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December 24, 2006



Ofcom recently concluded that the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Five are all now all actively persuing strategies that recognise the opportunities and threats brought about by the migration to digital. But what exactly is planned in order to ensure that the BBC is fully equipped to meet the challenges of the digital multi-channel, multi-platform age?

It is fairly obvious that a flexible ‘digital’ PSB environment is required, either through the suggested PSP model or through another system, which may not be obvious until a refined marketplace evolves.

The move from analogue to digital, and consequently multichannel television, means it is no longer practical to expect commercial broadcasters to deliver significant PSB obligations. PSB provision from commercially-funded organisations is therefore under potential threat. The crux of which, suggests that it will not be realistic to expect commercial broadcasters to deliver significant PSB obligations due to their fragmenting audience base.

As the path towards a media convergent environment continues, the media and broadcasting marketplace will become even more complex. Arguably, there will be much economic ineffectiveness during this transitional period, before a more sophisticated and efficient structure is developed. And, again, arguably, in the future marketplace, It can be assumed that the key drivers within the broadcasting industry will comprise of content, distribution of content and measurement. What isn’t yet clear within the PSP proposition is how the driving technology and the innovation of new technological devices that facilitate the above key drivers, will continue to propel the broadcasting industry as well as ensuring diversification from other dwindling PSB providers outside of the BBC.

Outside of the BBC, should the remit of other UK PSB/PSP providers be to drive future technological innovations in order to ensure competition is maintained? Can the PSP model facilitate this?

Alan moore

Dear Luey,

Thanks for your thoughts. I wonder if we did not have the BBC, that we would still be in a technological broadcast media backwater?


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