Commercial success in the digital age will belong to those businesses that attract, engage and organise digital communities to meet multiple social and commercial needs. By creating strong digital communities, businesses will be able to build customer loyalty to a degree that todays marketers can only dream of.
Think of HMV and Mothercare. Would they struggle as much had they developed a community strategy which was embedded into all that they did?
Could they have beaten the big supermarkets and internet players by revising their bricks and mortor strategy?
Rosabeth Moss Kanter in her book Evolve says
One company’s loyal community of empowered users is another one's nemisis
Microsoft is swinging at Apple again with this new commercial featuring a white iphone 4 showing Avatar on a blu-ray disc and a jealous MacBook looking from the side.
Posted by: Henry Peise | December 24, 2010 at 08:40 AM
Posted by: ノースフェイス | February 17, 2012 at 02:48 AM
Posted by: グッチ | February 27, 2012 at 01:55 AM