She's the Blackberry-toting, Bush-baiting Queen of the Blogosphere who has made her two-year-old website the most potent force in American politics.
A well documented insight into the phenomonen of Arriana Huffington founder of the Huffington post
Arianna states
The argument that the old media will simply die off is becoming obsolete. Honestly, there is room for both of us. Both of us are here to stay
The article observes
The Post is now the fifth most popular site in the world. It shapes the debate of American politics and gives Arianna real power and prestige. This year she made Time magazine's list of the 100 most important people in the world, and next year she looks likely to climb the list.
You can just feel those die hard Republicans clenching their teeth. And we all know about the impact that our digital world is having on 20th Century Business models. But the seismic effects are social and cultural too...
Politics is changing, too. America's midterm elections were largely defined by the internet, blogging and YouTube. Just ask the Virginian Republican ex-Senator George Allen. He off-handedly called one Indian American political activist a macaca (a racist slur) - then found a video of the remark posted on YouTube and highlighted by blogs like the Post. It triggered the collapse of his campaign and the destruction of a political career many Republicans believed was headed to the White House.
whoops and Arriana believes
The power of the internet allows us to influence what is happening. We can advocate for change now. Everyone can. The internet has democratised power
So, collective intelligence + the power of many + nobody is as clever as everybody + the end of information fuedalism...
A new model of economic production, different from both markets and firms, in which the creative energy of large numbers of people is coordinated (usually) with the aid of the internet into large, meaningful projects, largely without traditional hierarchical organisation or financial compensation.argues Yale Law Professor Yochai Benkler
The real secret of the Post's success is not its star names but its army of citizen bloggers (including Arianna herself) who write freewheeling posts on a variety of subjects. They are men like Bob Cesca, a Philadelphia-based animator. 'We can write whatever we want. There's no real censorship. This is raw, unfiltered power,' Cesca says. Though there are conservative commentators, the tone is overwhelmingly liberal and it has already claimed some notable scalps. It was the Post that drove the Judy Miller scandal at the New York Times, panning her pre-Iraq war coverage of Saddam's non-existent weapons of mass destruction. As the Post began covering Miller's reporting, she was seen as a brave woman going to jail to defend her right to keep her sources secret. By the end of it, she was portrayed as a shill of the White House who had unquestioningly accepted the case for invading Iraq and acted as a spur for the war.
And lets not forget that OhMyNews the Korean digital news platform is considered the worlds most powerful domestic news site.
Success in an information rich world
The Post's power stems from the secret of all blogging's success: increasingly it is interpretation, not facts, that matters.
Indeed it does...
I was reading something else about this on another blog. Interesting. Your position on it is diametrically contradicted to what I read earlier. I am still contemplating over the opposite points of view, but I'm tipped heavily toward yours. And no matter, that's what is so great about modernized democracy and the marketplace of thoughts on-line.
Posted by: Replica watch | November 19, 2010 at 08:47 AM
thank u man
Posted by: صور مراد علم دار | November 22, 2010 at 12:18 AM
グランビルアイランドのゴールドフロアに韓国の民主主義人民共和国に北朝鮮最高人民会議の常任委員会はさらに、伝統的な朝鮮·中国友好と友好関係を強化し、さらなる対外経済関係の発展を拡大するために経済特区 "判決"を指定するグランビルアイランド(Granville Island)経済特区開発計画の承認、金床の決断を下した "と経済を開発するために外国投資を誘致するため、他のポートや産業分野で積極的になるようにこの機会を利用。
Posted by: ノースフェイス | February 17, 2012 at 05:52 AM
Posted by: グッチ | February 27, 2012 at 03:11 AM