The spread of “social media” across the internet—such as online discussion groups, e-mailing lists and blogs—has brought forth a new breed of brand assassin, who can materialise from nowhere and savage a firm's reputation. Often the assault is warranted; sometimes it is not. But accuracy is not necessarily the issue. One of the main reasons that executives find bloggers so very challenging is because, unlike other “stakeholders”, they rarely belong to well-organised groups. That makes them harder to identify, appease and control.
Interesting piece from the Economist Which looks at the upsides and the downsides for brands living in world of highly connected digital commuities.
Once again Krytponite is mentioned as well is Hacking NetFlix Two companies badly hurt by the actions of digital communities.
Kyrptonite is one of our case studies and in Commuunities Dominate Brands, we do look very closely at the whole issue of blogging and its implications.
Apple has delayed the white model of the iPhone 4 until spring of 2011, a release date that’s difficult to believe. When can i get my white iphone 4 then?
Posted by: Henry Peise | December 24, 2010 at 08:54 AM