At my business website, I have announced the finalists for my Pearl of the Year award. The Pearl of the Year is the best new mobile service idea from around the world. This year three of the finalists have a significant community dimension to the service and may be of interest to those visiting this blogsite. The six finalists, in random order, are:
Handsfree bicycle kit by Orange Netherlands
Paid mobile blogging by Kwickee Guides UK
Remote exclusive cameras for 3G phones by the Big Brother House in Sweden
Welcoming exchange rates by Singtel Singapore
Insult comedy networked mobile game "The Dozens" by Keenan Ivory Wayan in USA
Location based allergy warnings by Vodafone Germany
Each of these six had been a Pearl of the Month at my website during last year - I keep tracking and publicising what I consider are the most innovative and interesting mobile service ideas that I find on my trips around the world. Every month I publish one Pearl of the Month at my website and you can scroll back to mid 2001 for older ones. There are many fascinating services discussed often for the first time ever, at my site. Many journalists and analysts like to use my Pearls as a source of examples of what kind of new services are being deployed.
Of course I will announce the Pearl of the Year also here at this blogsite at the end of the month.