Why indeed...
Britons' love of TV goes down the tube
The latest figures from the British Audience Research Board (BARB) show all five terrestrial channels have been hit hard - the victims, according to some experts, of unimaginative and formulaic television.The BARB figures show that in October the typical British TV viewer spent 25 hours, 47 minutes watching TV, while in October 2003, viewers watched for 26 hours, 41 minutes.
The two-year slump is the steepest recorded continuous fall since the current system of recording TV audiences began in 1981.
ITV, formerly Britain's favourite channel, is now being watched for 45 minutes less than in October 2003. BBC One has lost 36 minutes a week compared with 2003, BBC Two 39 minutes, Channel Four 19 minutes and Five 11 minutes. Terrestrial channels have lost a total of an hour and a quarter a week in just two years.
Even when the hugely increased viewing enjoyed by satellite, cable and Freeview is taken into account - up an hour and 35 minutes to seven hours and 54 minutes - overall viewing has dropped by 54 minutes.
Well our language and cultural reference points have changed
Kevin Kelly makes the case for
Peer to peer flows of communication
What we all failed to see was how much of this new world would be manufactured by users, not corporate interests. And as we like to say Communities Dominate Brands.
Linking unleashes involvement and interactivity at levels once thought unfashionable or impossible.
The electricity of participation nudges ordinary folks to invest huge hunks of energy and time into making free encyclopedias, creating public tutorials for changing a flat tire, or cataloging the votes in the Senate. More and more of the Web runs in this mode. One study found that only 40 percent of the Web is commercial. The rest runs on duty or passion.
The language of postmodern culture is one of:Flexibility - fluidity - portability - permeability - transparency - interactivity - immediacy - facilitation - engagement
In our book we talk about the 4C's; Commerce, Culture, Connectivity and Community. Without these interlocking components business and marketing models look pretty lame, or in this instance TV programmes.
We live in a super distributed media ecology, where we swap, scrape share, mash, mix. Upload and download. We co-create - we participate - we want to be engaged - And you don't come out of a computer game and put up with the sliced white bread that seems all to often to be the average broadcast experience these days.
And remember Prime time is no longer a time of day it is a state of mind.
We are curating our consumption like never before but that means we look for quality of experience. And our personal P&L account is based upon value.
The thinking at SMLXL is that government, businesses and their brands in the 21st Century have to give up control to gain control.
They have to become facilitators, enablers, life-simplifiers, co-creators, they have to inspire greater C2C interaction and in that way they will get the most precious thing from their customers is personal advocacy
Living in a postmodern world means that we have to leave our industrial mindset in the past.
For a while it suited us and delivered exponential value for many years. But our world has changed.
So its How clean is your house vs. World of Warcraft .... err I think I'll take the constantly modified World of Warcraft please with all its role-playing interactivity. Or hang out with my mates at myspace.com
"If Companies spent the 20th century managing efficiencies. They must spend the 21st century managing experiences."
Our means of production have changed and also our means of consumption.
Creativity now needs to sit at the very heart of what we create, what we make and how we deliver it.
We need hot media not cold media, relevant and interactive. But most of all give it some quality, please.
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Posted by: Juno Mindoes | December 24, 2010 at 03:55 AM