unstable software

alan moore

Dear Raimo,

Very interestinng, I like the poltical and social impacts of the networked world.

And in my mind that is going to become a significant issue.

Thanks for posting.

And happy new year


Raimo van der KLein

Hi Alan,

Happy new year to you too.. :-)

and for Tomi Onnelista Uuta Vuotta or something...





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    Tomi Ahonen is a bestselling author whose twelve books on mobile have already been referenced in over 100 books by his peers. Rated the most influential expert in mobile by Forbes in December 2011, Tomi speaks regularly at conferences doing about 20 public speakerships annually. With over 250 public speaking engagements, Tomi been seen by a cumulative audience of over 100,000 people on all six inhabited continents. The former Nokia executive has run a consulting practise on digital convergence, interactive media, engagement marketing, high tech and next generation mobile. Tomi is currently based out of Helsinki but supports Fortune 500 sized companies across the globe. His reference client list includes Axiata, Bank of America, BBC, BNP Paribas, China Mobile, Emap, Ericsson, Google, Hewlett-Packard, HSBC, IBM, Intel, LG, MTS, Nokia, NTT DoCoMo, Ogilvy, Orange, RIM, Sanomamedia, Telenor, TeliaSonera, Three, Tigo, Vodafone, etc. To see his full bio and his books, visit Tomi Ahonen lectures at Oxford University's short courses on next generation mobile and digital convergence. Follow him on Twitter as @tomiahonen. Tomi also has a Facebook and Linked In page under his own name. He is available for consulting, speaking engagements and as expert witness, please write to tomi (at) tomiahonen (dot) com

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