Elephant's Dream is the world’s first open movie, made entirely with open source graphics software such as Blender, and with all production files freely available to use however you please, under a Creative Commons license
The short film was created by the Orange Open Movie Project studio in Amsterdam during 2005/2006, bringing together a diverse team of artists and developers from all over the world
This is how the project is explained...
Project Orange
‘Elephants Dream’ is the result of almost a year of work, a project initiated and coordinated by the Blender Foundation. Six people from the Blender user/development community were selected to come over to Amsterdam to work together on an animated short movie, utilizing Open Source tools only.
Below you can find the text describing the original motivation and background for Project Orange
With Blender originating as an in-house creation tool, the day-to-day feedback and interaction of both developing and using the software was one of its most outstanding features.
In the past 2.5 years of open source development, it was especially this uniqueness of Blender that has proven to be difficult to organize and maintain. The Blender Foundation itself has no intention to grow or expand into a company or studio; such a development would conflict with the public benefit goals. Instead, the Foundation aims at endorsing and supporting activities within (educational) institutes, universities and companies.
It is our conviction that establishing - content targeted - incidental, independent and temporal projects will be a strong boost for open source development strategies in general. Daily interaction of artists and developers can not only result in proof of concepts, but also in research of innovative solutions for the whole range of tools artists can deploy.
By keeping such projects content focused and temporal, it also is possible for a wide range of currently active volunteers to participate. Not many people are in a position to give up a career (study, job) to become full-time employed on the projects of their interest. But there are many active volunteers prepared and motivated to do this incidentally for shorter time spans.
Whilst Project Orange’s prime target is to create an outstanding movie short, the secondary goal is to research efficient ways to increase quality of Open Source projects in general.
The project has been a co-production of Montevideo and Blender Foundation, both sharing financial responsibility on equal basis. Both producers will decide and agree together on the Milestones A) Creative Concept and B) Final Project Plan.
CDB comment
Having read the blog which charts the development of the elephant's dream, one can see every aspect of what we write about in our book in full relief.
Commerce, Culture, Connectivity and Community, or as we call it the 4C's
To explore that a little deeper we witness a community of interest, becoming a community of production.
Collaboration, co-creation, blogs as information and communication, and a community emergent.
We see the marketing of the project being built on the notion that the more people talk about, use share and contribute their own versions of the elephant's dream, it will become more successful. This is all about embracing the new socio-economic model.
By better improving the dialogue, a more successful project will result.
There is transparency, and authenticity about the project.
And it illustrates the new set of emergent human values which are the result of living in a post-industrialised world, these are; creativity, self-expression, autonomy, and a rejection of traditional forms of authority, communities of necessity becoming elective affinities.
ースを参照して、9年間の義務教育のスポーツ芸術を開始するには、文部科学省は来年は(2 +1)、プライマリとセカンダリの学校の生徒が2スポーツのスキルと芸術的なスキルを習得すると述べた。
Posted by: ノースフェイス | February 16, 2012 at 09:50 AM
グランビルアイランドのゴールドフロアに韓国の民主主義人民共和国に北朝鮮最高人民会議の常任委員会はさらに、伝統的な朝鮮·中国友好と友好関係を強化し、さらなる対外経済関係の発展を拡大するために経済特区 "判決"を指定するグランビルアイランド(Granville Island)経済特区開発計画の承認、金床の決断を下した "と経済を開発するために外国投資を誘致するため、他のポートや産業分野で積極的になるようにこの機会を利用。
Posted by: ノースフェイス | February 17, 2012 at 02:51 AM
Posted by: グッチ | February 27, 2012 at 02:13 AM